Police shoot man with stun gun to stop him from saving step son in burning house

When the fire dept is called, yes it is their fucking choice to make. That prevents the family from suing and crying "Why did you let him go in there?".

Look, a trained fire fighter in full gear was unable to get in because of the heat. You think the stepdad, dressed in pajamas, would have made it in and back out?

Police state.
No freedom of choice.
The stepdad does not need to be saved from himself.
But from oppressive government stormtroops, maybe!

Here is an idea. When your house catches on fire, don't call the fire dept. Use your freedoms to fight your own fires and take care of your own. But when you avail yourself of the advantages of professionals, don't bitch because they stop you from killing yourself.

WinterBorn sure gots a a hard on for this thread.

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