Police shot and killed girl. No liberal outrage. She was white.

According to the family, the police have been releasing changing and conflicting stories, besides not allowing the family to see the video.

BB gun found at scene of fatal police shooting of California teen: Prosecutor

Hannah Williams was a professional lifeguard and had no history of crime, so it is hard to believe what the police claim.

Just because she had no criminal record doesn't mean she didn't do it. Investigations take months to complete. Some BB guns do look exactly like real guns, and in a moments notice, you don't have time to study the weapon. You see somebody pulling a gun on you, you have two choices: chance getting killed, or shoot your attacker in self-defense.

The pictures above that I posted under the OP are two guns: One is an air soft gun, and the other a gun that shoots bullets. Can you tell the difference between the two?

You don't have to be able to tell the difference between the BB gun and a real gun in order to know you do not need to shoot. She had never shot a real gun, and that should have been obvious to anyone. And a novice is not going to hit anyone more then 30' away, with a pistol.
Anyone who thinks they need to shoot at that distance from someone who is not demonstrating professional skills, is an idiot.
And anyone who gets within 30' of a suspect without first determining there is no threat, is a complete idiot.

You gave only 2 choice, kill or die, when the reality is you have the 3rd option of simply remaining under reasonable cover until more have been determined about the situation.
When police do NOT do that, they can no longer claim self defense for danger they themselves have caused.

Police (by law) are not required to retreat under any condition. Citizens are required to retreat in most states if the option is available.

When a citizen is using a firearm, it's for their own protection, and not protection of the public at large. A police officer is there to protect more than himself. He is there to protect the public as well.

That aside, some states like Florida have Stand Your Ground laws for the citizens as well as the police. That means the retreat option is not required. You are (by law) allowed to use deadly force even if the possibility of escape is available to you.
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

Mod note: Edited Title and OP to remove call-outs...

She was pointing a gun at them and speeding on the highway. They had no idea it was a replica gun.

What a ridiculous call out thread.

If you don't like the thread, why participate? There are a lot of threads I'm not interested in. I just don't go to them.
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

Mod note: Edited Title and OP to remove call-outs...

She was pointing a gun at them and speeding on the highway. They had no idea it was a replica gun.

What a ridiculous call out thread.

If you don't like the thread, why participate? There are a lot of threads I'm not interested in. I just don't go to them.

Why? Because you need to know how ridiculous of a thread it is.

Color of the person doesn't matter when you point a gun at them and are speeding on the highway putting innocent lives in danger. It's pretty cut and dry regardless of whether it was a replica gun.

So what was your intent?
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

Mod note: Edited Title and OP to remove call-outs...

Of course not. Of course there is no left-wing outrage. Left-wingers are inherently evil scum. They don't give a crap about anyone. They murder babies. The only thing they care about is gaining power, and if they can't use a death to gain power, then they do not give flying rats ass about people dying.

Their reactions never surprise me. When it's a choice between being against the good guy or for the good guy, they always side against the good guy. Choosing evil over good is a trait of a leftist.

The good guys in a democratic republic are the population that wants freedom.
The bad guys are always those paid to take away freedom, and it is always the Gestapo, Stazi, Savik, KGB, or some name for those who work for money and are willing to harm anyone they are told to harm.
If police were the "good guys", then the US would not have the largest percentage in prison in the world.
If police were the "good guys" there would not be any War on Drugs, which clearly is an illegal attempt at a nanny state that is not defending the rights of anyone.
We are not a democratic republic
America is a Republic
This thread is ridiculous. Anyone remember the white blonde from Australia shot in Minneapolis by a cop that BLM ended up protesting? All she did was report a rape and go out to the car to meet the police. One cop was startled and shot her. The implication of this thread is no one cares when whites are a victim. That’s incorrect. However white don’t get shot partly because they are white.
This thread is ridiculous. Anyone remember the white blonde from Australia shot in Minneapolis by a cop that BLM ended up protesting? All she did was report a rape and go out to the car to meet the police. One cop was startled and shot her. The implication of this thread is no one cares when whites are a victim. That’s incorrect. However white don’t get shot partly because they are white.
And your presumptions that non-whites get shot because they are non-white would be?
you are a genius!! and very wrong
''''if police can legally shoot a civilian for pointing a weapon, than any civilian could then legal shoot police when they point a weapon.'''' ..????!!!!!!!! ahahahhaa
how old are you???!!! 10???

