Police shoot man with stun gun to stop him from saving step son in burning house

From what I read in the article, a trained fighter determined it was unsafe. He probably saved this man's life and spared the family losing two people.

Or risking the lives of 5 other fire fighters who would have to go.rescue this man when he fell to the smoke and heat. Bad call to have to make, but the right one.

The firefighters stayed outside even though they knew a child was in the house, why would they go in just because the father was in it?
Probably because people die of smoke inhalation long before flames get them.

plus a firefighter already tried unsuccessfully to enter the home and could not because it was too hot

people are moaning about the officials stopping this guy

but they did the right thing as hard as that is to say

about such a sad story

piece of advise to everyone


the life you save by early detection by be your kids!!!
New batteries every year, new detectors every 5 years. A good time to put new batteries in is 2 months before the Holidays--around Halloween, so they will be in place when the most fires are reported when lights, furnaces, and household appliances large and small are in overuse. Rep coming your way, if I have any left, Jon_Berserk. ;)

out here on daylight savings day yearly

test them once a month
Considering that the end result was him watching his son die...no, it wasn't. The kindest possible thing to do would have been to let him go in and let him die.
Police have their orders. No one should do an act that would harm themselves or others. They on the scene were likely accurate in their assessment that he was on a suicide mission and were bound by duty to stop him by any means available. They did just that and are blameless. They have training to avoid letting passion be the author of another human being's downfall. They stuck with the training, even though they were likely every bit as torn as the father was by the child's terror.

The father was blinded to danger by his love for his child. They prevented a second certain death by his going into the ongoing holocaust they were witnessing in the form of a fire. They're good cops. VERY good cops. I do understand your feelings, though, and you only heard the details and your big heart went out to that father whose heart was rent to think of the horrible end his child was experiencing. The cops wouldn't let two die when one's death was inevitable. We can only trust the judgment they made when reason was beyond the man who was pursuing a certain death for himself rather than to hear his child suffer. I pray for all of them who mourn the child who was indubitably beyond help.

He enjoyed every second.

Still making shit up rather than discussing what actually happened?

Care to share how you know the cop was laughing and enjoyed tasing the man? Or will you admit you lied? (or ignore this and basically admit the same thing)
I don't care if you believe the cops had the right to stop the father from going into the burning house or not, The police acted in an unprofessional manner by tazing the father 3 times while he was already in handcuffs and the last time they tazed him he was in the police car. There is no excuse for this behavior by the police.
Considering that the end result was him watching his son die...no, it wasn't. The kindest possible thing to do would have been to let him go in and let him die.
Police have their orders. No one should do an act that would harm themselves or others. They on the scene were likely accurate in their assessment that he was on a suicide mission and were bound by duty to stop him by any means available. They did just that and are blameless. They have training to avoid letting passion be the author of another human being's downfall. They stuck with the training, even though they were likely every bit as torn as the father was by the child's terror.

The father was blinded to danger by his love for his child. They prevented a second certain death by his going into the ongoing holocaust they were witnessing in the form of a fire. They're good cops. VERY good cops. I do understand your feelings, though, and you only heard the details and your big heart went out to that father whose heart was rent to think of the horrible end his child was experiencing. The cops wouldn't let two die when one's death was inevitable. We can only trust the judgment they made when reason was beyond the man who was pursuing a certain death for himself rather than to hear his child suffer. I pray for all of them who mourn the child who was indubitably beyond help.

He enjoyed every second.

You can provide a link that says he was tazed 4 times and the officer was laughing?

I get it. You hate cops and all authority, but this cop saved a man's life here.
Yes, he would have had to taze me too if my kid was in there, but I do know the hell of a fully involved house fire and if the firemen aren't going in with their protective gear, anyone going in without it is not coming out.
He enjoyed every second.

Still making shit up rather than discussing what actually happened?

Care to share how you know the cop was laughing and enjoyed tasing the man? Or will you admit you lied? (or ignore this and basically admit the same thing)

He tazed him. 4 times, correct?
He enjoyed the mans suffering.
In line with liberal policy.
Read up on the story.

How many times he tased him means hew aslaughi ng and enjoying it? You just can't deal in the facts, can you? Gotta invent crap to make it a better story?

You are truly delusional.
And if the tazer killed him ?

The chances of being killed by a tazer? 1 in 20,000? The chances he would have died in that fire? 1 in 1.
I understand what you're saying, and if I was that father, I would have wanted to go in. I would hope, however, a cop tazed me before I could commit suicide.

That was not the cops call to make, it was his.

My understanding of it was that a ranking firefighter made that call and the police were doing their job to prevent the man from killing himself.

If a firefighter in full gear believes it wasn't say for he himself to go in then it makes perfect sense he would tell the man in pajamas that it was too dangerous.
When the fire dept is called, yes it is their fucking choice to make. That prevents the family from suing and crying "Why did you let him go in there?".

Look, a trained fire fighter in full gear was unable to get in because of the heat. You think the stepdad, dressed in pajamas, would have made it in and back out?

Police state.
No freedom of choice.
The stepdad does not need to be saved from himself.
But from oppressive government stormtroops, maybe!

