Police State: 'Dangerous' Camera Boxes Mounted 'Without Authorization' On NY Streets

Probably there to photograph illegal-sized drinks in cup holders.

Fun to watch rw's attack pubs and bags but -

We ALL let this happen. We let that smarmy lying little worm W take our rights away an now, FACT is, no politician, right or left, can trashcan it.

Think about it.

If Barry trashes the (un)Patriot Act, next day, some asshole gets through and, while you rw's would cheer the loss of life, you would also be screeching that he let it happen by repealing the patriot act.

Same is true if its worthless little Mittens. If it happened on his watch, you can bet that plutocrats, Norquist/Rove would be saying the exact same thing.

NYC with their silly soda law is 6+ hours away from Camden, NY....just thought you ought to know. Idiots frequently confuse what goes on in NYC with the entire state of NY.

Yeah, like you actually read the OP. Where in the article does it mention NYC? One poster makes a joke, and you freak out. Get a life. You're losin it. :cuckoo:
Probably there to photograph illegal-sized drinks in cup holders.

Fun to watch rw's attack pubs and bags but -

We ALL let this happen. We let that smarmy lying little worm W take our rights away an now, FACT is, no politician, right or left, can trashcan it.

Think about it.

If Barry trashes the (un)Patriot Act, next day, some asshole gets through and, while you rw's would cheer the loss of life, you would also be screeching that he let it happen by repealing the patriot act.

Same is true if its worthless little Mittens. If it happened on his watch, you can bet that plutocrats, Norquist/Rove would be saying the exact same thing.

NYC with their silly soda law is 6+ hours away from Camden, NY....just thought you ought to know. Idiots frequently confuse what goes on in NYC with the entire state of NY.

I posted about this a couple of pages ago but ...

The rw's just hate feeding their kids decent food and, mention light bulbs to them and they all blow their collective gaskets.

So, here we have a member of the anti-America (pubs/bags) party, wanting to control the rw fatties and suddenly, all the rw's are uh-gin it. Go figure.

The way I see it is, rw's WANT to be fat and they want their kids to be fat. I say, let them. They'll all die and we'll take over. :lol:

Bloomberg is a pub and, sad for them, rw's have to deal with that.
Fun to watch rw's attack pubs and bags but -

We ALL let this happen. We let that smarmy lying little worm W take our rights away an now, FACT is, no politician, right or left, can trashcan it.

Think about it.

If Barry trashes the (un)Patriot Act, next day, some asshole gets through and, while you rw's would cheer the loss of life, you would also be screeching that he let it happen by repealing the patriot act.

Same is true if its worthless little Mittens. If it happened on his watch, you can bet that plutocrats, Norquist/Rove would be saying the exact same thing.

NYC with their silly soda law is 6+ hours away from Camden, NY....just thought you ought to know. Idiots frequently confuse what goes on in NYC with the entire state of NY.

Yeah, like you actually read the OP. Where in the article does it mention NYC? One poster makes a joke, and you freak out. Get a life. You're losin it. :cuckoo:

So...some silly soda law was mentioned......why? Explain, please.
Fun to watch rw's attack pubs and bags but -

We ALL let this happen. We let that smarmy lying little worm W take our rights away an now, FACT is, no politician, right or left, can trashcan it.

Think about it.

If Barry trashes the (un)Patriot Act, next day, some asshole gets through and, while you rw's would cheer the loss of life, you would also be screeching that he let it happen by repealing the patriot act.

Same is true if its worthless little Mittens. If it happened on his watch, you can bet that plutocrats, Norquist/Rove would be saying the exact same thing.

NYC with their silly soda law is 6+ hours away from Camden, NY....just thought you ought to know. Idiots frequently confuse what goes on in NYC with the entire state of NY.

Yeah, like you actually read the OP. Where in the article does it mention NYC? One poster makes a joke, and you freak out. Get a life. You're losin it. :cuckoo:

I am amused at how you try to cover for your lack of knowledge that Camden, etc. is a long long way from NYC and its silly soda law.
So banning all marriage but man and woman ok. Cameras on the streets not ok....

YES nanny state indeed.

YES, and you Socialist/Progressive dunces helped create it. So stop bitchin when things don't go your way. This Nanny/Police State is your creation. You're the problem, not the solution.