Penal Code 417 PC - "Brandishing" a Weapon or Firearm
.....understand???? in most states you can't just brandish/etc weapons---the police usually are not BRANDISHING weapons
etc etc
you are way off base--not even in the ballpark
Learn to pronounce
  1. wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.

Brandishing is when you display a weapon of deadly force in a way that intimidates.
That is exactly what police are doing when they point a loaded gun at someone, and since it could easily go off by an accidental trip or tug, that is the felony conduct regardless of life.
Police illegally violate that law constantly.

But brandishing is perfectly legal by any ordinary citizen if they feel their life or property is in danger, and they have no means of safe retreat. Same as police. In fact, it has to be IDENTICAL is this it to remain a democratic republic.

Ummm, what the fuck do you think POINTING a gun at you is? Moron!

You seemed to have misunderstood.
While she should not have brandished, the police do it all the time, and it is even more illegal when police do it because they have real guns, they are loaded, and the police should have been better trained to know how easily guns can go off accidentally.
It is illegal for police to point loaded guns at people who have not shown any weapon, and yet police illegally do this all the time.

Police are trained (fortunately this is one thing they do train relatively well) to NOT point the weapon at the person until they are going to shoot. They are also trained to keep their fingers off of the trigger. But, I am a real good shooter, and I train waaaay the heck more than cops do, but if anyone points a gun at me, I shoot them.

Period end of story. Your movie physics belief you can dodge a bullet is laughable. Point a gun at a person and you should, and most likely will get shot for doing so.

I have had police point a gun at me, with finger inside the trigger guard, over a dozen times, and have seen it more than a hundred times.

The point is not to try to dodge bullets, but to put a vehicle between you and someone you do not know.
It is not hard to do.
Lots of police have easily survived shootings by doing that.
Police apparently are no longer being properly trained, and instead are using armed forces rules of engagement for a combat zone.
Over a dozen times? Can someone ban this troll?
This thread is ridiculous. Anyone remember the white blonde from Australia shot in Minneapolis by a cop that BLM ended up protesting? All she did was report a rape and go out to the car to meet the police. One cop was startled and shot her. The implication of this thread is no one cares when whites are a victim. That’s incorrect. However white don’t get shot partly because they are white.
And your presumptions that non-whites get shot because they are non-white would be?
Just about any study ever done on the subject. But I don’t expect that to mean anything to people who ignore 97% agreement among scientists about the climate.

There are huge racial disparities in how US police use force
But a review of the research by the Sentencing Project concluded that throughout various time periods in the past few decades, the higher crime rates in black communities only explained about 61 to 80 percent of black overrepresentation in prisons. This means that up to 39 percent of the racially disparate rate of imprisonment is attributable to other factors, including, potentially, racial bias or past criminal records influencing a prison sentence.
This thread is ridiculous. Anyone remember the white blonde from Australia shot in Minneapolis by a cop that BLM ended up protesting? All she did was report a rape and go out to the car to meet the police. One cop was startled and shot her. The implication of this thread is no one cares when whites are a victim. That’s incorrect. However white don’t get shot partly because they are white.
And your presumptions that non-whites get shot because they are non-white would be?
Just about any study ever done on the subject. But I don’t expect that to mean anything to people who ignore 97% agreement among scientists about the climate.

