Police State: City Shuts Down Hot Dog Stand Boy Opened To Help Disabled Parents...

Such a big heart ole Big Brother has, huh?

This summer, 13-year-old Nathan Duszynski wanted to make some money to help out his disabled parents—his mom has epilepsy and his dad has multiple sclerosis. So he decided to open a hot dog stand. He saved $1,200, mostly money made by mowing lawns and shoveling snow. He checked with the city to make sure he didn't need any licenses or permits, even going to city hall in person with his mom. And then he bought a cart. (Yep, that's hot dogs from Nathan's, for those who are keeping score at home.)

He arrived to set up shop on his first day and 10 minutes later, a zoning official arrived to shut him down. The problem: The cart, which is in the parking lot of a sporting goods store, is on the edge of official downtown commercial district of Holland, Michigan. The city bans food carts in that area in order to minimize competition for the eight tax-paying restaurants a couple of blocks away.

As it happens, I've been to Holland. It's a lovely town, but not exactly a booming metropolis. And frankly (ha!), after an evening of Blue Motorcycles Butch's Dry Dock, a hot dog would really have hit the spot. The city says it is willing to work with Nathan, but keeping food carts out of the small, walkable downtown area is pretty much the same thing as banning food carts altogether. Nathan and his family obviously know that: The hot dog cart is now for sale.

The Mackinac Center has made a nice little video about the ridiculous story:

City Shuts Down Teen's Hot Dog Vendor Cart! - YouTube

I'm sure the government just hates food carts. It probably has absolutely nothing to do with the restaurants in permanent buildings lobbying city hall to keep competition off their front door steps. Absolutely nothing. Businesses that sell stuff out of permanent buildings have never been opposed to street vendors with lower overhead coming in and swooping up their customers. Its the liberals. That's whose fault it is!

Its funny how you only bitch about it when its some pathetic story involving some kid. If it were a Hispanic guy trying to make a living for his family you'd hate him for it.

It is funny how you assume, right off the bat, that he supports businesses being able to lobby the government to stop competition.

I'm sorry, but has anyone suggested that businesses not be allowed to talk to the government? Not me.

I'm merely pointing out this isn't some liberal conspiracy. Laws that stifle street vendors from competing with the brick & mortar businesses are common across America regardless of the political leanings of city hall, and are usually most championed by the brick & mortar businesses.
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Two intelligient (I presume) USMB posters confused by the massive regulatory burden on small business. And you expect a kid to figure it out?

This little exchange is a classic. Proving once again how trying to comply with govt regulations is a torturous waste of time and effort.
I'm sure the government just hates food carts. It probably has absolutely nothing to do with the restaurants in permanent buildings lobbying city hall to keep competition off their front door steps. Absolutely nothing. Businesses that sell stuff out of permanent buildings have never been opposed to street vendors with lower overhead coming in and swooping up their customers. Its the liberals. That's whose fault it is!

Its funny how you only bitch about it when its some pathetic story involving some kid. If it were a Hispanic guy trying to make a living for his family you'd hate him for it.

It is funny how you assume, right off the bat, that he supports businesses being able to lobby the government to stop competition.

I'm sorry, but has anyone suggested that businesses not be allowed to talk to the government? Not me.

I'm merely pointing out this isn't some liberal conspiracy. Laws that stifle street vendors from competing with the brick & mortar businesses are common across America regardless of the political leanings of city hall, and are usually most championed by the brick & mortar businesses.

Not JUST brick biz.. There are the Cab Company medallions that cost $100,000 or more and are given out to cronies. There are the "floral Licensing" requirements that prevent competion. (Don't know of any deaths, or injuries caused by a poor arrangement of flowers -- do you?) Interior decorator licensing, Licenses to braid hair African style, and on and on.. MOST of it completely unneccessary. After all -- even your DRIVER'S license is no guarantee of public safety is it???

ALL this crap needs to stop.. Does not hurt a corpse if their grieving relatives buy a casket from Costco now does it? But local govt is a country club cartel for all practical purposes.

Stop trolling. You're really becoming annoying. I know that's what you want, but jeezus, why?

Remember when I told you, repeatedly, not to assume you know more about this than I do? Remember how you, repeatedly, ignored that advise?

Why are you still assuming you know more about this case than I do?

