Police harass parents because two neighbor kids were playing in each other's yards.

There's a basic diff between big govt worshippers and the rest of us.. It's summed up in ONE word.. RISK Leftists ABHOR it.. Try to destroy it anywhere risk pops up... Like guaranteed min income.. Having the govt pay for a Masters in puppetry... ABSOLUTELY ZERO pollutants in water or air ---
Why Flacc! That is a pretty impressive and erudite piece of reasoning! And absolutely TRUE.
In Calumet County Wisconsin, two children who are neighbors were playing in each other's yards. The police confront the parents. One of the parent's caught it on video. Calumet County, Wisconsin has had 13 cases of the Coronavirus and 0 deaths. In other words, .026 percent of the population has been infected and 0 percent have died. Every last aspect of those rural counties must be completely shutdown immediately.

Not sure what the uproar is all about. Dont they want to keep the death rate at 0?

How can you not see this is as an overreaction? Is your love of the State so great that it clouds your issues with State Power?
In Calumet County Wisconsin, two children who are neighbors were playing in each other's yards. The police confront the parents. One of the parent's caught it on video. Calumet County, Wisconsin has had 13 cases of the Coronavirus and 0 deaths. In other words, .026 percent of the population has been infected and 0 percent have died. Every last aspect of those rural counties must be completely shutdown immediately.

Not sure what the uproar is all about. Dont they want to keep the death rate at 0?

Not sure what the uproar is all about. Dont they want to keep the death rate at 0?

Any action is okay....if it reduces the death rate?

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