Police Sergeant Chokes Subordinate Officer -- Was He Wrong?

The bad guy was in the car. In handcuffs. When the Sergeant walked up. There was no problem until he created one.
The cop placed him in the car while he was threatening to spray the dumb criminal if he didn't behave. The cop did not start anything and did nothing wrong--the woke dumb ass rookie on the other hand, did.
No. You mace someone already in custody because you get off on the control it gives you in your otherwise uncontrollable, confusing, latent homosexual life.
You spray the idiot criminals when they spit, bite, kick, refuse to stay in the car etc whether they in custody or not. Whinning over violent criminals being threatened with being sprayed is the real control issue. Manipulative--Marxist---Dishonest....
No. You mace someone already in custody because you get off on the control it gives you in your otherwise uncontrollable, confusing, latent homosexual life.
Oh, some good ole fashioned gay bashing ^. I thought you democrats hated homophobia. :dunno:
You spray the idiot criminals when they spit, bite, kick, refuse to stay in the car etc whether they in custody or not. Whinning over violent criminals being threatened with being sprayed is the real control issue. Manipulative--Marxist---Dishonest....
Come on Turtleshit, this guy was not a threat to him. He was probably talking ish and the officer got pissed off and wanted to shut him up, but he was black so in your racist mind anything goes.
Amazing that rejects from Britain formed two of the most free nations on earth.
Really ? I read on here every day how your politicians,judges and security services are corrupt. It is hardly a free society when your elections are robbed. You must be thinking of some other place.
NB The reason we shippedloads of them to Australia is out of sight out of mind. Nothing that happens there is of any importance.
Really ? I read on here every day how your politicians,judges and security services are corrupt.
Yes, they are. Hopelessly.
It is hardly a free society when your elections are robbed. You must be thinking of some other place.
In America, we make our own freedom. We don't equate a corrupt government with lack of freedom, because we do not rely on government to provide our freedom. Freedom is given us by our creator, be that creator an intelligent designer or random acts of nature. We are born free and we stay free, except those few of us who do rely on government for our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

NB The reason we shippedloads of them to Australia is out of sight out of mind. Nothing that happens there is of any importance.
Cool story, Bruh. Kind of weird to hear a Brit talk about another country being irrelevant.
We are born free and we stay free, except those few of us who do rely on government for our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Just a few:
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a new Enrollment Trends Snapshot report today showing a record high, over 80 million individuals have health coverage through Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Nearly 9.9 million individuals, a 13.9% increase, enrolled in coverage between February 2020, the month before the public health emergency (PHE) was declared, to January 2021.
Adding another 14% for this past year only yields over 90 million (or 27% of us).

"A police sergeant in Florida has been placed on desk duty after video showed him assaulting a fellow officer who was trying to de-escalate a man's arrest. The body cam video shows Sunrise police Sgt. Christopher Pullease threatening the suspect with pepper spray, and engaging in a verbal altercation with him, after he'd already been taken into custody and placed in the back of a patrol car.

A 28-year-old female officer grabs Pullease by the back of his belt and tries to pull him away, he turns around and briefly puts his hand around her throat, before grabbing her by the vest and pushing her against another patrol car. In an interview with Miami's Channel 7, Sunrise Police Chief Anthony Rosa said Pullease's behavior was "disgusting," adding that "the video speaks for itself.”
“I’m very proud of this police officer," Rosa said. "She took some definitive action. I can only imagine what she must be feeling. She’s a newer officer, and he’s a very senior sergeant.”

This is why I understand why many of the Conservatives on this message board feel we shouldn't have any broads on the police force...because as this cop has showed, these women don't know how to stay in their place...How are you going to try to disrespect your superior officer like that?? and for what?? Because you were worried about him pepper spraying some thug? Who cares....and he barely even grabbed her throat to be honest...I mean, you or I couldn't do that to her without at the very least being charged with assault; if not shot dead -- but you and I are not police, we don't deal with the pressures they have to deal with....Obviously this guy was stressed and as usual, its some nagging broad that comes along and makes a man snap..
I would have to see the video before I got an opinion. If the guy was in custody the cop should have no reason to pepper spray him, but you never know.
All I see is a flat hand under her throat pushing on her chest. I see her interfering with him for no apparent reason. Every other cop around seemed to think nothing was wrong, except her. She jumped him, not the other way around.

Too many insane red neck cops in America
I hope this bum is terminated and goes to jail
Cops will never get the respect they want until they police their own. We need more cops that are willing to step up and stop those assholes who think they can get away with anything.

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