Yes or no question, did the city tell him there was no need for him to get a permit from the city to run the cart?

What part of they were sent to Ottawa County for the permit do you need explained to you?

Yes or no question, did the city tell him there was no need for him to get a permit from the city to run the cart?
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I'm sure the government just hates food carts. It probably has absolutely nothing to do with the restaurants in permanent buildings lobbying city hall to keep competition off their front door steps. Absolutely nothing. Businesses that sell stuff out of permanent buildings have never been opposed to street vendors with lower overhead coming in and swooping up their customers. Its the liberals. That's whose fault it is!

Its funny how you only bitch about it when its some pathetic story involving some kid. If it were a Hispanic guy trying to make a living for his family you'd hate him for it.

It is funny how you assume, right off the bat, that he supports businesses being able to lobby the government to stop competition.

I'm sorry, but has anyone suggested that businesses not be allowed to talk to the government? Not me.

I'm merely pointing out this isn't some liberal conspiracy. Laws that stifle street vendors from competing with the brick & mortar businesses are common across America regardless of the political leanings of city hall, and are usually most championed by the brick & mortar businesses.

I'm sorry, but I do not respond to things I did not say, What I said is "It is funny how you assume, right off the bat, that he supports businesses being able to lobby the government to stop competition." Can you explain where you get liberal conspiracy or business not being allowed to talk to the government out of that?
He made $1,200 mowing lawns, why not keep that job? Blowing that much money on a hot dog stand; that might, or might not, make money, if allowed, shows little concern for his parents. This story seems odd.

Because hot dog stands tend to make good money. Low overhead, returning customers.

Many business people take these types of investments, typically mowing a lawn might make you $10-$30,

No doubt the kid is a thinker and very motivated.

He made $1,200 mowing lawns, and he will have have the opportunity to work full time, at age 18. Those who claim this a liberty issue usually don't want 13 year old KIDS outside after dark. But this kid should run a business, other citizens rights be damned. Local zoning is cited, when in reality, 13 year old children cannot contract, his suppliers could get left with -0-. Just another "hate the government" fairytale.

What is wrong with a kid with ambition? I stated earlier that maybe one of these restaurants or all of them sponsor his cart and he pay them a percentage, that way he can learn about partnering up and working for solutions to problems. I was working in berry and bean fields at age 10 and have never stopped working.

As far as contracting? Come on, you can go to wholesale supplier and pay cash like many small businesses, your contract issue is fairytale.
I often wonder about the sanitary conditions of those home sellers. I guess it comes from the time i was on KP in the officer's mess and one of the KP's came by whispering, "Don't eat the cake."
Yes or no question, did the city tell him there was no need for him to get a permit from the city to run the cart?

There's no indication that the city told him he didn't need a permit. And common sense indicates that by referring him to the county, they were acknowledging and affirming the need for the permit.

Seriously, you can't really be trying to argue this. If you go to City Hall asking for a driver's license, and they refer you to the state DPS building, you really mean to take that as the city telling you that you don't actually need a license? You really think that would fly when a city cop pulls you over and arrests you for driving w/o a license?
I wonder how often the city government checks to see if the 'legitimate' businesses are doing things properly.
Remember when I told you, repeatedly, not to assume you know more about this than I do? Remember how you, repeatedly, ignored that advise?

Why are you still assuming you know more about this case than I do?

Yes or no question, did the city tell him there was no need for him to get a permit from the city to run the cart?

What part of they were sent to Ottawa County for the permit do you need explained to you?

Yes or no question, did the city tell him there was no need for him to get a permit from the city to run the cart?

Why, exactly, are you being an asshole? The permitting for having a cart IN THE CITY was transferred to the county offices.

YES they told him he needed a permit to operate in the city.

YES they told him to go to the county to get the permit.

YOU had the information WRONG while you were blathering on about it. End of story.
I wonder how often the city government checks to see if the 'legitimate' businesses are doing things properly.

Pretty much only if someone complains I would expect.
And depending on the level of "suction" the business has it might takes lots of complaints.
Our Government only stands in the way of small business entrepreneurs these days. They make it so difficult for someone to get started. Big Brother needs to get off the Peoples' backs. Enough is enough.

