Police Officer Killed in Trump Riot

Man gets hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. Man gets a blood clot on his brain. Man dies soon after.

Trump supporters: "It's all a coincidence. He just happened to drop dead right there for unrelated reasons."

When the coroner report comes out, I guarantee that these idiots will either misinterpret what is said or claim that the coroner is a communist.

Hun, I saw a longer video of the incident about an hour ago---its late but I don't recall seeing her breaking the window.

I don't know if she broke the window. But she was clearly trying to climb through it past the barricade. Right in front of armed security.

Not smart.

If not smart conduct warranted being murdered then 75% of black males over 10 would be dead,

Damn man do you just sit around and think hateful thoughts of black folks all day. Please tell me what this right wing, conservative, Trump Humper storm of the Capitol has to do with black folks.

Black Lives Matter set the standard for "peaceful protest."

Tell me again when BLM raided the Capitol and threatened lawmakers. Why are you guys trying to make this about BLM instead of dealing with what your terrorist brethren did.

They have destroyed neighborhoods in cities across the United States, caused billions of $$$ in damages to small businesses and killed police officers by the dozen. Rotten sonsofabitches.
Man gets hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. Man gets a blood clot on his brain. Man dies soon after.

Trump supporters: "It's all a coincidence. He just happened to drop dead right there for unrelated reasons."

What about all the police officers killed by Black Lives Matter terrorist? That's what I thought, memory loss. What a turd.
Another unwarranted conclusion on your part.

I'm trying to interpret your non-answers lol. A simple "Yes" or "No" would have sufficed from the beginning, but you insist on making your response difficult.

All I've gathered so far is that you don't shoot in the specific situation that I laid out for you. You don't shoot the first person getting through the barricade. But then you backtracked from that too.
No you insist that I am saying something other than what I have said. I did NOT say I would not shoot anyone coming through the door I said I would not shoot anyone who did not present a threat and that before they had a least partly entered the room I did not have enough information to make that decision. I would have my family as far away from the door as possible and behind me. If the person coming into the room presented a firearm or came charging at me with a knife or other hand weapon I would shoot them. If they offered to sell me Girl Scout cookies I would probably buy some. Very important not to confuse the two responses. Knife wielding serial killers rarely sell Girl Scout cookies and Girl Scouts rarely stab any one. This ain't rocket science.
Nutjobs and liars

You mean like idiots who claim people are jumping ship from Trump left and right without a shred of proof and can't show a single person?

And Dominion will never collect a dime. They can't show any damages by anything claimed because they are a monopoly, moron!
The only way they could is if people discovered their machines really WERE being rigged to flip votes and stopped using them. Why else would they lose business?

No you insist that I am saying something other than what I have said.

Excellent. So you just haven't answered the question. Thanks.

You want more information and the officer wanted more information too. He had to act on what he knew. That's kind of the point.

Let me know when you have an answer. I know, I know. Not enough information. Again, that's the point. I've already explained this to you.
Man gets hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. Man gets a blood clot on his brain. Man dies soon after.

Trump supporters: "It's all a coincidence. He just happened to drop dead right there for unrelated reasons."

They will probably record his death as the result of the corvid-19 virus.
Are you still trying to say that babbit going through a broken window is the same morally as BLM burning down businesses and attacking people even killing them?

Am I trying to say that? No. I'm saying exactly what I fucking said.

I hope that helps.
Oh you are trying that alright.

BABBIT wasn't a violent attacking rioter---she was simply a protestor who was taking video. She is not the violent criminals that your beloved summer of love blm and anti-fa rioters are.

Hope this helps you.
Man gets hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. Man gets a blood clot on his brain. Man dies soon after.

Trump supporters: "It's all a coincidence. He just happened to drop dead right there for unrelated reasons."

What about all the police officers killed by Black Lives Matter terrorist
What about all the police officers killed by Black Lives Matter terrorist.

What about them? Also tragic.
Not according to liberal media. CNN and MSNBC never reported on them. But they did report on the two blobs of shit Brown and Floyd.
Man gets hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. Man gets a blood clot on his brain. Man dies soon after.

Trump supporters: "It's all a coincidence. He just happened to drop dead right there for unrelated reasons."

They will probably record his death as the result of the corvid-19 virus.

When they show that his death resulted from the hit to the head, will you admit that you're wrong?
She had a better judgement of the will of the people than you do.

The will of the people voted Biden. If you think otherwise, then you’re not very smart.

Regardless of your likely mental deficiencies, she wasn't going to change anything anyway.
What she thought mattered. The will of the people re-elected President Trump. Traitors lied about the results of the vote. You've never had the balls she did on your very best day.

The officer is a hero. He took out a terrorist.
no he shot an unarmed woman who at worse had done nothing but try to climb through a broken window------------

cops have specific rules of engagement--they just can't shoot trespassers. Sorry---
Man gets hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. Man gets a blood clot on his brain. Man dies soon after.

Trump supporters: "It's all a coincidence. He just happened to drop dead right there for unrelated reasons."

They will probably record his death as the result of the corvid-19 virus.

When they show that his death resulted from the hit to the head, will you admit that you're wrong?
Must have been Antifa, just like BLM violence was Boogaloo Boys.
She had a better judgement of the will of the people than you do.

The will of the people voted Biden. If you think otherwise, then you’re not very smart.

Regardless of your likely mental deficiencies, she wasn't going to change anything anyway.
What she thought mattered. The will of the people re-elected President Trump. Traitors lied about the results of the vote. You've never had the balls she did on your very best day.

The officer is a hero. He took out a terrorist.
no he shot an unarmed woman who at worse had done nothing but try to climb through a broken window------------

cops have specific rules of engagement--they just can't shoot trespassers. Sorry---
She is a martyr in the cause of liberty.
Not according to liberal media. CNN and MSNBC never reported on them. But they did report on the two blobs of shit Brown and Floyd.

Give me an example of a police officer that was killed in a riot that CNN and MSNBC never reported on.
Man gets hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. Man gets a blood clot on his brain. Man dies soon after.

Trump supporters: "It's all a coincidence. He just happened to drop dead right there for unrelated reasons."

They will probably record his death as the result of the corvid-19 virus.

When they show that his death resulted from the hit to the head, will you admit that you're wrong?
Must have been Antifa, just like BLM violence was Boogaloo Boys.

Kinda weird.

First you guys claim that he didn't die. Then you claim that the fire extinguisher isn't what killed him. Then you claim that it was Antifa that killed him.
Are you still trying to say that babbit going through a broken window is the same morally as BLM burning down businesses and attacking people even killing them?

Am I trying to say that? No. I'm saying exactly what I fucking said.

I hope that helps.
Oh you are trying that alright.

BABBIT wasn't a violent attacking rioter---she was simply a protestor who was taking video. She is not the violent criminals that your beloved summer of love blm and anti-fa rioters are.

Hope this helps you.

Once again, I said exactly what I said. There's nothing I'm trying to say.

I pick my statements carefully and I mean exactly what I say. Nothing more, nothing less.

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