Police State: City Shuts Down Hot Dog Stand Boy Opened To Help Disabled Parents...

If he didn't have a permit, it'd be a different story. But he did everything right, and the city is cruel to force him to close his little investment.
Hey, remove zoning laws. That is cool with me when you can't stop a legitimate gay establishment or a mosque from moving into your neighborhood. I am all for the removal opf these corrupt laws which allow the white christian right to discriminate. You were the guys who wanted the ability to keep so called evil out of your neighborhood, please feel free to open up the doors for anyone to move in.

I agree that your corrupt use of zoning laws has gone way too far and you should immediately fight to have them removed.
his mom has epilepsy and his dad has multiple sclerosis. So he decided to open a hot dog stand.

If Stephen Hawking can get a job, so too can these lazy fucks. That's the conservative stance, right?

Nearly every disabled person is capable of doing something (how many disabled people are truly completely incapicated like a Terri Schiavo? Extreme rarity). The very few who can't don't need government. They need their family, their friends, their neighbors, their church, and charities.

Someone so physically disabled that they are paralyzed from the neck down can still perform a ton of jobs - the ability to think and speak qualifies you to teach, provide technical support, customer support, and on and on.

Somone who is severely mentally disabled (such as retardation, etc.) can still perform a ton of physical jobs like stocking shelves, washing dishes, setting tables, packaging items, etc.

Only the asshole Democrat believes everyone should stay home and live off of the government.
There is a law that prohibits food carts in the downtown/commercial/tourist area of Holland, Michigan unless they are associated with one of the 8 restaurants in the city. If he sets up the food outside his house how
much business do you think he is going to get? This kid invested $1200 of his own money that he earned mowing lawns and shoveling snow in this cart after checking with the city to make sure it was legal to do so, and specifically asking about permits to operate a food cart. Only a complete idiot who actually believes that government is what makes business successful would believe that a business outside the commercial district would be a real business.

Please, continue posting in the assumption that all I know about this is what you know, it amuses me.

I know the facts of the story and you don't. I suggest you do some research.

I have been following this story for a couple of days, and actually posted my own thread about it. One fact I know that you don't is that a local business actually paid this boy $2,500 for his cart and is going to help him whenever he books a special event. He actually has a wedding scheduled, and will make money despite the fact that the local government doesn't want his tax money.

Like I said, keep assuming you know stuff I don't.

I already pointed out yesterday that he sold the cart for more than he paid for it.

I also know that his parents paid for about half of it and he DID have to get a permit, contrary to the other stories you believe.
his mom has epilepsy and his dad has multiple sclerosis. So he decided to open a hot dog stand.

If Stephen Hawking can get a job, so too can these lazy fucks. That's the conservative stance, right?

I'm guessing that the OP thinks Social Security disability benefits are unconstitutional.

They are... and I'm betting communists like you don't understand the Constitution. And I know for a fact that you've never read it.

The federal government is delegated 18 enumerated powers from the states, and redistributing wealth is not one of those powers.
If Stephen Hawking can get a job, so too can these lazy fucks. That's the conservative stance, right?

I'm guessing that the OP thinks Social Security disability benefits are unconstitutional.

They are... and I'm betting communists like you don't understand the Constitution. And I know for a fact that you've never read it.

The federal government is delegated 18 enumerated powers from the states, and redistributing wealth is not one of those powers.

Well, no, actually it is. Constitutional law also provides for a mechanism to determine constitutionality.

It's the Supreme Court. It's not some-guy-on-the-internet. And Social Security was upheld as constitutional back in the thirties.
I know the facts of the story and you don't. I suggest you do some research.

I have been following this story for a couple of days, and actually posted my own thread about it. One fact I know that you don't is that a local business actually paid this boy $2,500 for his cart and is going to help him whenever he books a special event. He actually has a wedding scheduled, and will make money despite the fact that the local government doesn't want his tax money.

Like I said, keep assuming you know stuff I don't.

I already pointed out yesterday that he sold the cart for more than he paid for it.

I also know that his parents paid for about half of it and he DID have to get a permit, contrary to the other stories you believe.