Here is an idea. When your house catches on fire, don't call the fire dept. Use your freedoms to fight your own fires and take care of your own. But when you avail yourself of the advantages of professionals, don't bitch because they stop you from killing yourself.

While I totally respect what you're saying and agree with the basic premise, the mother tiger in me says HELL NO! if that was my child, I'd go in there no matter what. On the other hand, logic dictates that the fire department and police make that call. And unfortunately law suits do come into play here. And I think most of us can agree that people are extremely litigious these days.
He tazed him. 4 times, correct?
He enjoyed the mans suffering.
In line with liberal policy.
Read up on the story.

How many times he tased him means hew aslaughi ng and enjoying it? You just can't deal in the facts, can you? Gotta invent crap to make it a better story?

You are truly delusional.

You need to learn English my ranting retarded pal!

Go read more about the story.

I have read the story on several different sources. Can you point out where it stated that the cop was laughing or that he enjoyed it?
You need to learn English my ranting retarded pal!

Go read more about the story.

I have read the story on several different sources. Can you point out where it stated that the cop was laughing or that he enjoyed it?
Sure you did.
Look harder, any fool can find it.
You would probably claim the source was not Obamacult/statist enough to be reliable though.

Show a link or admit you lied and are making it up. It is that simple.
I find nothing that says the cop laughed or enjoyed it either.

And the cop did NOT cause the child's death. He most likely saved the father's life.
Would I have wanted to go in after my kid? You bet your ass, I would, but I'm sure my wife and other children would thank the cop profusely for preventing that.
I find nothing that says the cop laughed or enjoyed it either.

And the cop did NOT cause the child's death. He most likely saved the father's life.
Would I have wanted to go in after my kid? You bet your ass, I would, but I'm sure my wife and other children would thank the cop profusely for preventing that.

This pig prevented the father from rescuing his kid.
Tazed him 3 times whilst he was in cuffs and again in the back of the cruiser.
The fathers radio interview tells his side of the story.

The cop prevented him from going into a burning building that a fully equipped firefighter was unable to enter. No one has said the man would have rescued the child.

Now, once again, where did it say the cop laughed or enjoyed it? Or were you lying?
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I read your abuse.
Your debating style is to abuse the people who you disagree with.
Or has it now changed to abusing the people you agree with?

Your abuse is tacit approval of the cops action.
Your claims that it is selfish to wish to save your kid is also agreement with the spirit of statism.
That a cop , a firefighter or a dmv receptionist have more say in your life than you is too the spirit of statism.

You are a statist totalitarian.

The lies need to STOP, boy!

There are no lies.
You viciously attacked because you disliked my opinion, correct?
Therefore you are of the opposite opinion.

Or would your abuse and insults be a mode of showing agreement?
Dozy child!

Yer lying AGAIN! It needs to STOP!

Right fucking NOW, boy!
I find nothing that says the cop laughed or enjoyed it either.

And the cop did NOT cause the child's death. He most likely saved the father's life.
Would I have wanted to go in after my kid? You bet your ass, I would, but I'm sure my wife and other children would thank the cop profusely for preventing that.

Hey, you might want your kids dead , normal people care about their kids.. . ..

Reported violation. Leave families out of it, Pauli007001.
The cop does not own the mans life, he should have gone and caught some real criminals instead of murdering children.

(1) You are subject to the law in certain circumstances, the which, Pauli007001, you don't have the authority to override without consequences.

(2) No one was murdered.

The cop caused the child's death by razing the father.
You appear to think the father was somehow in the wrong.
The pig was wrong, his decision was illegal.
He does not own the fathers life.
It is not a crime to try to save a life.

The cop did NOT cause the child's death. You have no idea whether or not the child was already dead before the father wanted to go in the building. However the fire started is what caused the child's death.

The cop saved the father's life. That's not a crime, it's not even wrong. It's what they are supposed to do.
Police have their orders. No one should do an act that would harm themselves or others. They on the scene were likely accurate in their assessment that he was on a suicide mission and were bound by duty to stop him by any means available. They did just that and are blameless. They have training to avoid letting passion be the author of another human being's downfall. They stuck with the training, even though they were likely every bit as torn as the father was by the child's terror.

The father was blinded to danger by his love for his child. They prevented a second certain death by his going into the ongoing holocaust they were witnessing in the form of a fire. They're good cops. VERY good cops. I do understand your feelings, though, and you only heard the details and your big heart went out to that father whose heart was rent to think of the horrible end his child was experiencing. The cops wouldn't let two die when one's death was inevitable. We can only trust the judgment they made when reason was beyond the man who was pursuing a certain death for himself rather than to hear his child suffer. I pray for all of them who mourn the child who was indubitably beyond help.

I hope the guy doesn't track down that cop and take him--or HIS son--apart with a chainsaw.

I hope that, if he tries, he gets tazed again. What good will it do for him to "get even" with the cop? What is the point in going to prison? Why abandon the living people who love you and depend on you?

You assume someone who just watched his son burn to death will be even slightly rational.
The police are not God and cannot make a snap judgment what are safe actions and what are not.

Other than cops are trigger-happy, there is one reason why policemen jolted the father: Only cops can be heroes.

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