POLICE STATE: Cop shoots, kills man walking in Wal-Mart

Yeah, some folks think cops are mindless automatons. Actually they're human beings with families to go home. It find it strange that we excoriate cops for doing their jobs, but praise our soldiers for doing essentially the same thing overseas. Newsflash: There are tons of cops in the armed forces.

"Thank you for your service, soldier, but if you could stop being a nasty copper, that'd be great."


Well, you're right. We are so critical of a militarized police force, using military dress and equipment. But, we cheer inflicting that power onto other people in other countries. They'll rip on a city PD for driving an armored car into the ghetto to round up murder warrants or hardened criminals, but, celebrate an Army police unit using one to get bad guys in another country. I'm sure THOSE citizens don't like seeing tanks rolling through their neighborhoods either. But above all that....the cops and soldiers don't like dying, here or there, and any protection they can get their hands on they want. If my daughter or son were taking on either duty, I'd want the best gear too.

They are apples and oranges in many ways, but, in lots of ways they are the SAME. They both are uniformed men and women, putting themselves into potentially deadly situations. For what? To protect US citizens.

You're right. Lots of cops are in the reserves, and lots of military folks leave and go to police work.
LA? Like in Los Angeles? When threatened does he pull his skirt up over his head? Or is it stylishly short?


Its a very very interesting job he has there. Not sure why you are asking about his apparel. :)

You said he was CHP not LAPD. LAPD as an effective law enforcement organization has been done for years. They decided to go gay a number of years ago with a purge of competent officers and outreach to West Hollywood. Even the SWAT unit is now staffed by female negotiators.

CHP is still good.
I will let him know you said so... :doubt:

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