That makes you a progressive, and the enemy

Yeah, sure it does. Uh huh. You Socialists/Progressives helped create this Nanny/Police State. But then you bitch and whine when killing babies and Gay Marriage doesn't go your way. Well too bad. Deal with it. You wanted the Nanny/Police State. Well, here it is. Quit your complaining. You're the reason it even exists.
That makes you a progressive, and the enemy

Yeah, sure it does. Uh huh. You Socialists/Progressives helped create this Nanny/Police State. But then you bitch and whine when killing babies and Gay Marriage doesn't go your way. Well too bad. Deal with it. You wanted the Nanny/Police State. Well, here it is. Quit your complaining. You're the reason it even exists.

see i'd Prefer no cameras and no government intervention telling me who i can marry or do with my body, But then again i like freedom unlike you.

But thats why you are part of the problem. You need to find an excuse for your progressiveness, where as I do not.

Well now you're beginning to make some sense. So you do oppose Big Brother spying on Citizens this way? I'm very happy we can agree on that.
NYC with their silly soda law is 6+ hours away from Camden, NY....just thought you ought to know. Idiots frequently confuse what goes on in NYC with the entire state of NY.

Yeah, like you actually read the OP. Where in the article does it mention NYC? One poster makes a joke, and you freak out. Get a life. You're losin it. :cuckoo:

I am amused at how you try to cover for your lack of knowledge that Camden, etc. is a long long way from NYC and its silly soda law.

I'm amused at how you try and cover for your lack of knowledge of almost everything. You clearly didn't read the article. Where in the article does it mention NYC? You're just being snotty & petty. You're obsessing over a joke another poster made. You really do need to get a life. You're sounding ridiculous.
Yeah, like you actually read the OP. Where in the article does it mention NYC? One poster makes a joke, and you freak out. Get a life. You're losin it. :cuckoo:

I am amused at how you try to cover for your lack of knowledge that Camden, etc. is a long long way from NYC and its silly soda law.

I'm amused at how you try and cover for your lack of knowledge of almost everything. You clearly didn't read the article. Where in the article does it mention NYC? You're just being snotty & petty. You're obsessing over a joke another poster made. You really do need to get a life. You're sounding ridiculous.

St. Lawrence County, New York - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here you go.
I am amused at how you try to cover for your lack of knowledge that Camden, etc. is a long long way from NYC and its silly soda law.

I'm amused at how you try and cover for your lack of knowledge of almost everything. You clearly didn't read the article. Where in the article does it mention NYC? You're just being snotty & petty. You're obsessing over a joke another poster made. You really do need to get a life. You're sounding ridiculous.

St. Lawrence County, New York - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here you go.

:lol: You really are losin it. No one said it was NYC. The poster made a joke. That's all it was. Somehow you've actually made me disappointed in you. I knew you were snotty & stubborn, but this really is pretty rough even for you. Maybe you need a break from Message Boards for awhile? Think about it. It could help you.
I'm amused at how you try and cover for your lack of knowledge of almost everything. You clearly didn't read the article. Where in the article does it mention NYC? You're just being snotty & petty. You're obsessing over a joke another poster made. You really do need to get a life. You're sounding ridiculous.

St. Lawrence County, New York - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here you go.

:lol: You really are losin it. No one said it was NYC. The poster made a joke. That's all it was. Somehow you've actually made me disappointed in you. I knew you were snotty & stubborn, but this really is pretty rough even for you. Maybe you need a break from Message Boards for awhile? Think about it. It could help you.

So...kindly explain the connection between what is going on up in St. Lawrence County and what's going on in NYC...joke or no.....explain plz.
McMahon said he did not know where the box came from, but assumed it was “probably the feds, but that’s a hunch.”

He had been working with the Massena Police Chief Timmy Currier about placing cameras at intersections and playgrounds so police could monitor the safety of their citizens, but found that the unclaimed cameras were not related to this project.

Currier said he returned the box to the owner, but would not identify the owner.

FOIA time.
Police Chief Timmy Currier about placing cameras at intersections and playgrounds so police could monitor the safety of their citizens
That is about the stupidest explanation I have ever heard. Monitoring someone safety is not keep people safe.
How in the fuck can monitoring people keep them safe?
Does the law have a transporter that they can transport help to those locations if needed?

:lol: You really are losin it. No one said it was NYC. The poster made a joke. That's all it was. Somehow you've actually made me disappointed in you. I knew you were snotty & stubborn, but this really is pretty rough even for you. Maybe you need a break from Message Boards for awhile? Think about it. It could help you.

