Police shortage thanks to “woke” liberal democrat policy?

Yeah. I'm thinking it's worse than just a shortage. A lot of rightie cops may have left the force. Which leaves the commie-kneeling leftards.
Apparently socialists are not eager to join the police force and talk heavily armed biden voters into surrendering peacefully without a gun for themselves.

Libs may be crazy but they’re not suicidal
Apparently socialists are not eager to join the police force and talk heavily armed biden voters into surrendering peacefully without a gun for themselves.

Libs may be crazy but they’re not suicidal
Shame about that…
You could add that.

It would, however, do nothing to address the massive chasm between your article, the facts it brings up and the assertions that you just throw out there with nothing to create a correlation let alone causation.

I would add you could try again but we know that there is nothing there other than a bald faced assertion.
The article is just a starting point in a discussion

You are free to disagree with my conclusion about why cops are souring on government service

But so far you have not done so
Liberal city leaders are hostile to the police and they are not able to hire enough officers to replace the ones who are quitting
Holding police accountable for violating the law isn't hostility.
They sure do.

Of course the thread that YOU started is not about reducing the police. It is about police shortages from being unable to find new hires or retain officers.
Same thing

Woke liberal policy is driving police officers into civilian life
Holding police accountable for violating the law isn't hostility.
It is hostility when libs vilify the police and release criminals back onto the streets with no punishment

George Floyd was a career criminal who decided to resist arrest surrender peacefully

Yet libs have turned him into a hero and sent the cops yo jail
It is hostility when libs vilify the police and release criminals back onto the streets with no punishment

George Floyd was a career criminal who decided to resist arrest surrender peacefully

Yet libs have turned him into a hero and sent the cops yo jail
Those cops killed him.

Police do not face enough scrutiny. They are allowed to violate our civil rights regularly with no repercussions. Yet they will bring the hammer down on anyone else for minor infractions such as not sitting right in a police car.

I get it. I really do. If I were a cop, I would want there to be no repercussions for my illegal behavior. If I saw that things were changing, I might reconsider being a cop as well.
Not according to the medical report

He had a heart condition
A heart condition, huh? Seems like sitting on someone with a heart condition might be a stupid idea that could lead to bad consequences.

Like I said, police are allowed to violate our rights daily with no repercussions. When the people stand up for their rights, the police don't like it.
It is hostility when libs vilify the police and release criminals back onto the streets with no punishment

George Floyd was a career criminal who decided to resist arrest surrender peacefully

Yet libs have turned him into a hero and sent the cops yo jail
Give us Floyd's rap sheet.

Define what a career criminal is.

If you define someone as a career criminal then you think it is ok for the cops to murder him because his life doesn't matter.
A heart condition, huh? Seems like sitting on someone with a heart condition might be a stupid idea that could lead to bad consequences.

Like I said, police are allowed to violate our rights daily with no repercussions. When the people stand up for their rights, the police don't like it.
Not as stupid as someone with a heart condition resisting arrest
Your article shows shortages.

You have not shown anything that connects this with 'woke.'

No matter what you may think of woke or woke policies, causation has not been established.
There are law enforcement shortages all over the country. Considering the public shift against law enforcement it seems like it's definitely connected. Hate on cops enough and nobody is wants to do it.
Give us Floyd's rap sheet.

Define what a career criminal is.

If you define someone as a career criminal then you think it is ok for the cops to murder him because his life doesn't matter.
There are law enforcement shortages all over the country. Considering the public shift against law enforcement it seems like it's definitely connected. Hate on cops enough and nobody is wants to do it.
The days of just doing what you want and getting away with it is coming to an end. Many cops have the mindset of the sheet wearers, now that accountability is coming in to play the job doesn't look that attractive anymore.
Ok, so define a career criminal. If my last crime was committed in 2007 and it is now 2022 how does that make me a career criminal if I am not committing a crime anymore.

Also did Chauvin know his criminal record the day he murdered him?
The days of just doing what you want and getting away with it is coming to an end. Many cops have the mindset of the sheet wearers, now that accountability is coming in to play the job doesn't look that attractive anymore.
Even going with your narrative it's still an important job that needs to get done. We need people to enforce laws. I think little kids are not being taught that law enforcement is an honorable profession anymore. Not as many kids saying they want to be police officers when they grow up.
No, it's far more stupid to sit on his chest since it led to his death.

Floyd didn't hurt anyone that day. Chauvin did.
The primary cause of Floyd’s death was Floyd resisting arrest

Even going with your narrative it's still an important job that needs to get done. We need people to enforce laws. I think little kids are not being taught that law enforcement is an honorable profession anymore. Not as many kids saying they want to be police officers when they grow up.
Nobody has a problem with them enforcing the Laws, the problem comes in when they start breaking them. The issue used to be they weren't being paid enough, now the issue is that they can't do their job. Their job is not to harass, beat, steal from and murder folks.

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