There are huge racial disparities in how US police use force
But a review of the research by the Sentencing Project concluded that throughout various time periods in the past few decades, the higher crime rates in black communities only explained about 61 to 80 percent of black overrepresentation in prisons. This means that up to 39 percent of the racially disparate rate of imprisonment is attributable to other factors, including, potentially, racial bias or past criminal records influencing a prison sentence.
Studies can be manipulated to represent the agenda you are pushing.
How about a little work experience?
This thread is ridiculous. Anyone remember the white blonde from Australia shot in Minneapolis by a cop that BLM ended up protesting? All she did was report a rape and go out to the car to meet the police. One cop was startled and shot her. The implication of this thread is no one cares when whites are a victim. That’s incorrect. However white don’t get shot partly because they are white.
And your presumptions that non-whites get shot because they are non-white would be?
Just about any study ever done on the subject. But I don’t expect that to mean anything to people who ignore 97% agreement among scientists about the climate.

There are huge racial disparities in how US police use force
But a review of the research by the Sentencing Project concluded that throughout various time periods in the past few decades, the higher crime rates in black communities only explained about 61 to 80 percent of black overrepresentation in prisons. This means that up to 39 percent of the racially disparate rate of imprisonment is attributable to other factors, including, potentially, racial bias or past criminal records influencing a prison sentence.

The first paragraph tells it all right there:

Although the data is incomplete because it’s based on voluntary reports from police agencies around the country, it highlights the vast disparities in how police use force.

In comparison, it's like an article saying blacks get bitten by misquotes more than whites, but blacks being outside at night more than whites is to be ignored.

So who are cops most likely to be killed by?

In 2013, 44 percent of cop killers were white, 37 percent were black and 11 percent were Hispanic. Last year, 54 percent were white, 26 percent were black and 18 percent were Hispanic. In those years there was also one Native American, one Inuit man and one Chechen, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is now on trial for the Boston Marathon bombing and is also accused of killing a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer in the days after the bombing. (A district attorney said this week she would wait until after the Boston Marathon bombing trial to prosecute Tsarnaev for the officer's killing.)

Who kills police officers?

Blacks killed police officers at nearly three times their percentage population size compared to whites that killed police officers in less than one times their percentage population size in 2013. In 2014, blacks at twice their population size compared to whites under one times their population in the US.
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

Mod note: Edited Title and OP to remove call-outs...

She was pointing a gun at them and speeding on the highway. They had no idea it was a replica gun.

What a ridiculous call out thread.

If you don't like the thread, why participate? There are a lot of threads I'm not interested in. I just don't go to them.

Why? Because you need to know how ridiculous of a thread it is.

Color of the person doesn't matter when you point a gun at them and are speeding on the highway putting innocent lives in danger. It's pretty cut and dry regardless of whether it was a replica gun.

So what was your intent?

As I stated, it's more about how the media handles these stories. I only found it by accident when I got bored and went through Google news. Until I brought this story up that took place A WEEK AGO, I would be willing to bet that nobody else even heard of it unless they are a local in that area or perhaps that state. That's my point.

When the media sensationalizes these stories involving a black suspect, it leads the ignorant to believe that police only shoot and kill black people; especially unarmed black people. They know how to stir black people up, and they also know white people will not react violently to a story such as this. They know reporting on blacks can lead to protests, lead to black sports figures disrespecting our flag or anthem, and hopefully for them, riots where businesses are burned down and people are injured or killed. That's what the media is hoping for.
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

Mod note: Edited Title and OP to remove call-outs...
Was she killed because she was white?

No, I said the story will be a dead one because she was white.
It's a dead one because it's very clear cut. She wasn't waving a cellphone in the cops direction, she wasn't running away, the lighting wasn't poor, and so on.

She deliberately hit a police cruiser and then came at the officer with (fake) gun extended in a two handed grip looking over the sights at him. This was very clearly suicide by cop.

I feel terrible for her. I feel terrible for her friends and parents. But most of all I feel terrible for the cop. He was forced to shoot an innocent person, and that will likely haunt him for the rest of his life.
She pointed a gun replica at a cop? What an idiot.
You pull a screwdriver on a cop and he'll shoot your dumb ass.Mouth shut. Hands visible. Ears open. No problem, in general.