So...kindly explain the connection between what is going on up in St. Lawrence County and what's going on in NYC...joke or no.....explain plz.

IT WAS A JOKE!! What are ya thick or something? SHEESH! :cuckoo:

:lol: You really are losin it. No one said it was NYC. The poster made a joke. That's all it was. Somehow you've actually made me disappointed in you. I knew you were snotty & stubborn, but this really is pretty rough even for you. Maybe you need a break from Message Boards for awhile? Think about it. It could help you.

So...kindly explain the connection between what is going on up in St. Lawrence County and what's going on in NYC...joke or no.....explain plz.

Someone joked that the unclaimed cameras were to monitor drink sizes. No more, no less. The fact that you are a humorless bitch makes the original so/so joke, hilarious.
:lol: You really are losin it. No one said it was NYC. The poster made a joke. That's all it was. Somehow you've actually made me disappointed in you. I knew you were snotty & stubborn, but this really is pretty rough even for you. Maybe you need a break from Message Boards for awhile? Think about it. It could help you.

So...kindly explain the connection between what is going on up in St. Lawrence County and what's going on in NYC...joke or no.....explain plz.

Someone joked that the unclaimed cameras were to monitor drink sizes. No more, no less. The fact that you are a humorless bitch makes the original so/so joke, hilarious.

What does the cameras have to do with drink sizes? I have asked before and have gotten no answers. How about now?
Go reread the post. If you haven't gotten it yet, you are beyond help.
:lol: You really are losin it. No one said it was NYC. The poster made a joke. That's all it was. Somehow you've actually made me disappointed in you. I knew you were snotty & stubborn, but this really is pretty rough even for you. Maybe you need a break from Message Boards for awhile? Think about it. It could help you.

So...kindly explain the connection between what is going on up in St. Lawrence County and what's going on in NYC...joke or no.....explain plz.

Someone joked that the unclaimed cameras were to monitor drink sizes. No more, no less. The fact that you are a humorless bitch makes the original so/so joke, hilarious.

Bam! :eek:
McMahon said he did not know where the box came from, but assumed it was “probably the feds, but that’s a hunch.”

He had been working with the Massena Police Chief Timmy Currier about placing cameras at intersections and playgrounds so police could monitor the safety of their citizens, but found that the unclaimed cameras were not related to this project.

Currier said he returned the box to the owner, but would not identify the owner.

FOIA time.
Police Chief Timmy Currier about placing cameras at intersections and playgrounds so police could monitor the safety of their citizens
That is about the stupidest explanation I have ever heard. Monitoring someone safety is not keep people safe.
How in the fuck can monitoring people keep them safe?
Does the law have a transporter that they can transport help to those locations if needed?

Agreed but its typical of the shit the R's constantly try to force us into. We can't marry whom we love or have control of our own reproduction because we need to be protected from ourselves.

Oh yeah and the damn R's say screw the Constitution. The R's have no use for it because, to them, "equality for all" doesn't really mean ALL.
McMahon said he did not know where the box came from, but assumed it was “probably the feds, but that’s a hunch.”

He had been working with the Massena Police Chief Timmy Currier about placing cameras at intersections and playgrounds so police could monitor the safety of their citizens, but found that the unclaimed cameras were not related to this project.

Currier said he returned the box to the owner, but would not identify the owner.

FOIA time.
Police Chief Timmy Currier about placing cameras at intersections and playgrounds so police could monitor the safety of their citizens
That is about the stupidest explanation I have ever heard. Monitoring someone safety is not keep people safe.
How in the fuck can monitoring people keep them safe?
Does the law have a transporter that they can transport help to those locations if needed?

Agreed but its typical of the shit the R's constantly try to force us into. We can't marry whom we love or have control of our own reproduction because we need to be protected from ourselves.

Oh yeah and the damn R's say screw the Constitution. The R's have no use for it because, to them, "equality for all" doesn't really mean ALL.

Nice try, but you Socialist/Progressive Democrats helped create this Nanny/Police State. You guys just like to bitch & whine when things don't go your way. You want to have your Gay Marriage, and eat it too. Well too bad, you can't have it both ways. You wanted Big Brother in your life, well here he is. It wont always go your way in your Nanny/Police State. So deal with it. You guys are part of the problem, not the solution.
St. Lawrence County isn't exactly a Democrat stronghold...2-1 Republican, actually.

Most conservative county in NY.

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