Police shoot another Man in Los Angeles

Can you link to a single story of a cop shooting someone simply because they committed a petty offense?

No of course you can't.

You mean other than Michael Brown and that 12 year old they shot in Cleveland.

And though they didn't shoot him, Eric Garner.

Oh wait, Garner wasn't committing a petty offense. All he had done was break up a fight. The cops did not see him commit a crime and he was not committing a crime when they killed him.
Neither were shot for petty crimes.

Now, you might could convince me that walking in the middle of the street and pointing a gun at people are petty crimes (not likely) but those are only the crimes that precipitated the police getting involved with those two.

You are being dishonest when you say either was shot for their petty crime.

a 12 year old with a toy gun that was pretty obviously a toy gun?

Not obvious, I don't think -- BUT, the video showed that the kid was just standing there when they shot him within 12 seconds of seeing him.
I think I would have listened to the people who called it in who thought it was a toy...

Oh, yeah, and he was FUCKING 12.

This is a cop who was fired from his last job because he was sobbing on the gun range.

And the cop who used an illegal choke hold on Garner had two racism complaints and several other reprimands.
I think I would have listened to the people who called it in who thought it was a toy...

Oh, yeah, and he was FUCKING 12.

This is a cop who was fired from his last job because he was sobbing on the gun range.

Such conflicting statements from Joe the idiot.

"I would have listened to the people who called it in"

First, the person who called it in said "it might be a toy" also he said the boy "looked to be about 20"

Second, that's a good way to get killed. Good thing you deliver pizzas rather than being a police officer.

Oh, got a link to the cop crying, I hadn't seen that one, HOWEVER, I have to believe that his police union would have complained if he had been fired for such a reason.

Also Joe, you and I both know that you couldn't tell the difference between the two guns I posted pictures of , so just shut up.

Well, I didn't even bother, guy, because I didn't fucking care.

But here's the goods on Officer Weepy, your new hero.

Cleveland officer who fatally shot Tamir Rice judged unfit for duty in 2012 US news The Guardian

Officer Timothy Loehmann, who killed Tamir Rice on 22 November, was specifically faulted for breaking down emotionally while handling a live gun. During a training episode at a firing range, Loehmann was reported to be “distracted and weepy” and incommunicative. “His handgun performance was dismal,” deputy chief Jim Polak of the Independence, Ohio, police department wrote in an internal memo.

The memo concludes with a recommendation that Loehmann be “released from the employment of the City of Independence”. Less than a week later, on 3 December 2012, Loehmann resigned.
So he came at cops with a knife. And got shot.

Why is this a story?

Probably because we have too many cops shooting people for petty offenses, so they get more attention.

I think this one was probably justified, though.
Umm, excuse me shitlord, probably justified? Did they even ask this person of color why he might have some cutlery? Shoot first ask questions later is your attitude, like all white supremacists. I bet if he was white they probably would have thought he was coming from an Iron Chef casting or something and let him go his merry way.

UUHHH seriously check your privilege
I think I would have listened to the people who called it in who thought it was a toy...

Oh, yeah, and he was FUCKING 12.

This is a cop who was fired from his last job because he was sobbing on the gun range.

And the cop who used an illegal choke hold on Garner had two racism complaints and several other reprimands.
Well, it was illegal in your mind and it is the THOUGHT that counts according to Rolling Stone.

He should go to jail for being a racist alone. Where is the grand jury indictment?

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