Police in Portland Finally Do Their Job

Come on the white supremacist milita has things in hand.
They have had many other things to burn down. Those juicy high rises just waiting for the Towering Inferno experience. They have had a chance to start major conflagrations. And with the added bonus of the heat so intense that it would start other buildings close by to combust. Now that would be an attention grabber.
Blue state governors and mayors created this crisis. It doesnt have to be tolerated. Trump was right again. They need to be pounded into the ground.

I hope the people of these cities and states wake up by November. Personally, I'm sick of watching cities burn by these Marxists

Me too. Kinda hard to believe the kuckleheaded Governors and Mayors of those cities telling their police to stand down and watch as businesses are looted and burned.

None of them are Mensa members obviously.
I think they always thought Trump would bail them out and they would look like heroes, playing both sides. Leftists are scum

Even if Trump did bail them out, which he won't, they are the ones who let the city businesses be looted and burned. No putting that geni back in the bottle.
Come on the white supremacist milita has things in hand.
They have had many other things to burn down. Those juicy high rises just waiting for the Towering Inferno experience. They have had a chance to start major conflagrations. And with the added bonus of the heat so intense that it would start other buildings close by to combust. Now that would be an attention grabber.

Brought to you by Bully Billy Barr
See it over and over. These people are operating on the premise that there won't be pushback, as they've been led to believe there won't be through months of police inaction due to being handcuffed by their superiors.

When they are allowed to take it to them the 'protestors' fold like a cheap suit. It is amazingly puzzling to me, due to this obvious fact, why this has been allowed for this long. Gear the cops up, take it to them, drag their asses off to jail, hold them there, and prosecute them.
This is so satisfying. Against an enemy that really "doesn't exist"

Like I said, when the Locals had had enough, it would end. And those aren't peaceful Protesters. A Peaceful Protester doesn't chant "Burn the Precinct to the Ground". Plus, you should note, they aren't beating them, they are taking them down and zip tying them for transport.
Come on the white supremacist milita has things in hand.
They have had many other things to burn down. Those juicy high rises just waiting for the Towering Inferno experience. They have had a chance to start major conflagrations. And with the added bonus of the heat so intense that it would start other buildings close by to combust. Now that would be an attention grabber.

Brought to you by Bully Billy Barr

Yuppers, Rump and Bully Billy Barr should never have sent the brown shirts to kidnap ,er, temporarily detain citizens off the streets.
It is Rumored that the Democrat Leadership is telling their city mayors and state governors to kill the riots. They are bleeding suburban moms and voters like a cut artery and they are dying... There is total fear that they have destroyed themselves and the election with this tactic, even the house is now up for grabs and they are in panic mode.

With Biden's flip last week and now being for police this comes as no surprise... Biden is trying to move back to center... I think it is too late for them to try this, however... The rabid dog is still loose.
It is quite telling that they do not quell all the violence and attempted murder because it is the right thing to do.

They will only do it if it costs them votes if they don't.

Talk about morally bankrupt!
Come on the white supremacist milita has things in hand.
They have had many other things to burn down. Those juicy high rises just waiting for the Towering Inferno experience. They have had a chance to start major conflagrations. And with the added bonus of the heat so intense that it would start other buildings close by to combust. Now that would be an attention grabber.

Brought to you by Bully Billy Barr

Yuppers, Rump and Bully Billy Barr should never have sent the brown shirts to kidnap ,er, temporarily detain citizens off the streets.
Fuck you communist.
It is Rumored that the Democrat Leadership is telling their city mayors and state governors to kill the riots. They are bleeding suburban moms and voters like a cut artery and they are dying... There is total fear that they have destroyed themselves and the election with this tactic, even the house is now up for grabs and they are in panic mode.

With Biden's flip last week and now being for police this comes as no surprise... Biden is trying to move back to center... I think it is too late for them to try this, however... The rabid dog is still loose.
It is quite telling that they do not quell all the violence and attempted murder because it is the right thing to do.

They will only do it if it costs them votes if they don't.

Talk about morally bankrupt!