You don't seem to get what the problem is here. Local governments are democratically elected. If a majority of your city council, composed of the people your city elected, vote to restrict food carts,

that's what's going to happen. If that majority rule is creating an unacceptable suppression of the rights of a minority,

then, you need a bigger government, with authority over the city, to take action on behalf of that minority.

But people like yourself don't want the larger government interfering with the 'sovereignty' of the smaller governmental entities.

So this is what you get. It was Madison who argued that the smaller and more localized governmental power became, the easier it was for a majority to oppress a minority.
Here's an idea, why doesn't Big Brother just leave this kid alone? For that matter, why doesn't he just leave the American People alone? I know this is a radical & subversive idea, but what the hell, why not give it a shot Big Brother?
Here's an idea, why doesn't Big Brother just leave this kid alone? For that matter, why doesn't he just leave the American People alone? I know this is a radical & subversive idea, but what the hell, why not give it a shot Big Brother?

You either have to get the People to vote out zoning, and the laws, regulations, etc., that go with it,

or, you have to force them to give it up by some other means.

What's your choice?
Here's an idea, why doesn't Big Brother just leave this kid alone? For that matter, why doesn't he just leave the American People alone? I know this is a radical & subversive idea, but what the hell, why not give it a shot Big Brother?

Why is this about "a kid"? Isn't justice supposed to be blind? Is the law supposed to look the other way when it's "a kid"? For some reason, I suspect you would NOT be all up in arms if this was some 30 year old man with no tear jerker back story.
Here's an idea, why doesn't Big Brother just leave this kid alone? For that matter, why doesn't he just leave the American People alone? I know this is a radical & subversive idea, but what the hell, why not give it a shot Big Brother?

Why is this about "a kid"? Isn't justice supposed to be blind? Is the law supposed to look the other way when it's "a kid"? For some reason, I suspect you would NOT be all up in arms if this was some 30 year old man with no tear jerker back story.

This ain't justice. And if you think i wouldn't be up in arms over that, you just haven't been paying attention.
Here's an idea, why doesn't Big Brother just leave this kid alone? For that matter, why doesn't he just leave the American People alone? I know this is a radical & subversive idea, but what the hell, why not give it a shot Big Brother?

Why is this about "a kid"? Isn't justice supposed to be blind? Is the law supposed to look the other way when it's "a kid"? For some reason, I suspect you would NOT be all up in arms if this was some 30 year old man with no tear jerker back story.

This ain't justice. And if you think i wouldn't be up in arms over that, you just haven't been paying attention.

Following zoning laws "ain't justice"? Since when?
Here's an idea, why doesn't Big Brother just leave this kid alone? For that matter, why doesn't he just leave the American People alone? I know this is a radical & subversive idea, but what the hell, why not give it a shot Big Brother?

Why is this about "a kid"? Isn't justice supposed to be blind? Is the law supposed to look the other way when it's "a kid"? For some reason, I suspect you would NOT be all up in arms if this was some 30 year old man with no tear jerker back story.

This ain't justice. And if you think i wouldn't be up in arms over that, you just haven't been paying attention.

People want their cities zoned. That's why they vote for it. People who don't like it, either put up with it or move to rural areas where they don't have it, or have as much of it.

You have no solutions to the 'problems' you complain about.
Why is this about "a kid"? Isn't justice supposed to be blind? Is the law supposed to look the other way when it's "a kid"? For some reason, I suspect you would NOT be all up in arms if this was some 30 year old man with no tear jerker back story.

This ain't justice. And if you think i wouldn't be up in arms over that, you just haven't been paying attention.

People want their cities zoned. That's why they vote for it. People who don't like it, either put up with it or move to rural areas where they don't have it, or have as much of it.

You have no solutions to the 'problems' you complain about.

He never does. And he is selective in his complaints....
This ain't justice. And if you think i wouldn't be up in arms over that, you just haven't been paying attention.

People want their cities zoned. That's why they vote for it. People who don't like it, either put up with it or move to rural areas where they don't have it, or have as much of it.

You have no solutions to the 'problems' you complain about.

He never does. And he is selective in his complaints....

You Goose Steppers are a hoot. Maybe it's time for a little Big Brother Eminent Domain action huh? I bet you Goose Steppers are wetting your panties with excitement over just the thought. If this is justice, our Nation is dead.

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