Police officer fired for apprehending suspect

If it's policy to put a dog on a suspect that has his hands up and surrendering, people need to burn things down again.
According to this article, the cop was not fired for releasing the dog, but for talking about the incident to a bunch of people afterwards, even after being warned not to. The release was determined to be "within departmental policy."

If that's within departmental policy, they need to revisit their policy IMO.

I could not agree more with your last line.

The American principle is reluctant use of force. It is reflected in our laws and our trials. It is reflected in the rules of engagement for our military. I grew up and joined the Army when the rules were that you could not fire unless fired upon in Hollywood. In reality you could not fire unless you were engaged. In other words you had to be able to describe a hostile act that was a clear threat.

We of that era remember the horrific stories of cops shooting kids. An apartment building after dark. A cop walking through. A poorly lit area where a shape holding what appeared to be a gun was all that could be seen.

People of the era were horrified at the tragic circumstances. A kid just playing a game. But they recognized that there was no way for the cop to know it was a toy gun. We put ourselves in the situation and admitted that we would probably have acted much the same.

But the force was used reluctantly. The officer didn’t go there looking to shoot a kid. They cop was doing something else. We understood that. What upsets people is when a cop or someone doesn’t use the force reluctantly.

The fool who shot the kid at the wrong address through the door. No danger existed. No threat. The force wasn’t used reluctantly. It was embraced with glee.

The reasonable person may not be the legal requirement anymore. But it is the requirement that is still replied. Would a reasonable person in that scenario do what you did. The answer with the release of the dog is no.

I suspect that policy will be changing soon. As the city looks at a lawsuit seeking seven figures. Or more. As the Prosecutor tells the cops that the Judge is going to dismiss most of the charges because of dog attack. When the City Attorney agrees to dismiss most of the charges in exchange for a lower settlement amount.

Worse. Everyone else who was taken down by the dog will be filing lawsuits. The City Attorney is going to be defending that idiot cop for years in litigation.

In the Army they called it the Million Dollar Wound. You would be hurt. Badly enough to be let out of the Army. Not so badly that you were crippled for the rest of your life. Forrest Gump getting shot in the buttocks.

That was a million dollar arrest. Not only is he going to get a big payday. But we all know the charges are going to be dropped. No Prosecutor wants to stand up and ask a Jury to find the guy guilty who was just mailed by a dog while surrendering. The cop with the dog can’t testify. The guy probably already has had the charges dropped.
How to get rich off the taxpayers dollars?
We need to go back to the fifties. If a black thug in the fifties would have filed suit for having a "misadventure" with a police dog or with an officer's nightstick, he would have been laughed out of court.
We need to go back to the fifties. If a black thug in the fifties would have filed suit for having a "misadventure" with a police dog or with an officer's nightstick, he would have been laughed out of court.
Great Russian bot shit larnov.
Maybe the black guy shouldn't have broken the law. He was told to comply. Why do police get in trouble for doing their job?

"You need to pull over."

Seems like the lines between who is the good guy and who is the bad guy is blurry here, rather a very grey area. Yes the truck driver should of pulled over when told by police... but I think the police officer was over zealous and really didn't need to be sicking a dog on him. It is not like he was suspected of committing and really awful crime. I honestly see the cop as the bad guy here.
If the cops make the inner city street thugs feel some pain, maybe they'll wise up.
When it comes to those inner-city street thugs/gangs, they need to round them all up against a wall and execute them. They're running around causing most of the crime, killing innocents in the crossfire and a burden on the criminal justice system, as well as on the law-abiding taxpayers. Wipe them all out.

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