Police harass parents because two neighbor kids were playing in each other's yards.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
In Calumet County Wisconsin, two children who are neighbors were playing in each other's yards. The police confront the parents. One of the parent's caught it on video. Calumet County, Wisconsin has had 13 cases of the Coronavirus and 0 deaths. In other words, .026 percent of the population has been infected and 0 percent have died. Every last aspect of those rural counties must be completely shutdown immediately.

In Calumet County Wisconsin, two children who are neighbors were playing in each other's yards. The police confront the parents. One of the parent's caught it on video. Calumet County, Wisconsin has had 13 cases of the Coronavirus and 0 deaths. In other words, .026 percent of the population has been infected and 0 percent have died. Every last aspect of those rural counties must be completely shutdown immediately.

Not sure what the uproar is all about. Dont they want to keep the death rate at 0?
WOW hey Barnie Fife high school drop out loser go fucking arrest a drug dealer do something useful I'm paying your damn salary.
Simply amazing.
I just a few weeks we have become a police state, dependent of government handouts, seeing food and product scarcity, trained an entire population to accept the nanny state and report " violations " of mandated social norms, destroying our own economy in the process...
The Chinese 100 year plan to replace America has fast tracked far beyond Xi's wildest dreams.
In Calumet County Wisconsin, two children who are neighbors were playing in each other's yards. The police confront the parents. One of the parent's caught it on video. Calumet County, Wisconsin has had 13 cases of the Coronavirus and 0 deaths. In other words, .026 percent of the population has been infected and 0 percent have died. Every last aspect of those rural counties must be completely shutdown immediately.

Try keeping kids from playing with others. Tossing a ball over the fence ILLEGAL NOW?

I am SO GLAD I escaped the Commie gulag of Cali before this hit.. In my neighborhood, kids about 4 ft high driving ATVs down the street. Riding bikes -- acting like kids.

And the FACT IS -- kids have a MINISCULE risk of death from the virus. If the parents have isolated their kids for 15 days per CDC guidance -- you SHOULD be able to tell the cops to go fuck themselves.. No matter what leftist busybody is turning them in...
In Calumet County Wisconsin, two children who are neighbors were playing in each other's yards. The police confront the parents. One of the parent's caught it on video. Calumet County, Wisconsin has had 13 cases of the Coronavirus and 0 deaths. In other words, .026 percent of the population has been infected and 0 percent have died. Every last aspect of those rural counties must be completely shutdown immediately.

Not sure what the uproar is all about. Dont they want to keep the death rate at 0?

There's a basic diff between big govt worshippers and the rest of us.. It's summed up in ONE word..


Leftists ABHOR it.. Try to destroy it anywhere risk pops up... Like guaranteed min income.. Having the govt pay for a Masters in puppetry... ABSOLUTELY ZERO pollutants in water or air --- EVEN THO the only place you find 100% clean water or air is in a laboratory.. And that's not even 100%...

So yeah -- there's risk here. Nobody EXPECTING ZERO deaths and should not be. And as I said above, the risk of kid under 18 dying from covid is about the same as being struck by lightning...
In Calumet County Wisconsin, two children who are neighbors were playing in each other's yards. The police confront the parents. One of the parent's caught it on video. Calumet County, Wisconsin has had 13 cases of the Coronavirus and 0 deaths. In other words, .026 percent of the population has been infected and 0 percent have died. Every last aspect of those rural counties must be completely shutdown immediately.
WELL, RP, you obviously just don't respect human life and want to endanger others with your lack of common sense dutiful compliance with surrendering all your rights over to a tyrannical mad power grab where police patrol your neighborhood to keep track how children play in their own backyards to hold down a non-existent virus affecting no one in your area where its killer properties totally miss 80% of those it infects who never even knew they were sick! Get with it man! :smoke:


I hope this lady SUES THE FUCKING ASS OFF whoever is behind this travesty.
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Politicians set the agenda. Police Officers take the heat.

The cops could have overlooked this. 2 kids playing outside? Kids are playing outside all over my neighborhood.
Can you imagine keeping little kids locked up in their home all day unable to even see their friends? Too young to be able to even begin to understand the situation? Screaming, crying? Can you imagine the effect on the family?

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