She hit his car. They suppressed 30 seconds of audio, you just KNOW he is saying "Hit my car bitch? You're fucking dead." He gets out and shoots her without a word.

Straight up murder. Fullerton cops are famous for murdering people.

Got any friends that are cops ? Didn't think so! Why was this woman out of her car pointing anything at anybody. She was just in an accident with a cop car, Smart money says stop and complain about his driving skills. Cops are very cautious and don't go out there to kill people, They just want to give you a ticket and go home! Unless you point a gun at them of course!
It's a dead one because it's very clear cut.

So were the stories of a black suspect and white shooter, yet the MSM blows the story up and follows for months and years at time.

Take the Ferguson story for instance. A black guy robbed a store, went out walking in the middle of the street. When the officer spotted him, Brown began to fight with the officer even reaching into his police car in an attempt to take his gun. That's when the officer fired the first shot into his hand.

This huge kid then went after the officer when he tried to subdue him after he found out about the store incident, and the officer fired because he realized something was wrong with this guy and felt threatened.

In the Rice case, the entire thing was on video obtained from the rec center. The officers responded to a call from neighbors and motorists of a guy waiving a gun around in the park and pointing it at passing cars. I know this neighborhood, and it's no place you wish to be at. It's a high crime area and gunshots are a weekly if not nightly thing. So the officers knew they were going into a possible deadly situation, and the officer shot the kid after he seen the gun being pulled out of his pants.
It's a dead one because it's very clear cut.

So were the stories of a black suspect and white shooter, yet the MSM blows the story up and follows for months and years at time.

Take the Ferguson story for instance. A black guy robbed a store, went out walking in the middle of the street. When the officer spotted him, Brown began to fight with the officer even reaching into his police car in an attempt to take his gun. That's when the officer fired the first shot into his hand.

This huge kid then went after the officer when he tried to subdue him after he found out about the store incident, and the officer fired because he realized something was wrong with this guy and felt threatened.

In the Rice case, the entire thing was on video obtained from the rec center. The officers responded to a call from neighbors and motorists of a guy waiving a gun around in the park and pointing it at passing cars. I know this neighborhood, and it's no place you wish to be at. It's a high crime area and gunshots are a weekly if not nightly thing. So the officers knew they were going into a possible deadly situation, and the officer shot the kid after he seen the gun being pulled out of his pants.
There was a competing narrative in the Ferguson case, and in the Tamir Rice case the officers were notofied it was probably a fake gun and a kid. They opened fire without ever leaving their cruiser.

There are ano similarities between this case and those. Stop trying to make this tragedy about race. This woman did everything in her power to make the cop shoot her. And almost every officer would have, even if she was high visibility orange instead of white.
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

Mod note: Edited Title and OP to remove call-outs...

She was pointing a gun at them and speeding on the highway. They had no idea it was a replica gun.

What a ridiculous call out thread.

If you don't like the thread, why participate? There are a lot of threads I'm not interested in. I just don't go to them.

Why? Because you need to know how ridiculous of a thread it is.

Color of the person doesn't matter when you point a gun at them and are speeding on the highway putting innocent lives in danger. It's pretty cut and dry regardless of whether it was a replica gun.

So what was your intent?

As I stated, it's more about how the media handles these stories. I only found it by accident when I got bored and went through Google news. Until I brought this story up that took place A WEEK AGO, I would be willing to bet that nobody else even heard of it unless they are a local in that area or perhaps that state. That's my point.

When the media sensationalizes these stories involving a black suspect, it leads the ignorant to believe that police only shoot and kill black people; especially unarmed black people. They know how to stir black people up, and they also know white people will not react violently to a story such as this. They know reporting on blacks can lead to protests, lead to black sports figures disrespecting our flag or anthem, and hopefully for them, riots where businesses are burned down and people are injured or killed. That's what the media is hoping for.

Then that on you for not reading very good web pages because I've seen it all over the place including the day it happened.
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

Mod note: Edited Title and OP to remove call-outs...

