Police State: City Shuts Down Hot Dog Stand Boy Opened To Help Disabled Parents...

Well, it's been fun observing the usual statists on the board come out of the woodwork on this one. You know though, there's one thing everyone seems to have overlooked.When elected officials (at ANY level, whether that be local, state or federal), pass and/or enforce a law, ANY law, for the exclusive or special benefit of their contributors, political or business cronies, or a particular business or set of businesses, instead of the voters of the community, there's a name for that. It's not democratic, republican or libertarian-it's just plain old-fashioned graft and corruption, which in entirely too many places these days, passes for politics as usual.That's not justice; and it's not big government, or limited government-it's just BAD government. Perhaps the voters of the city in question might remember that, come the next election. You get rid of crony politicians the same way you do any other politicians-fire the sonsofbitches!

It does seem like a bit of a monopoly if the only restaurants or food businesses allowed is the 8 already there....
No I dont care, thats not a real buisness...a cart?yeah I see so many, at the fair, that's about it....I live in Memphis, you dont really see those around here, if you want food you go INTO a restaurant... So a 6 year old with a lemonade stand should incorporate? And it's a 13 year old, while I dont think we should be lax on them in criminal matters, this is rediculous

Actually my cousins ex-husband made over $700 a day with his cart. He wrked 11:00am - 3:00 pm Monday thru Friday he didn't work weekends.

Obviously you can make money, but it's not a realy job or business to me. It's good money, thats not bad at all, but to me it's a business like a MLM,,,,,yeah it's business and you can make money, but it's not opening a store or website, I think it's the dcart, to me that has always been a small potatos, kiddie kinda of thing, except in NYC, but even then, it just doesnt feel like a business, just an opinon

Fair enough.
It's amazing to me that liberals who always want to "help" the disadvantaged, but only through the government, if any kid gets in the way and does it on his own, they feel threatened and liberals argue about the zoning laws. HE's 13 WHO FUCKING CARES. liberals are ok with 13 year olds killing people and getting no time in jail, yet they want to hassle a 13 year old about selling hotdogs, libtards never cease to amaze.

Those Authority-Worshippers are not 'Liberals.' They're Socialists/Progressives. There is a difference.
He never does. And he is selective in his complaints....

You Goose Steppers are a hoot. Maybe it's time for a little Big Brother Eminent Domain action huh? I bet you Goose Steppers are wetting your panties with excitement over just the thought. If this is justice, our Nation is dead.

There's no need to turn into an asshole every time someone disagrees with you and points out the cavernous holes in your arguments.

You Libertarian types, real or fake, are all pretty much the same. What you're really complaining about is that the democratic system won't make things exactly the way you want them to be.

boo hoo.

HEIL BIG BROTHER back at ya.
He should sue the city for the cost of his time and his hot dog stand and lost revenue. He checked with them first and they gave him the wrong answer.

Your lack of understanding of the facts of the case is comical.

What's to understand? He checked with the city to make sure it was okay, they said it was, he did it, they came back and said it wasn't okay. The city wasted his time and money by giving him the wrong information.

No they didn't. They sent to where the permits are issued.
I'm actually surprised Big Brother didn't arrest the poor kid. That's how low our Nation has sunk. But oh well, Big Brother is keeping us safe form those evil 13yr. old hotdog cart owners. And we should all be very grateful to him for that.
I'm actually surprised Big Brother didn't arrest the poor kid. That's how low our Nation has sunk. But oh well, Big Brother is keeping us safe form those evil 13yr. old hotdog cart owners. And we should all be very grateful to him for that.

In 2010 Holland, Michigan was ranked as the 2nd most healthy/happy city in America. Maybe you should mind your own business and let them run their city the way they want to. They seem to be doing extraordinarily well on their own,

without any outsider meddling from Paulbot crackpots.
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I'm actually surprised Big Brother didn't arrest the poor kid. That's how low our Nation has sunk. But oh well, Big Brother is keeping us safe form those evil 13yr. old hotdog cart owners. And we should all be very grateful to him for that.

In 2010 Holland, Michigan was ranked as the 2nd most healthy/happy city in America. Maybe you should mind your own business and let them run their city the way they want to. They seem to be doing extraordinarily well on their own,

without any outsider meddling from Paulbot crackpots.

China is ranked very high in many things as well. But their People are still slaves. What are 'Rankings?' Who cares?
I'm actually surprised Big Brother didn't arrest the poor kid. That's how low our Nation has sunk. But oh well, Big Brother is keeping us safe form those evil 13yr. old hotdog cart owners. And we should all be very grateful to him for that.

In 2010 Holland, Michigan was ranked as the 2nd most healthy/happy city in America. Maybe you should mind your own business and let them run their city the way they want to. They seem to be doing extraordinarily well on their own,

without any outsider meddling from Paulbot crackpots.

Must the beer, nacho cheese and massive doses of Prozac..
I'm actually surprised Big Brother didn't arrest the poor kid. That's how low our Nation has sunk. But oh well, Big Brother is keeping us safe form those evil 13yr. old hotdog cart owners. And we should all be very grateful to him for that.

The idea of a child assisting his parents shall not be tolerated. We have dependency programs for that.
Actually this is a weak form of "bad corporatism" due to the fact that the problem is readily solvable!