They couldn't as long as Rumps Bully Boys were in action. They were removed from the equation because they were just making things much worse and now the locals can handle things.
Come on the white supremacist milita has things in hand.
They have had many other things to burn down. Those juicy high rises just waiting for the Towering Inferno experience. They have had a chance to start major conflagrations. And with the added bonus of the heat so intense that it would start other buildings close by to combust. Now that would be an attention grabber.

Brought to you by Bully Billy Barr

Yuppers, Rump and Bully Billy Barr should never have sent the brown shirts to kidnap ,er, temporarily detain citizens off the streets.
Yeah, trump should just let them destroy federal property. You are part of the problem
It is Rumored that the Democrat Leadership is telling their city mayors and state governors to kill the riots. They are bleeding suburban moms and voters like a cut artery and they are dying... There is total fear that they have destroyed themselves and the election with this tactic, even the house is now up for grabs and they are in panic mode.

With Biden's flip last week and now being for police this comes as no surprise... Biden is trying to move back to center... I think it is too late for them to try this, however... The rabid dog is still loose.
It is quite telling that they do not quell all the violence and attempted murder because it is the right thing to do.

They will only do it if it costs them votes if they don't.

Talk about morally bankrupt!

They couldn't as long as Rumps Bully Boys were in action. They were removed from the equation because they were just making things much worse and now the locals can handle things.
They were protecting federal property from terrorist.
It is Rumored that the Democrat Leadership is telling their city mayors and state governors to kill the riots. They are bleeding suburban moms and voters like a cut artery and they are dying... There is total fear that they have destroyed themselves and the election with this tactic, even the house is now up for grabs and they are in panic mode.

With Biden's flip last week and now being for police this comes as no surprise... Biden is trying to move back to center... I think it is too late for them to try this, however... The rabid dog is still loose.
It is quite telling that they do not quell all the violence and attempted murder because it is the right thing to do.

They will only do it if it costs them votes if they don't.

Talk about morally bankrupt!

They couldn't as long as Rumps Bully Boys were in action. They were removed from the equation because they were just making things much worse and now the locals can handle things.
That is extremely stupid and illogical.

Blaming those who are trying to protect life and property loss for the fact criminals are attempting such is as retarded as blaming a bank robbery on the bank for not just leaving all the cash laying about all over the place.
Come on the white supremacist milita has things in hand.
They have had many other things to burn down. Those juicy high rises just waiting for the Towering Inferno experience. They have had a chance to start major conflagrations. And with the added bonus of the heat so intense that it would start other buildings close by to combust. Now that would be an attention grabber.

Brought to you by Bully Billy Barr

Yuppers, Rump and Bully Billy Barr should never have sent the brown shirts to kidnap ,er, temporarily detain citizens off the streets.
Yeah, trump should just let them destroy federal property. You are part of the problem

Let's take a look.

First of all, the gassed the peaceful protesters that were with the Mayor who were on City Property. And then they were out outside of Federal Property patrolling the streets in unmarked rental vehicles totally unannounced kidnapping.....er...... detaining citizens on the public streets. This is why the Mayor and his bunch were protesting the Federal Building. YOU are part of the problem.
It is Rumored that the Democrat Leadership is telling their city mayors and state governors to kill the riots. They are bleeding suburban moms and voters like a cut artery and they are dying... There is total fear that they have destroyed themselves and the election with this tactic, even the house is now up for grabs and they are in panic mode.

With Biden's flip last week and now being for police this comes as no surprise... Biden is trying to move back to center... I think it is too late for them to try this, however... The rabid dog is still loose.
It is quite telling that they do not quell all the violence and attempted murder because it is the right thing to do.

They will only do it if it costs them votes if they don't.

Talk about morally bankrupt!

They couldn't as long as Rumps Bully Boys were in action. They were removed from the equation because they were just making things much worse and now the locals can handle things.
after 80 something days, you're an idiot.
That's right, #3, because the urban female was also an important dem voter target, a target that represented class difference more than race difference. The machine has sputtered and back-fired.
Errata: the term 'urban' should be changed to 'suburban,' where class difference is more salient.

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