She was pointing a gun at them and speeding on the highway. They had no idea it was a replica gun.

What a ridiculous call out thread.

If you don't like the thread, why participate? There are a lot of threads I'm not interested in. I just don't go to them.

Why? Because you need to know how ridiculous of a thread it is.

Color of the person doesn't matter when you point a gun at them and are speeding on the highway putting innocent lives in danger. It's pretty cut and dry regardless of whether it was a replica gun.

So what was your intent?

As I stated, it's more about how the media handles these stories. I only found it by accident when I got bored and went through Google news. Until I brought this story up that took place A WEEK AGO, I would be willing to bet that nobody else even heard of it unless they are a local in that area or perhaps that state. That's my point.

When the media sensationalizes these stories involving a black suspect, it leads the ignorant to believe that police only shoot and kill black people; especially unarmed black people. They know how to stir black people up, and they also know white people will not react violently to a story such as this. They know reporting on blacks can lead to protests, lead to black sports figures disrespecting our flag or anthem, and hopefully for them, riots where businesses are burned down and people are injured or killed. That's what the media is hoping for.

We never hear any stories about black police officers shooting anyone. Do they wait till the shooting stops to arrive? Media guides the weak mind. Why do so few Black and Hispanic people join Police depts. You would think they would swell the ranks in the face of all of this racism and murder of young (poc) going on! Ooops that's right, Police dept's do Background checks and you have to be able to pass a written test that includes more than the names of Video games and Music groups. Some have even started checking for gang tats and affiliations with convicts and gang members. Nobody wants gangs to infiltrate Law enforcement right! Too Late!
Most but not all require secondary education to apply. It's a tough call whether to hire a person with a bachelors degree in Criminal justice, or sociology, or Civil service applicant who scores a 71% on the written test. Chances are if that 71% score belongs to a poc and is the highest score in that racial category they will get hired! Scary eh!
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

Mod note: Edited Title and OP to remove call-outs...
Was she killed because she was white?

No, I said the story will be a dead one because she was white.
It's a dead one because it's very clear cut. She wasn't waving a cellphone in the cops direction, she wasn't running away, the lighting wasn't poor, and so on.

She deliberately hit a police cruiser and then came at the officer with (fake) gun extended in a two handed grip looking over the sights at him. This was very clearly suicide by cop.

I feel terrible for her. I feel terrible for her friends and parents. But most of all I feel terrible for the cop. He was forced to shoot an innocent person, and that will likely haunt him for the rest of his life.

That SURE the hell isn't what the body cam shows, not even close.
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

Mod note: Edited Title and OP to remove call-outs...
Was she killed because she was white?

No, I said the story will be a dead one because she was white.
It's a dead one because it's very clear cut. She wasn't waving a cellphone in the cops direction, she wasn't running away, the lighting wasn't poor, and so on.

She deliberately hit a police cruiser and then came at the officer with (fake) gun extended in a two handed grip looking over the sights at him. This was very clearly suicide by cop.

I feel terrible for her. I feel terrible for her friends and parents. But most of all I feel terrible for the cop. He was forced to shoot an innocent person, and that will likely haunt him for the rest of his life.

That SURE the hell isn't what the body cam shows, not even close.
Yeah, it is.
A 17-year-old girl killed by a Fullerton police officer last week appears to have been pointing a replica handgun at the officer when she was shot, according to body camera footage released by the Police Department on Friday.

The graphic 15-minute video, which also features emergency radio transmissions and statements from Fullerton police officials, provides the most complete account yet of the events leading up to the shooting of Hannah Williams along the 91 Freeway in Anaheim.

The on-duty K-9 officer was driving east on the 91 Freeway when he noticed an SUV speeding past him shortly after 7 p.m., according to a videotaped statement by Fullerton Police Lt. Jon Radus introducing the footage.

As the officer attempts to stop the vehicle for a possible speeding violation, it appears to intentionally collide with his patrol car before making an abrupt U-turn into oncoming traffic and coming to a stop facing the wrong way, Radus said.

