Police State: 'Dangerous' Camera Boxes Mounted 'Without Authorization' On NY Streets

McMahon said he did not know where the box came from, but assumed it was “probably the feds, but that’s a hunch.”

He had been working with the Massena Police Chief Timmy Currier about placing cameras at intersections and playgrounds so police could monitor the safety of their citizens, but found that the unclaimed cameras were not related to this project.

Currier said he returned the box to the owner, but would not identify the owner.

FOIA time.
Police Chief Timmy Currier about placing cameras at intersections and playgrounds so police could monitor the safety of their citizens
That is about the stupidest explanation I have ever heard. Monitoring someone safety is not keep people safe.
How in the fuck can monitoring people keep them safe?
Does the law have a transporter that they can transport help to those locations if needed?

Agreed but its typical of the shit the R's constantly try to force us into. We can't marry whom we love or have control of our own reproduction because we need to be protected from ourselves.

Oh yeah and the damn R's say screw the Constitution. The R's have no use for it because, to them, "equality for all" doesn't really mean ALL.

You think this is a D and R issue? You need to take those D shaped black glasses off your eyes.
So far we have at least three people on this thread:


who do not know the difference between New York CITY and New York STATE.

I certainly gave you guys a chance.....St. Lawrence Co. is over 6-7 hours away from NYC...but you kept being stupid.


So you did know what they were talking about and as usual were being your stupid self thanks for admitting it dumb ass.
The Government at all levels as has every right, authority and power to use cameras in PUBLIC areas for anything they want. One does NOT have a right to privacy in public spaces.
NYC with their silly soda law is 6+ hours away from Camden, NY....just thought you ought to know. Idiots frequently confuse what goes on in NYC with the entire state of NY.

Yeah, like you actually read the OP. Where in the article does it mention NYC? One poster makes a joke, and you freak out. Get a life. You're losin it. :cuckoo:

So...some silly soda law was mentioned......why? Explain, please.

It was just a silly joke, made a bit less so IMO by your idiocy over it. Next time, once someone explains the humor to you, try being a little less geographically sensitive and maybe you'll get a giggle.
Yeah, like you actually read the OP. Where in the article does it mention NYC? One poster makes a joke, and you freak out. Get a life. You're losin it. :cuckoo:

So...some silly soda law was mentioned......why? Explain, please.

It was just a silly joke, made a bit less so IMO by your idiocy over it. Next time, once someone explains the humor to you, try being a little less geographically sensitive and maybe you'll get a giggle.

A silly joke...but why the connection? NO ONE seems able to explain the connection between two things that have nothing to do with each other. Since you made the "silly joke", maybe YOU can explain what soda cup holders have to do with cameras. I look forward to the joke punchline.
The Government at all levels as has every right, authority and power to use cameras in PUBLIC areas for anything they want. One does NOT have a right to privacy in public spaces.
Serge sir it's this kind of thinking that leads to tyranny.
The government does not have any rights. We allow them to do this and we can force them too stop. The government does what it does with our consent we can restrict that consent at any time.
The Government at all levels as has every right, authority and power to use cameras in PUBLIC areas for anything they want. One does NOT have a right to privacy in public spaces.
Serge sir it's this kind of thinking that leads to tyranny.
The government does not have any rights. We allow them to do this and we can force them too stop. The government does what it does with our consent we can restrict that consent at any time.

Since that is a small town, it is really up to them to vote to keep or remove said cameras, is it not? Has anyone FORBIDDEN them to make the decision for themselves? Do we know that to be the case?
Someone joked that the unclaimed cameras were to monitor drink sizes. No more, no less. The fact that you are a humorless bitch makes the original so/so joke, hilarious.

Yeah, but her meltdown sure is funny to watch....
see i'd Prefer no cameras and no government intervention telling me who i can marry or do with my body, But then again i like freedom unlike you.

But thats why you are part of the problem. You need to find an excuse for your progressiveness, where as I do not.