He had a permit to operate his business issued by the city, which would have listed the address of his business, and they still closed him down because he was running his business in the city, and you still think they were right.

That says a lot about you, but it says not a damn thing about me.
He made $1,200 mowing lawns, why not keep that job? Blowing that much money on a hot dog stand; that might, or might not, make money, if allowed, shows little concern for his parents. This story seems odd.

Because hot dog stands tend to make good money. Low overhead, returning customers.

Many business people take these types of investments, typically mowing a lawn might make you $10-$30,

No doubt the kid is a thinker and very motivated.

He made $1,200 mowing lawns, and he will have have the opportunity to work full time, at age 18. Those who claim this a liberty issue usually don't want 13 year old KIDS outside after dark. But this kid should run a business, other citizens rights be damned. Local zoning is cited, when in reality, 13 year old children cannot contract, his suppliers could get left with -0-. Just another "hate the government" fairytale.

So you want to legally discourage all children from participating in market activities until they are adults? Got a problem with Junior Achievement ???

Programs - Middle Grades - JA It’s My Business!

JA It’s My Business! encompasses entrepreneurship curriculum for students in grades six, seven, and eight. The program emphasizes entrepreneurship while providing a strong focus on social studies, reading, and writing skills.

Students are encouraged to use critical thinking to learn entrepreneurial skills that support positive attitudes as they explore and enhance their career aspirations.

Junior Achievement gratefully acknowledges the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice for its dedication to the development and implementation of JA It's My Business!

Want the cops to tell THOSE kids to wait for age 18 before running a biz?

No wonder so many people get out of High School with no concept of balancing a checkbook or paying bills on time.. I'D contract with a Middle Schooler who thought they were doing something VALUABLE to help others.. Wouldn't YOU?????

NOT a "hate the government" fairytale. It's FIGHTING for economic freedom.. Just like the fight to keep govt from issuing monopolies to cab companies, flower shops, restaurants, and all those GROWN-UP breaches of economic liberty that us "capitalists" are doing every day..
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I have been following this story for a couple of days, and actually posted my own thread about it. One fact I know that you don't is that a local business actually paid this boy $2,500 for his cart and is going to help him whenever he books a special event. He actually has a wedding scheduled, and will make money despite the fact that the local government doesn't want his tax money.

Like I said, keep assuming you know stuff I don't.

I already pointed out yesterday that he sold the cart for more than he paid for it.

I also know that his parents paid for about half of it and he DID have to get a permit, contrary to the other stories you believe.

He had a permit to operate his business issued by the city, which would have listed the address of his business, and they still closed him down because he was running his business in the city, and you still think they were right.

That says a lot about you, but it says not a damn thing about me.

No, his permit was issued by the county, which issues said permits without regard to city zoning laws.

See, you have no idea what you're talking about.

"Duszynski, his mother and step-father went to city hall to get a permit prior to opening up. After conversations with the deputy city clerk and the mayor, the family believed it would be OK to set up shop, Johnson said. But they were never told about zoning regulations; and they were sent to Ottawa County for the permit.

In the spring, the Ottawa County Health Department took over permitting for restaurants and food vendors in the area. The county issues a permit for a specific location, but does not take into account city zoning. To move the cart to a different commercial zone, another permit would have to be purchased, Johnson said."

13-year-old entrepreneur told no hot dog sales - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel

I recommend that you shut up until you've learned the facts.
I already pointed out yesterday that he sold the cart for more than he paid for it.

I also know that his parents paid for about half of it and he DID have to get a permit, contrary to the other stories you believe.

He had a permit to operate his business issued by the city, which would have listed the address of his business, and they still closed him down because he was running his business in the city, and you still think they were right.

That says a lot about you, but it says not a damn thing about me.

No, his permit was issued by the county, which issues said permits without regard to city zoning laws.

See, you have no idea what you're talking about.

"Duszynski, his mother and step-father went to city hall to get a permit prior to opening up. After conversations with the deputy city clerk and the mayor, the family believed it would be OK to set up shop, Johnson said. But they were never told about zoning regulations; and they were sent to Ottawa County for the permit.

