Police shoot man with stun gun to stop him from saving step son in burning house

No, you are projecting again, boy. Shrieking BS to the heavens does not change the fact it is BS.
The 'vitriolic attacks' have been those by Pauli007001.

His interpretation is wrong legally, and morally in my opinion, and if he were in the same situation and did the same thing, he better hope that he did not hurt a first responder or LEO.
Libfag logic: you can kill a child but not save one, these same queers would be outraged if the state said a woman couldn't have an abortion.
So why is it selfish?
He did say that to wish to save your kids in such a situation was selfish.
Why his ad hominem attacks if he agrees?
He attacked for my opinion, therefore he disagrees with my opinion, therefore he supports the pigs actions that I disagreed with.
Simple logic.
That he didn't specifically support it is irrelivant.
He offered approval in his attacks on my disapproval.
Or perhaps he is just a fuckwitted retard with no dick who has to lash out at his betters?

Once again, having read through his posts in this thread, he did not say what you are claiming.

Show the post where he says that, or admit your mistake and move on. This insistence on continuing to argue something that didn't happen is just asinine.

His vitriolic attacks on me because of my opinion can only meen he takes the opposite stance.
It's a tacit approval of the pigs action.
You don't have to say you approve in order to approve.
If he punched me for disagreeing with the cop his actions would say he agreed with the cop.
Here , his posts agree with the cop because they attack me for disagreeing with the cop.
Tacit approval.

Show a post where he does what you claim!

The only attack on your opinion appears to be his attack on your opinion of what was in his post.

This all started because you completely misunderstood one of Jarlaxle's posts. He said it would have been kinder to let the father go in the house and die. You responded with :
Killing kids is kind?

And it's gone downhill from there.

You have started imagining Jarlaxle's posts indicate some sort of disagreement with the idea the father should have been let inside, when he clearly said that he agrees with that and YOU took it completely the wrong way.

Show one single instance of Jarlaxle defending the police or disagreeing with your opinion about letting the father back inside in this thread and I'll be happy to apologize and admit you are correct. However, having looked at every one of his posts here, it's clear to me such an instance does not exist and you are either lying or hallucinating.
The scene was intense. When firefighters arrived, flames were shooting out of the two-story house. The Press-Journal reports that the boy's mother and stepfather were able to exit the backdoor of the house after an unsuccessful attempt to get to the boy sleeping in another room. In all, it reportedly took firefighters eight hours to put out the firee

was the kid dead already

probably was
So why did you initiate such abuse because I disagreed with the pig?
Because you agreed with me?

You're hallucinating AGAIN, boy...reread what I ACTUALLY POSTED, not what the voices in your head are telling you I posted!
I read your abuse.
Your debating style is to abuse the people who you disagree with.
Or has it now changed to abusing the people you agree with?

Your abuse is tacit approval of the cops action.
Your claims that it is selfish to wish to save your kid is also agreement with the spirit of statism.
That a cop , a firefighter or a dmv receptionist have more say in your life than you is too the spirit of statism.

You are a statist totalitarian.

The lies need to STOP, boy!
The scene was intense. When firefighters arrived, flames were shooting out of the two-story house. The Press-Journal reports that the boy's mother and stepfather were able to exit the backdoor of the house after an unsuccessful attempt to get to the boy sleeping in another room. In all, it reportedly took firefighters eight hours to put out the firee

was the kid dead already

probably was

Probably because people die of smoke inhalation long before flames get them.
We'll never know because nobody from the state bothered to rescue the kid, and the father was stopped from rescuing the kid. I guess it does make it easier if we just wassume, without knowing, that he was already dead..
From what I read in the article, a trained fighter determined it was unsafe. He probably saved this man's life and spared the family losing two people.

Or risking the lives of 5 other fire fighters who would have to go.rescue this man when he fell to the smoke and heat. Bad call to have to make, but the right one.

To the point of the thread, this may have been a no-win situation. I feel for everyone involved.

I do still wonder why the adults left the house in the first place, though.
And if the tazer killed him ?
Tazers rarely kill anyone. Give it up, Pauli. Right was done. The guy now doesn't have a funeral leaving a wife and other kids without a husband and father.

It's a blessing, not a curse.

Considering that the end result was him watching his son die...no, it wasn't. The kindest possible thing to do would have been to let him go in and let him die.
Police have their orders. No one should do an act that would harm themselves or others. They on the scene were likely accurate in their assessment that he was on a suicide mission and were bound by duty to stop him by any means available. They did just that and are blameless. They have training to avoid letting passion be the author of another human being's downfall. They stuck with the training, even though they were likely every bit as torn as the father was by the child's terror.

