Police State: Police Becoming More Militarized As Wars Wind Down...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
So who do you think they plan on trying their new toys out on? Here's a not-so subtle hint...YOU.

FORT PIERCE, Fla. - Of the 60,000 cities in this country one of the top ranked for gun violence is on the Treasure Coast. New Orleans, Detroit, Baltimore and Miami are among the top. Coming in at number 56 is the relatively small city of Fort Pierce where there were 150 shootings this past year.

Now their police officers say they are using military type tactical equipment to fight crime. The new MRAP looks like a tank on wheels. "Mine response ambush protection." said Officer Keith Holmes , who applied to acquire the MRAP from the US Military for the Fort Pierce Police Department, "The military was pretty much handing them out to the different cities and I put in the application for it, and we got pushed through due to the violence in the city we have here."

Used last in Afghanistan, "They brought this back from Afghanistan and now its in Fort Pierce.. for officer rescues, search warrants, things like that that an officer would need protection." Holmes said.

"If we need it, we have it," said Police Chief Sean Baldwin, "we've had around 150 shootings this year." Chief Baldwin said the gun violence was not the direct reason for getting the MRAP. But, the city ranked as number 56 in the nation for the most gun violence, according to statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control.

"It's for a the potential of a terrorist attack or even something more locally.. A shooting incident when we have hostages, or an officer down that needs to be rescued, that's what this is for." Chief Baldwin said.

Still many libertarians argue the police departments these days are becoming too militarized.

"I agree to a certain extent its overkill but for the cost, for $2000, yes its what we need." said Officer Holmes.

Purchased through a program from the U-s Military for $2,000, an armored swat vehicle could cost in the $150,000 range.

"You know, it is overkill, until we need it. And you know we don't get to forecast that. We don't know what dangers we are going to face." Chief Baldwin said.

The military is unloading hundreds of these types of vehicles post Operation Enduring Freedom. More and more police agencies are signing up to use retired military equipment.

WPEC-TV CBS12 News :: News - Top Stories - Police becoming more militarized as wars wind down
U.S. soldiers accepting cash, drugs for Mexican drug cartel contract hits
Mexican drug syndicates have been offering cash to American military members to act as contract killers in murder-for-hire plots in the United States. Experts worry this line of work will only become more enticing for vets who struggle to find civilian jobs after serving in combat zones and wary military recruits look for gang connections to potentially use their skills unlawfully.

Read more: U.S. soldiers accepting cash, drugs for Mexican drug cartel contract hits - NY Daily News

There is a video at the end of the page.
U.S. soldiers accepting cash, drugs for Mexican drug cartel contract hits
Mexican drug syndicates have been offering cash to American military members to act as contract killers in murder-for-hire plots in the United States. Experts worry this line of work will only become more enticing for vets who struggle to find civilian jobs after serving in combat zones and wary military recruits look for gang connections to potentially use their skills unlawfully.

Read more: U.S. soldiers accepting cash, drugs for Mexican drug cartel contract hits - NY Daily News

There is a video at the end of the page.

Hey, our Government actually gave weapons to Drug Cartels who later slaughtered an American Border Patrol agent with those weapons. So i can believe anything at this point. These are very dark days for our Nation.
U.S. soldiers accepting cash, drugs for Mexican drug cartel contract hits
Mexican drug syndicates have been offering cash to American military members to act as contract killers in murder-for-hire plots in the United States. Experts worry this line of work will only become more enticing for vets who struggle to find civilian jobs after serving in combat zones and wary military recruits look for gang connections to potentially use their skills unlawfully.

Read more: U.S. soldiers accepting cash, drugs for Mexican drug cartel contract hits - NY Daily News

There is a video at the end of the page.

Hey, our Government actually gave weapons to Drug Cartels who later slaughtered an American Border Patrol agent with those weapons. So i can believe anything at this point. These are very dark days for our Nation.

Our supposed "war on drugs" that failed never happened. Care to guess how many programs the U.S. has coordinating U.S. law enforcement with their Mexican counterparts for narcotic interdiction. 0 No, that is not a capital o. That is a zero. Yes, for a problem that sucks billions out of the U.S. economy we have ZERO U.S./Mexican narcotic interdiction programs.
U.S. soldiers accepting cash, drugs for Mexican drug cartel contract hits
Mexican drug syndicates have been offering cash to American military members to act as contract killers in murder-for-hire plots in the United States. Experts worry this line of work will only become more enticing for vets who struggle to find civilian jobs after serving in combat zones and wary military recruits look for gang connections to potentially use their skills unlawfully.

Read more: U.S. soldiers accepting cash, drugs for Mexican drug cartel contract hits - NY Daily News

There is a video at the end of the page.

Hey, our Government actually gave weapons to Drug Cartels who later slaughtered an American Border Patrol agent with those weapons. So i can believe anything at this point. These are very dark days for our Nation.

Our supposed "war on drugs" that failed never happened. Care to guess how many programs the U.S. has coordinating U.S. law enforcement with their Mexican counterparts for narcotic interdiction. 0 No, that is not a capital o. That is a zero. Yes, for a problem that sucks billions out of the U.S. economy we have ZERO U.S./Mexican narcotic interdiction programs.

Yeah, Brian Terry didn't need to die. It should have never happened. Our own Government murdered him. Yet no one has been held responsible. And that's an even bigger crime.
I'm sure this new equipment will be scillfully used against pot smokers :tank::salute:
So you suggest that our police shouldn't keep up with the bad guy? You do know that the bad guy uses military like fire arms and body armor???? Right?
Yeah, Brian Terry didn't need to die. It should have never happened. Our own Government murdered him. Yet no one has been held responsible. And that's an even bigger crime.