In the spring, the Ottawa County Health Department took over permitting for restaurants and food vendors in the area. The county issues a permit for a specific location, but does not take into account city zoning. To move the cart to a different commercial zone, another permit would have to be purchased, Johnson said."

13-year-old entrepreneur told no hot dog sales - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel

I recommend that you shut up until you've learned the facts.

So, you admit the city told him he did not need a permit, which was the position of everyone in this thread. Good job on knocking down the strawman that everyone said he didn't have a permit though. Couldn't have done it better myself.
He had a permit to operate his business issued by the city, which would have listed the address of his business, and they still closed him down because he was running his business in the city, and you still think they were right.

That says a lot about you, but it says not a damn thing about me.

No, his permit was issued by the county, which issues said permits without regard to city zoning laws.

See, you have no idea what you're talking about.

"Duszynski, his mother and step-father went to city hall to get a permit prior to opening up. After conversations with the deputy city clerk and the mayor, the family believed it would be OK to set up shop, Johnson said. But they were never told about zoning regulations; and they were sent to Ottawa County for the permit.

In the spring, the Ottawa County Health Department took over permitting for restaurants and food vendors in the area. The county issues a permit for a specific location, but does not take into account city zoning. To move the cart to a different commercial zone, another permit would have to be purchased, Johnson said."

13-year-old entrepreneur told no hot dog sales - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel

I recommend that you shut up until you've learned the facts.

So, you admit the city told him he did not need a permit, which was the position of everyone in this thread. Good job on knocking down the strawman that everyone said he didn't have a permit though. Couldn't have done it better myself.


Stop trolling. You're really becoming annoying. I know that's what you want, but jeezus, why?
Such a big heart ole Big Brother has, huh?

This summer, 13-year-old Nathan Duszynski wanted to make some money to help out his disabled parents—his mom has epilepsy and his dad has multiple sclerosis. So he decided to open a hot dog stand. He saved $1,200, mostly money made by mowing lawns and shoveling snow. He checked with the city to make sure he didn't need any licenses or permits, even going to city hall in person with his mom. And then he bought a cart. (Yep, that's hot dogs from Nathan's, for those who are keeping score at home.)

He arrived to set up shop on his first day and 10 minutes later, a zoning official arrived to shut him down. The problem: The cart, which is in the parking lot of a sporting goods store, is on the edge of official downtown commercial district of Holland, Michigan. The city bans food carts in that area in order to minimize competition for the eight tax-paying restaurants a couple of blocks away.

As it happens, I've been to Holland. It's a lovely town, but not exactly a booming metropolis. And frankly (ha!), after an evening of Blue Motorcycles Butch's Dry Dock, a hot dog would really have hit the spot. The city says it is willing to work with Nathan, but keeping food carts out of the small, walkable downtown area is pretty much the same thing as banning food carts altogether. Nathan and his family obviously know that: The hot dog cart is now for sale.

The Mackinac Center has made a nice little video about the ridiculous story:

City Shuts Down Teen's Hot Dog Vendor Cart! - YouTube

I'm sure the government just hates food carts. It probably has absolutely nothing to do with the restaurants in permanent buildings lobbying city hall to keep competition off their front door steps. Absolutely nothing. Businesses that sell stuff out of permanent buildings have never been opposed to street vendors with lower overhead coming in and swooping up their customers. Its the liberals. That's whose fault it is!

Its funny how you only bitch about it when its some pathetic story involving some kid. If it were a Hispanic guy trying to make a living for his family you'd hate him for it.
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I cannot believe people can do anything they want out of need and ignore the law? Illegal aliens have yard sales on public side walks and they get away with it. Being poor is not an excuse to break the law. Side walks food carts are a big business here is Reno because every one follows the law. except illgal aliens.

Gourmet Food Trucks gather for Food Truck Fridays
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Imagine if this were a taco cart operated by an undocumented Mexican immigrant...

...THEN, suddenly, the law would become very important again.