The city only needs to begin a license program that allows some vendors to operate at the street level. Then Nathan can buy a permit and everything is resolved. The refusal to begin such a problem is more reflective of the city leadership than the need to protect the restaurants interests. Where is the process of growing the town economic center if they refuse to allow street level startups?
Well, let me take an educated guess here, and by all means correct me if I'm wrong, if his parents are legitimately disabled, they are eligible for government disability benefits, among others,

most of which these 'small government' types would happily eliminate.

In their perfect world, the parents would be absolutely destitute, but, on the bright side,

their 13 YEAR OLD SON would be able to work his ass off anywhere he wanted in order to keep them alive.

Yep, that's the America the rightwing/libertarian types dream of ...

Actually this is a weak form of "bad corporatism" due to the fact that the problem is readily solvable!

The city only needs to begin a license program that allows some vendors to operate at the street level. Then Nathan can buy a permit and everything is resolved. The refusal to begin such a problem is more reflective of the city leadership than the need to protect the restaurants interests. Where is the process of growing the town economic center if they refuse to allow street level startups?

Excellence and Performance is WAAAAY too much to expect from govt. We could for instance issue photo IDs at voter registration and make them available electronically to the poll workers on election day (so individuals wouldn't have to produce them)..

Fedex could do that. MasterCard could do that. But your local govt can't make that simple solution happen. Even if the country's integrity is at stake.

Lots of gnarly problems COULD be solved by competence and incentive. All that "by the book" crap pretty much KILLS any chance of that happening in Govt..
I'm actually surprised Big Brother didn't arrest the poor kid. That's how low our Nation has sunk. But oh well, Big Brother is keeping us safe form those evil 13yr. old hotdog cart owners. And we should all be very grateful to him for that.

In 2010 Holland, Michigan was ranked as the 2nd most healthy/happy city in America. Maybe you should mind your own business and let them run their city the way they want to. They seem to be doing extraordinarily well on their own,

without any outsider meddling from Paulbot crackpots.

Must the beer, nacho cheese and massive doses of Prozac..

No, it's because they're largely of Dutch ancestry, like me.

I still find it puzzling why the self proclaimed libertarians around here want to tell these people how to manage their own community.
Well, let me take an educated guess here, and by all means correct me if I'm wrong, if his parents are legitimately disabled, they are eligible for government disability benefits, among others,

most of which these 'small government' types would happily eliminate.

In their perfect world, the parents would be absolutely destitute, but, on the bright side,

their 13 YEAR OLD SON would be able to work his ass off anywhere he wanted in order to keep them alive.

Yep, that's the America the rightwing/libertarian types dream of ...


Other than the fact that it is complete bullshit.
No I dont care, thats not a real buisness...a cart?yeah I see so many, at the fair, that's about it....I live in Memphis, you dont really see those around here, if you want food you go INTO a restaurant... So a 6 year old with a lemonade stand should incorporate? And it's a 13 year old, while I dont think we should be lax on them in criminal matters, this is rediculous

Actually my cousins ex-husband made over $700 a day with his cart. He wrked 11:00am - 3:00 pm Monday thru Friday he didn't work weekends.

Obviously you can make money, but it's not a realy job or business to me. It's good money, thats not bad at all, but to me it's a business like a MLM,,,,,yeah it's business and you can make money, but it's not opening a store or website, I think it's the dcart, to me that has always been a small potatos, kiddie kinda of thing, except in NYC, but even then, it just doesnt feel like a business, just an opinon

Great, then you go tell the guys on food carts to go get a real job. It's amazing how stupid you people are willing to be in order to desperately defend an indefensible point.
I'm actually surprised Big Brother didn't arrest the poor kid. That's how low our Nation has sunk. But oh well, Big Brother is keeping us safe form those evil 13yr. old hotdog cart owners. And we should all be very grateful to him for that.

The idea of a child assisting his parents shall not be tolerated. We have dependency programs for that.

I'm just curious, would you at least allow DISABLED adults to get a little help from the government if they didn't have 13 year olds to put to work to help them survive?

Or is that too much 'dependency' too?
I'm actually surprised Big Brother didn't arrest the poor kid. That's how low our Nation has sunk. But oh well, Big Brother is keeping us safe form those evil 13yr. old hotdog cart owners. And we should all be very grateful to him for that.

In 2010 Holland, Michigan was ranked as the 2nd most healthy/happy city in America. Maybe you should mind your own business and let them run their city the way they want to. They seem to be doing extraordinarily well on their own,

without any outsider meddling from Paulbot crackpots.

Just more proof that no matter how good you are, there is always room for improvement.
Your lack of understanding of the facts of the case is comical.

What's to understand? He checked with the city to make sure it was okay, they said it was, he did it, they came back and said it wasn't okay. The city wasted his time and money by giving him the wrong information.

No they didn't. They sent to where the permits are issued.

Were you reading or watching a different story than I was? The asked the city if they needed a permit or anything and the person they talked to said "no".
I'm actually surprised Big Brother didn't arrest the poor kid. That's how low our Nation has sunk. But oh well, Big Brother is keeping us safe form those evil 13yr. old hotdog cart owners. And we should all be very grateful to him for that.

In 2010 Holland, Michigan was ranked as the 2nd most healthy/happy city in America. Maybe you should mind your own business and let them run their city the way they want to. They seem to be doing extraordinarily well on their own,

without any outsider meddling from Paulbot crackpots.

Of course they're happy, only those already there can have restaurants or food service carts....Certainly one city I WON'T be moving to....I don't like the way their city does business. Of course, I don't like the way OUR city does business either and our school district is still planning on putting a milti level highschool on a swamp. Go figure....

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