The father was blinded to danger by his love for his child. They prevented a second certain death by his going into the ongoing holocaust they were witnessing in the form of a fire. They're good cops. VERY good cops. I do understand your feelings, though, and you only heard the details and your big heart went out to that father whose heart was rent to think of the horrible end his child was experiencing. The cops wouldn't let two die when one's death was inevitable. We can only trust the judgment they made when reason was beyond the man who was pursuing a certain death for himself rather than to hear his child suffer. I pray for all of them who mourn the child who was indubitably beyond help.
The scene was intense. When firefighters arrived, flames were shooting out of the two-story house. The Press-Journal reports that the boy's mother and stepfather were able to exit the backdoor of the house after an unsuccessful attempt to get to the boy sleeping in another room. In all, it reportedly took firefighters eight hours to put out the firee

was the kid dead already

probably was

Probably because people die of smoke inhalation long before flames get them.

plus a firefighter already tried unsuccessfully to enter the home and could not because it was too hot

people are moaning about the officials stopping this guy

but they did the right thing as hard as that is to say

about such a sad story

piece of advise to everyone


the life you save by early detection by be your kids!!!
The scene was intense. When firefighters arrived, flames were shooting out of the two-story house. The Press-Journal reports that the boy's mother and stepfather were able to exit the backdoor of the house after an unsuccessful attempt to get to the boy sleeping in another room. In all, it reportedly took firefighters eight hours to put out the firee

was the kid dead already

probably was

Probably because people die of smoke inhalation long before flames get them.

plus a firefighter already tried unsuccessfully to enter the home and could not because it was too hot

people are moaning about the officials stopping this guy

but they did the right thing as hard as that is to say

about such a sad story

piece of advise to everyone


the life you save by early detection by be your kids!!!
New batteries every year, new detectors every 5 years. A good time to put new batteries in is 2 months before the Holidays--around Halloween, so they will be in place when the most fires are reported when lights, furnaces, and household appliances large and small are in overuse. Rep coming your way, if I have any left, Jon_Berserk. ;)
I would like to try to be friends with everyone and hopefully we could all have a friendly debate but I feel that the topic is taken too personal and I don't appreciate the language being used.
Sadly if things are allowed to be said, they are going to be said.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Tazers rarely kill anyone. Give it up, Pauli. Right was done. The guy now doesn't have a funeral leaving a wife and other kids without a husband and father.

It's a blessing, not a curse.

Considering that the end result was him watching his son die...no, it wasn't. The kindest possible thing to do would have been to let him go in and let him die.
Police have their orders. No one should do an act that would harm themselves or others. They on the scene were likely accurate in their assessment that he was on a suicide mission and were bound by duty to stop him by any means available. They did just that and are blameless. They have training to avoid letting passion be the author of another human being's downfall. They stuck with the training, even though they were likely every bit as torn as the father was by the child's terror.

The father was blinded to danger by his love for his child. They prevented a second certain death by his going into the ongoing holocaust they were witnessing in the form of a fire. They're good cops. VERY good cops. I do understand your feelings, though, and you only heard the details and your big heart went out to that father whose heart was rent to think of the horrible end his child was experiencing. The cops wouldn't let two die when one's death was inevitable. We can only trust the judgment they made when reason was beyond the man who was pursuing a certain death for himself rather than to hear his child suffer. I pray for all of them who mourn the child who was indubitably beyond help.

I hope the guy doesn't track down that cop and take him--or HIS son--apart with a chainsaw.
Considering that the end result was him watching his son die...no, it wasn't. The kindest possible thing to do would have been to let him go in and let him die.
Police have their orders. No one should do an act that would harm themselves or others. They on the scene were likely accurate in their assessment that he was on a suicide mission and were bound by duty to stop him by any means available. They did just that and are blameless. They have training to avoid letting passion be the author of another human being's downfall. They stuck with the training, even though they were likely every bit as torn as the father was by the child's terror.

The father was blinded to danger by his love for his child. They prevented a second certain death by his going into the ongoing holocaust they were witnessing in the form of a fire. They're good cops. VERY good cops. I do understand your feelings, though, and you only heard the details and your big heart went out to that father whose heart was rent to think of the horrible end his child was experiencing. The cops wouldn't let two die when one's death was inevitable. We can only trust the judgment they made when reason was beyond the man who was pursuing a certain death for himself rather than to hear his child suffer. I pray for all of them who mourn the child who was indubitably beyond help.

I hope the guy doesn't track down that cop and take him--or HIS son--apart with a chainsaw.

I hope that, if he tries, he gets tazed again. What good will it do for him to "get even" with the cop? What is the point in going to prison? Why abandon the living people who love you and depend on you?

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