I would be up in arms if the city shut it down. I used to buy my lunch burrito from a lady at the bus stop every morning, she didn't speak a word of English. Being that this particular bus stop was less than 2 miles from the border of Mexico my guess was that she used to get up early every morning, fix the burritos, and cross the border to sell them to support her family, in Mexico. Maybe you should stop projecting your absurd values on other people.
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No, his permit was issued by the county, which issues said permits without regard to city zoning laws.

See, you have no idea what you're talking about.

"Duszynski, his mother and step-father went to city hall to get a permit prior to opening up. After conversations with the deputy city clerk and the mayor, the family believed it would be OK to set up shop, Johnson said. But they were never told about zoning regulations; and they were sent to Ottawa County for the permit.

In the spring, the Ottawa County Health Department took over permitting for restaurants and food vendors in the area. The county issues a permit for a specific location, but does not take into account city zoning. To move the cart to a different commercial zone, another permit would have to be purchased, Johnson said."

13-year-old entrepreneur told no hot dog sales - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel

I recommend that you shut up until you've learned the facts.

So, you admit the city told him he did not need a permit, which was the position of everyone in this thread. Good job on knocking down the strawman that everyone said he didn't have a permit though. Couldn't have done it better myself.


Stop trolling. You're really becoming annoying. I know that's what you want, but jeezus, why?

Remember when I told you, repeatedly, not to assume you know more about this than I do? Remember how you, repeatedly, ignored that advise?

Why are you still assuming you know more about this case than I do?

Yes or no question, did the city tell him there was no need for him to get a permit from the city to run the cart?
Such a big heart ole Big Brother has, huh?

This summer, 13-year-old Nathan Duszynski wanted to make some money to help out his disabled parents—his mom has epilepsy and his dad has multiple sclerosis. So he decided to open a hot dog stand. He saved $1,200, mostly money made by mowing lawns and shoveling snow. He checked with the city to make sure he didn't need any licenses or permits, even going to city hall in person with his mom. And then he bought a cart. (Yep, that's hot dogs from Nathan's, for those who are keeping score at home.)

He arrived to set up shop on his first day and 10 minutes later, a zoning official arrived to shut him down. The problem: The cart, which is in the parking lot of a sporting goods store, is on the edge of official downtown commercial district of Holland, Michigan. The city bans food carts in that area in order to minimize competition for the eight tax-paying restaurants a couple of blocks away.

As it happens, I've been to Holland. It's a lovely town, but not exactly a booming metropolis. And frankly (ha!), after an evening of Blue Motorcycles Butch's Dry Dock, a hot dog would really have hit the spot. The city says it is willing to work with Nathan, but keeping food carts out of the small, walkable downtown area is pretty much the same thing as banning food carts altogether. Nathan and his family obviously know that: The hot dog cart is now for sale.

The Mackinac Center has made a nice little video about the ridiculous story:

City Shuts Down Teen's Hot Dog Vendor Cart! - YouTube

I'm sure the government just hates food carts. It probably has absolutely nothing to do with the restaurants in permanent buildings lobbying city hall to keep competition off their front door steps. Absolutely nothing. Businesses that sell stuff out of permanent buildings have never been opposed to street vendors with lower overhead coming in and swooping up their customers. Its the liberals. That's whose fault it is!

Its funny how you only bitch about it when its some pathetic story involving some kid. If it were a Hispanic guy trying to make a living for his family you'd hate him for it.

It is funny how you assume, right off the bat, that he supports businesses being able to lobby the government to stop competition.
So, you admit the city told him he did not need a permit, which was the position of everyone in this thread. Good job on knocking down the strawman that everyone said he didn't have a permit though. Couldn't have done it better myself.


Stop trolling. You're really becoming annoying. I know that's what you want, but jeezus, why?

Remember when I told you, repeatedly, not to assume you know more about this than I do? Remember how you, repeatedly, ignored that advise?

Why are you still assuming you know more about this case than I do?

Yes or no question, did the city tell him there was no need for him to get a permit from the city to run the cart?

What part of they were sent to Ottawa County for the permit do you need explained to you?

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