When the officer approached the driver’s side door, Williams exited and pointed the replica gun at him, Radus said. She can be seen in the video walking toward the officer with her arms outstretched.

The officer opened fire, striking her. The video shows a still-conscious Williams crying out for help as the officer and a responding LAPD officer handcuff her and provide medical aid.

Body camera video appears to show 17-year-old pointing replica gun at officer before she is shot, police say

What we have here is almost an exact replica of a case in my city with a boy named Tamir Rice. In this case, an officer was confronted by a girl with a toy gun which the officer had no way of knowing, and did what he had to do which is protect his life.

There are several differences between the Rice case and this one. First and most importantly, the liberal media has not expressed outrage in this shooting. Two, you had to dig for this story to find it. Three, they were both minors, but this girl was five years older than Tamir.

A USMB member told me that if Tamir had been white, the officer would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; that the officer should have known it was a toy and waited until he was shot at first before defending his life.

Not to worry though, because this is a white girl, this story will die this evening. It won't be like the year long constant reporting by the MSM like what happened in the Rice case. They likely won't investigate the life history of this officer like in the Rice case, and the city won't give the parents of this mentally challenged girl 5 million dollars because she was white and they need to buy votes.

Mod note: Edited Title and OP to remove call-outs...

She was pointing a gun at them and speeding on the highway. They had no idea it was a replica gun.

What a ridiculous call out thread.

If you don't like the thread, why participate? There are a lot of threads I'm not interested in. I just don't go to them.

Why? Because you need to know how ridiculous of a thread it is.

Color of the person doesn't matter when you point a gun at them and are speeding on the highway putting innocent lives in danger. It's pretty cut and dry regardless of whether it was a replica gun.

So what was your intent?

As I stated, it's more about how the media handles these stories. I only found it by accident when I got bored and went through Google news. Until I brought this story up that took place A WEEK AGO, I would be willing to bet that nobody else even heard of it unless they are a local in that area or perhaps that state. That's my point.

When the media sensationalizes these stories involving a black suspect, it leads the ignorant to believe that police only shoot and kill black people; especially unarmed black people. They know how to stir black people up, and they also know white people will not react violently to a story such as this. They know reporting on blacks can lead to protests, lead to black sports figures disrespecting our flag or anthem, and hopefully for them, riots where businesses are burned down and people are injured or killed. That's what the media is hoping for.

We never hear any stories about black police officers shooting anyone. Do they wait till the shooting stops to arrive? Media guides the weak mind. Why do so few Black and Hispanic people join Police depts. You would think they would swell the ranks in the face of all of this racism and murder of young (poc) going on! Ooops that's right, Police dept's do Background checks and you have to be able to pass a written test that includes more than the names of Video games and Music groups. Some have even started checking for gang tats and affiliations with convicts and gang members. Nobody wants gangs to infiltrate Law enforcement right! Too Late!
Most but not all require secondary education to apply. It's a tough call whether to hire a person with a bachelors degree in Criminal justice, or sociology, or Civil service applicant who scores a 71% on the written test. Chances are if that 71% score belongs to a poc and is the highest score in that racial category they will get hired! Scary eh!

The son of a friend of mine became a cop. It wasn't easy. Before he pursued his career, he went to college and graduated. Nobody would hire him. In fact one department he wanted to get on had a minimum education level of a four year college degree.

His hope was to work for the federal government, but he couldn't even come close to that. He tried for state highway patrol, but they said he didn't have perfect vision. So he got laser surgery to correct that and still couldn't get in.

He finally got a job at the Sheriff's department, but it was part-time, and didn't pay very well. In fact half of it was volunteer work where he didn't get paid at all. He didn't like farm living very much as most of the calls he got were about animals getting out of their pens and blocking the roadways, or an injured deer that needed to be put down.

Finally he got fed up and went to the police academy and paid for it himself. It worked well. He didn't get a job around home, but he's only about 50 miles from here and has a pretty good career going. But it was a long struggle.

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