Well now you're beginning to make some sense. So you do oppose Big Brother spying on Citizens this way? I'm very happy we can agree on that.

yeah but you are for big brother banning abortions and gay marriage so you still have zero high ground.

I am personally not for cameras, but what a local town decides in this venue is up to them.

Sounds like you're still very conflicted & confused. Get back to me when you figure things out. And, you assume way too much about my positions on those other issues.
So banning all marriage but man and woman ok. Cameras on the streets not ok....

YES nanny state indeed.

YES, and you Socialist/Progressive dunces helped create it. So stop bitchin when things don't go your way. This Nanny/Police State is your creation. You're the problem, not the solution.

Wrong again Bob. The beginnings of the Nanny State started soon after the country was founded in 1791. But it really got going after the Civil War as the Feds began to dominate the States.
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Wrong again Bob. The beginnings of the Nanny State started soon after the country was founded in 1791. But it really got going after the Civil War as the Feds began to dominate the States.

Yet the most extreme measures continually come from cities and states. Plastic bag bans, salt bans, large soda bans, the stupid fucks in Sacramento outlawed fucking Robitussin.

California Law Prohibits Sales of Dextromethorphan Products to Minors - National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®)
Someone joked that the unclaimed cameras were to monitor drink sizes. No more, no less. The fact that you are a humorless bitch makes the original so/so joke, hilarious.

Yeah, but her meltdown sure is funny to watch....

It was her snotty & petty attempt at derailing the thread. She's very predictable, and very loco too. :cuckoo: :lol:

You guys try very hard to make fun of me....but as of yet, you cannot muster up the effort to explain the joke. You keep evading in that regard. I wonder why.....:eusa_whistle:
Wrong again Bob. The beginnings of the Nanny State started soon after the country was founded in 1791. But it really got going after the Civil War as the Feds began to dominate the States.

Yet the most extreme measures continually come from cities and states. Plastic bag bans, salt bans, large soda bans, the stupid fucks in Sacramento outlawed fucking Robitussin.

California Law Prohibits Sales of Dextromethorphan Products to Minors - National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®)

Gee, I thought the states were supposed to be the laboratories for new ideas. How can we know what's good and bad without someone trying it out?

BTW, your claim thart CA outlawed the sale is total BS. Don't you even read the titles of your cites? :eusa_eh:
Wrong again Bob. The beginnings of the Nanny State started soon after the country was founded in 1791. But it really got going after the Civil War as the Feds began to dominate the States.

Yet the most extreme measures continually come from cities and states. Plastic bag bans, salt bans, large soda bans, the stupid fucks in Sacramento outlawed fucking Robitussin.

California Law Prohibits Sales of Dextromethorphan Products to Minors - National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®)

And the City and State representatives have every right to make these stupid laws and regulations too. However, the citizens have every right to kick them out of office and elect someone who will overturn such stupidity.
You guys try very hard to make fun of me....

Making fun of you isn't hard. Not feeling guilty about making fun of you is.

but as of yet, you cannot muster up the effort to explain the joke.

It was explained to you right away, and YOU STILL lacked the wits to grasp it - which is all the more funny.

You keep evading in that regard. I wonder why.....:eusa_whistle:

Watching you melt down is great entertainment....
And the City and State representatives have every right to make these stupid laws and regulations too. However, the citizens have every right to kick them out of office and elect someone who will overturn such stupidity.

Always the loyal Nazi huh? It's a real shame. :(

Nice try. Fail.

Just pointing out the hyperbole in the article. Your butt still hurts because of the pig woman, that's all. Sorry about that.

As for cameras spying on the civilian population, I happen to be very much opposed to it. You should not make assumptions.

I just call em like i see em. You do often come off as a Nazi-Sympathizer. It is what it is.

I bet you lay awake at night, wondering why so many people think Libertarians are a collection of propellerheads.
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