Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Funny. When it was Trump talking, you lefties were very concerned about how people would react.

But when it is you guys doing the talking, suddenly, the connection between words and actions, just becomes this vast empty space...
What are you trying to pivot to now?
THIS shooter was inspired by his hatred for black people and the fear that white people are going to be replaced. Very clear. Very specific.

I read parts of the manifesto, which frankly made me sick to my stomach. But then it struck me.

White replacement theory, Critical Race Theory... two conspiratorial ideologies driving both races down this same slippery slope. Stoking empty anger and preaching false narratives, resulting in misplaced hatred and acts of unspeakable violence.

Stop falling for it, damn it.
Did he commit this attack because of his hatred for black people or because he’s an ”eco-weenie”?? Choose wisely.

His motive in this crime? Seems to be hatred of black people. In this, he is one of the few Lefties that is racist AGAINST BLACK people, instead of the more normal racism against white people.

I know that the idea of individual variations inside of groups seems taboo to you, but it happens. He is certainly not the first anti-black racist lefty I have seen.
Yet you spew the same rhetoric the left does, about white people seeing immigrants and "brown people" as scary.
No white people dont see immigrants and brown people as scary, they see millions of diseased illegal brown aliens crossing out southern border stealing from US, making US citizens lives that much harder, while the worthless fucking government proves that they would rather help the illegals than their own citizens.

Maybe it is time...

This particular guy obviously did. Not all white people obviously.

What was I inaccurate about?

Where am I denying it? You are plenty accurate. He killed those people with a weapon in his own two hands.

But what drove him to kill? That is the question, XP. This race rhetoric coming from the left, that's what.
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What are you trying to pivot to now?

You demonize whites in your rhetoric, creating this divisive racial conflict between whites and everyone else.

That is not a pivot, but just pointing out that for all your side's talk of "sensitivity", it is all bullshit.
I read parts of the manifesto, which frankly made me sick to my stomach. But then it struck me.

White replacement theory, Critical Race Theory... two conspiratorial ideologies driving both races down this same slippery slope. Stoking empty anger and preaching false narratives, resulting in misplaced hatred and acts of unspeakable violence.

Stop falling for it, damn it.
Go explain that to your fellow conservatives.

Replacement theory is a matter of fact based on numerical trends. How one feels about it is up to them. I don’t think it’s scary but this guy obviously disagrees.

Critical race theory is a right-wing talking point to try to get people angry and eager to vote as far as I’m concerned.
Go explain that to your fellow conservatives.

Replacement theory is a matter of fact based on numerical trends. How one feels about it is up to them. I don’t think it’s scary but this guy obviously disagrees.

Critical race theory is a right-wing talking point to try to get people angry and eager to vote as far as I’m concerned.

Only fool or a liar would claim that CRT is not a real issue.
Go explain that to your fellow conservatives.

By 'many' you seemingly mean 'all.' You likely see no difference between me and those on this board spewing that garbage. You seem to judge the moderates by the actions of the extremists.
As I said, you can't help but broad-brush us. You know damn well that's a lie.

The constant panic mongering about how dangerous whites are, or how wacist they are, or how they want to keep the black man down, blah, blah, blah.

We see it constantly on this very site.

Cant' be healthy for young white people to be exposed, or targeted by this shit.
Critical race theory is a right-wing talking point to try to get people angry and eager to vote as far as I’m concerned.
  • Seattle Public Schools told teachers that the education system is guilty of “spirit murder” against black children and that white teachers must “bankrupt [their] privilege in acknowledgement of [their] thieved inheritance.” Link.
  • San Diego Public Schools accused white teachers of being colonizers on stolen Native American land and told them “you are racist” and “you are upholding racist ideas, structures, and policies.” They recommended that the teachers undergo “antiracist therapy.” Link.
  • A Cupertino, California, elementary school forced third-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.” They separated the eight-year-old children into oppressors and oppressed. Link.
  • A middle school in Springfield, Missouri, forced teachers to locate themselves on an “oppression matrix,” claiming that white heterosexual Protestant males are inherently oppressors and must atone for their “covert white supremacy.” Link.
  • A Philadelphia elementary school forced fifth-graders to celebrate “Black communism” and simulated a Black Power rally to “free Angela Davis” from prison. At this school, 87 percent of students will fail to achieve basic literacy by graduation. Link.
  • Buffalo Public Schools taught students that “all white people” perpetuate systemic racism and forced kindergarteners to watch a video of dead black children warning them about “racist police and state-sanctioned violence” who might kill them at any time. Link.
  • The Arizona Department of Education created an “equity” toolkit claiming that babies show the first signs of racism at three months old and that white children become full racists—”strongly biased in favor of whiteness”—by age five. Link.
  • The California Department of Education passed an “ethnic studies” curriculum that calls for the “decolonization” of American society and has students chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice. The solution, according to one author, is “countergenocide.” Link.
  • North Carolina’s largest school district launched a campaign against “whiteness in educational spaces”—and encouraged teachers to subvert families and push the ideology of “antiracism” directly onto students without parental consent. Link.
  • Santa Clara County Office of Education denounced the United States as a “parasitic system” based on the “invasion” of “white male settlers” and encouraged teachers to “cash in on kids’ inherent empathy” in order to recruit them into political activism. Link.
  • Portland Public Schools trained children to become race-conscious revolutionaries by teaching that racism “infects the very structure(s) of our society,” and telling students to immerse themselves in “revolution.” Link.
  • The principal of East Side Community School in New York sent white parents a “tool for action,” which tells them they must become “white traitors” and then advocate for full “white abolition.” Link.
  • Students at the elite United Nations International School launched an anonymous social media campaign denouncing their teachers as “racists” and “oppressors”—and school administrators immediately caved to their demands. Link.

    I'm afraid not.
Where am I denying it? You are plenty accurate. He killed those people with his weapon in his own two hands.

But what drove him to kill? That is the question, XP. This race rhetoric coming from the left, that's what.
You’re going to need to back up your claim that this came from the left.

In his manifesto, he describes learning the “truth” on 4chan, which is known for their alt-right community. So good luck with that.
  • The Walt Disney Corporation claimed that America was founded on “systemic racism,” encouraged employees to complete a “white privilege checklist,” and separated minorities into racially-segregated “affinity groups.” Link.
  • Lockheed Martin, the nation’s largest defense contractor, sent key executives on a mission to deconstruct their “white male privilege” and encouraged them to atone for their “white male privilege.” Link.
  • Raytheon, the nation’s second-largest defense contractor, has launched a critical race theory program that encourages white employees to confront their “privilege,” reject the principle of “equality,” and “defund the police.” Link.
  • American Express Corp. has launched a critical race theory training program that teaches employees capitalism is fundamentally racist and asks them to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves on a hierarchy of “privilege.” Link.
  • Bank of America teaches that the United States is a system of “white supremacy” and encourages employees to become “woke at work.” Link.
  • Verizon teaches employees that America is fundamentally racist and promotes “defunding the police.” Link.
  • A Google employee program claims that America is a “system of white supremacy” and that all Americans are “raised to be racist.” Link.
  • CVS launches a program that forces hourly employees to discuss their “privilege.” Link.
  • Walmart’s training program tells employees that they are guilty of “internalized racial superiority.” Link.

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