A factor in the tragic death of Brian Terry is that gunwalking is done because we have no eyes on the other side of the border. Whereas narcotic traffickers use cell phones to coordinate their movements we have no such intelligence. Brian Terry was one, is one of the many people in line of fire, literately, working to protect this country. Any real concern for Brian Terry should be put into improving the situation rather than trying to make political hay from it.
Yeah, Brian Terry didn't need to die. It should have never happened. Our own Government murdered him. Yet no one has been held responsible. And that's an even bigger crime.

A factor in the tragic death of Brian Terry is that gunwalking is done because we have no eyes on the other side of the border. Whereas narcotic traffickers use cell phones to coordinate their movements we have no such intelligence. Brian Terry was one, is one of the many people in line of fire, literately, working to protect this country. Any real concern for Brian Terry should be put into improving the situation rather than trying to make political hay from it.

The man was murdered by weapons his own Government gave to his murderers. And no one has been held accountable. It's not 'political hay' to demand justice. A man is dead. And it didn't have to happen.
I'm sure this new equipment will be scillfully used against pot smokers :tank::salute:

How many photos of meth addicts would you like me to post? I would rather not. Marijuana is only of type of narcotic. There are many others. Many cities, and small town, are becoming littered with needles. What to reduce healthcare costs? Make serious efforts to reduce the drug problem in this country.
The op won't be happy until the police are out gunned and the gangs control America.

Is this what he wants??? Because a large percentage of our cities are already war zones.
Yeah, Brian Terry didn't need to die. It should have never happened. Our own Government murdered him. Yet no one has been held responsible. And that's an even bigger crime.

A factor in the tragic death of Brian Terry is that gunwalking is done because we have no eyes on the other side of the border. Whereas narcotic traffickers use cell phones to coordinate their movements we have no such intelligence. Brian Terry was one, is one of the many people in line of fire, literately, working to protect this country. Any real concern for Brian Terry should be put into improving the situation rather than trying to make political hay from it.

The man was murdered by weapons his own Government gave to his murderers. And no one has been held accountable. It's not 'political hay' to demand justice. A man is dead. And it didn't have to happen.

Some 2.2 percent of all U.S. gun sales are made to smuggling rings that take firearms to Mexico, a scale of illegal trafficking that’s “much higher than widely assumed,” an academic study released Monday found.

An average of 253,000 weapons purchased in the United States head south of the border each year, according to the study by four scholars at the University of San Diego’s Trans-Border Institute and the Igarape Institute, a research center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Read more here: MEXICO CITY: 253,000 U.S. guns smuggled to Mexico annually, study finds | World | McClatchy DC

If you don't know any of this then you are making hay out of a tragic death.
Yeah, Brian Terry didn't need to die. It should have never happened. Our own Government murdered him. Yet no one has been held responsible. And that's an even bigger crime.

A factor in the tragic death of Brian Terry is that gunwalking is done because we have no eyes on the other side of the border. Whereas narcotic traffickers use cell phones to coordinate their movements we have no such intelligence. Brian Terry was one, is one of the many people in line of fire, literately, working to protect this country. Any real concern for Brian Terry should be put into improving the situation rather than trying to make political hay from it.

The man was murdered by weapons his own Government gave to his murderers. And no one has been held accountable. It's not 'political hay' to demand justice. A man is dead. And it didn't have to happen.

If only you right wingers could stir this incident into a big deal. But you can't. That doesn't stop you all from trying though.

And you know what. Accidents happen in a war. Hell we have had our troops fire on other US troops and kill them with a gun provided by the government.

Accidents happen during a war. Remember, you rethugs (Nixon) gave us this War on Drugs.

It has been less successful than the War On Poverty.
The war on drugs has done more to imprison and make us number one in this area then anything else.

Congrats republicans!
The op won't be happy until the police are out gunned and the gangs control America.

Is this what he wants??? Because a large percentage of our cities are already war zones.

FASTSTATS - Homicide
All homicides
Number of deaths: 16,259
Deaths per 100,000 population: 5.3
Firearm homicides
Number of deaths: 11,078
Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.6​

This is not about gun control so let's not get off on that. (I am not referring to you, Matthew.) That's 27,000 homicides per year. Let's take out a little over 10% and call it 24,000 for violent crime/assault. Considering wounded but not killed at about the same plus or minus and we have about 50,000 dead and wounded in an ongoing conflict in this country. I think that qualifies as a war.
I'm sure this new equipment will be scillfully used against pot smokers :tank::salute:

How many photos of meth addicts would you like me to post? I would rather not. Marijuana is only of type of narcotic. There are many others. Many cities, and small town, are becoming littered with needles. What to reduce healthcare costs? Make serious efforts to reduce the drug problem in this country.
You mean the drug war - please enlighten us.
The op won't be happy until the police are out gunned and the gangs control America.

Is this what he wants??? Because a large percentage of our cities are already war zones.
What a STUPID thing to say Matt...you realize that the PEOPLE out gun those gangs, and MOST sheriff Departments applaud the Second Amendment?

So you want the man on the street to go up against a gang??? now that's a pretty stupid thing to say.

I want my police that I pay tax dollars for to lock these fuckers away.
I'm sure this new equipment will be scillfully used against pot smokers :tank::salute:

How many photos of meth addicts would you like me to post? I would rather not. Marijuana is only of type of narcotic. There are many others. Many cities, and small town, are becoming littered with needles. What to reduce healthcare costs? Make serious efforts to reduce the drug problem in this country.
You mean the drug war - please enlighten us.

Just to give a single source: Thirty Years of America's Drug War I can look up others if you want something specific.

President Nixon originally coined the phrase, "War on Drugs."

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