Police Say IRA Responsible for $47M Bank Heist


Sep 14, 2004
Bank Raid Row Deals Bodyblow to Peace Process
07/01/2005 - 18:13:33


The fall-out from the IRA’s alleged involvement in the £26.5m (€37.9m) Belfast bank raid dealt a major blow to peace hopes in the North tonight.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair will come under increased pressure to exclude Sinn Féin from any future devolved government when he meets Democratic Unionist leader the Rev Ian Paisley next week.

After the North's Chief Constable Hugh Orde asserted that the IRA was behind the £26.5m€37.9m) Northern Bank robbery, Mr Paisley asked: “Why should the return of local, accountable devolution be delayed because of the actions of Sinn Féin/IRA?

“Both the (British) government and the SDLP are aware that we have offered the alternative of the immediate formation of a voluntary coalition consisting of the representatives of democratic parties.

“It is now up to both Tony Blair and (SDLP leader) Mark Durkan to take up our challenge and allow the people of Northern Ireland to have good government free from the taint of terror and criminality”.

Sinn Féin chief negotiator Martin McGuinness furiously denied the IRA was involved in the raid, but ministers in London and Dublin glumly conceded there was virtually no chance of power-sharing returning in the next six months.

Northern Ireland Secretary Paul Murphy said in New York: “I think it is unlikely that we will be able to get a resolution along the lines of what we agreed back before Christmas.

“I do not think that it is realistic between now and the election. I do not think it is the end of the process. I don’t think for one second that is the case. We have gone too far down the line for that.”

Taoiseach Bertie Ahern also described it as a serious setback and said republicans would have to bring involvement in paramilitary and criminal activity to a definitive end.

At a dramatic news conference by Mr Orde in Belfast today, it was announced the Northern Bank would recall £300m (€429.7m) worth of its bank notes to minimize its losses and restore public confidence.

The Chief Constable, who briefed senior members of Northern Ireland’s Policing Board, said he had come to the view that the IRA was responsible for the raid on the evidence unearthed by his investigators.

The robbery was “violent and brutal… not some Robin Hood effort,” said Mr Orde.

“On the basis of the investigative work we have done to date – evidence we have collected and exhibits we have collected – in my opinion the Provisional IRA were responsible for this crime and all main lines of inquiry currently undertaken are in that direction.”

Mr Paisley said the Democratic Unionists had been vindicated in not taking the IRA on trust alone during the recent negotiations.

“They must positively prove to everyone beyond all shadow of a doubt that all of their arms have been decommissioned and that all of its illegal activities have ended for good,” the DUP leader said.

“Their words no longer have any currency. Mr Adams’ assertion that a republican can’t be a criminal is as hollow as it is laughable.”

another one of clinton's "peace at any cost" peace plans is going down the toilet.

its a shame, but hopefully at this point the IRA and groups like it no longer have any real power in N. Ireland... hopefully :huh:
Trouble is , a lot of the people with rifle,s are making a lot of money under the pretence of working towards a political end.There will never be an end as long as there is money to be made.FACT.
NATO AIR said:
another one of clinton's "peace at any cost" peace plans is going down the toilet.

its a shame, but hopefully at this point the IRA and groups like it no longer have any real power in N. Ireland... hopefully :huh:

At least we didn't pay these people while they went 100% against what they promised in order to get the food/money like we did in N. Korea. Every time I think about the total failure and meltdown of the Clinton foreign policy this particular example will be foremost in my mind. Paying N. Korea to not build Nukes, THEY DIDN'T EVEN SLOW DOWN THEIR PROGRAM ONE MINUTE LONGER THAN IT TOOK FOR THE US TO LEAVE.
taff said:
Trouble is , a lot of the people with rifle,s are making a lot of money under the pretence of working towards a political end.There will never be an end as long as there is money to be made.FACT.


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