Police State: Police Becoming More Militarized As Wars Wind Down...

As always the libertarians are confused by the term "police state". There is nothing wrong with the Police arming themselves as well as potential law breakers. The incredible shootout at a bank in L.A., of all places, a couple of years ago illustrates how the Police can be blindsided by well armed thugs. The Officers had to go to a sporting goods store to get the proper weapons and ammunition. Taxpayers authorize the Police to purchase whatever is reasonable and within the budget. Sometimes the junk sits in lockers and parking lots. In a "police state" the taxpayers have no control over equipment and tactics. Regardless of the ignorance of the self described "libertarians" we are not close to that yet except for some notable abuses by the rogue federal enforcement particularly the ATF.
How many photos of meth addicts would you like me to post? I would rather not. Marijuana is only of type of narcotic. There are many others. Many cities, and small town, are becoming littered with needles. What to reduce healthcare costs? Make serious efforts to reduce the drug problem in this country.
You mean the drug war - please enlighten us.

Just to give a single source: Thirty Years of America's Drug War I can look up others if you want something specific.

President Nixon originally coined the phrase, "War on Drugs."
I'm making a simple point that the police don't need to raid houses with tanks becaues someone is smoking pot. This thread is informing us that the police are equpping themselves like the national guard so to speak. Where do you get off with offering meth addict pictures? I have intimate experience with violent slobbering drunks - what is your point?

If you wan't to debate the drug war, and its debacle - the fact that it exacerbates the pernicious effects on drug use a thousand fold, we can have it. You cannot keep millions of people from smoking pot, or whatever else they want to do - gambling, sex etc. Did you learn a thing from prohibition? How can you make any distinction between alcohol, and marijuana - as to it's legal status regarding deleterious effects?

Educate people to the fullest - bring the drug addicts into the schools, and let them convey what specific drugs illicit, and legal can do to you - show them the fucking box they live in! Then let people decide for themselves what they want to stick into their bodies.

If they do not endager, or harm anyone, why do you care what people do? The black market is an evil haunt where murder is repleat - bring it into the light. :eusa_pray:
The term "police state" is a reckless careless term used by the ignorant for political gain. It infers that Americans have no control over their own government. State and local law enforcement is well regulated by elected officials and you can bet that the local media monitors the budget and the behavior of the people who swear to do their duty. Federal law enforcement, however, can be out of control if the liberal media authorizes atrocities for political gain and federal enforcement becomes merged with military agendas.
I will just lump it all into one reply here. Matthew is spot on here. Whitehall makes a good point that "police state" is far from anything we have in this country. On the liberal media authorizing stuff however I am not so sure. :) Duped, you talk about alcohol and marijuana and people doing stuff to their own bodies, that is a whole different topic than drug cartels operating in small towns in Arkansas and the outskirts of Atlanta. (It is actually the same topic in ways but that later.)

A final point on police and criminals with guns. There is the case of the fully armed and armored bank robber but most of the time police are not fired upon with assault rifles. However every time police find these kinds of weapons at crime scenes it makes them just a little more nervous that the next time they knock on a door one of those is on the other side, in the hands of a wacked out drug dealer. The criminals in this country are terrorizing our law enforcement and all those screaming "Second Amendment" can take a little bit of the responsibility for that.
I will just lump it all into one reply here. Matthew is spot on here. Whitehall makes a good point that "police state" is far from anything we have in this country. On the liberal media authorizing stuff however I am not so sure. :) Duped, you talk about alcohol and marijuana and people doing stuff to their own bodies, that is a whole different topic than drug cartels operating in small towns in Arkansas and the outskirts of Atlanta. (It is actually the same topic in ways but that later.)

A final point on police and criminals with guns. There is the case of the fully armed and armored bank robber but most of the time police are not fired upon with assault rifles. However every time police find these kinds of weapons at crime scenes it makes them just a little more nervous that the next time they knock on a door one of those is on the other side, in the hands of a wacked out drug dealer. The criminals in this country are terrorizing our law enforcement and all those screaming "Second Amendment" can take a little bit of the responsibility for that.
Why did law inforcement sell 2,500 asssault rifles to cartel member if they are worried about them:confused: If drugs were legal, the cartels would not be operating in small town!
I will just lump it all into one reply here. Matthew is spot on here. Whitehall makes a good point that "police state" is far from anything we have in this country. On the liberal media authorizing stuff however I am not so sure. :) Duped, you talk about alcohol and marijuana and people doing stuff to their own bodies, that is a whole different topic than drug cartels operating in small towns in Arkansas and the outskirts of Atlanta. (It is actually the same topic in ways but that later.)

A final point on police and criminals with guns. There is the case of the fully armed and armored bank robber but most of the time police are not fired upon with assault rifles. However every time police find these kinds of weapons at crime scenes it makes them just a little more nervous that the next time they knock on a door one of those is on the other side, in the hands of a wacked out drug dealer. The criminals in this country are terrorizing our law enforcement and all those screaming "Second Amendment" can take a little bit of the responsibility for that.
Why did law inforcement sell 2,500 asssault rifles to cartel member if they are worried about them:confused: If drugs were legal, the cartels would not be operating in small town!

Do you think CVS should just let people have whatever they want from behind the counter without a prescription?
I will just lump it all into one reply here. Matthew is spot on here. Whitehall makes a good point that "police state" is far from anything we have in this country. On the liberal media authorizing stuff however I am not so sure. :) Duped, you talk about alcohol and marijuana and people doing stuff to their own bodies, that is a whole different topic than drug cartels operating in small towns in Arkansas and the outskirts of Atlanta. (It is actually the same topic in ways but that later.)

A final point on police and criminals with guns. There is the case of the fully armed and armored bank robber but most of the time police are not fired upon with assault rifles. However every time police find these kinds of weapons at crime scenes it makes them just a little more nervous that the next time they knock on a door one of those is on the other side, in the hands of a wacked out drug dealer. The criminals in this country are terrorizing our law enforcement and all those screaming "Second Amendment" can take a little bit of the responsibility for that.
Why did law inforcement sell 2,500 asssault rifles to cartel member if they are worried about them:confused: If drugs were legal, the cartels would not be operating in small town!

Do you think CVS should just let people have whatever they want from behind the counter without a prescription?
No, they should pay for it!
It is an expected response. Criminals are more militarized too.

What happened at the bank robbery in North Hollywood?
Tow Company Employees Arrested After Towing Illegally Parked Cop Cars
Later, several police officers showed up at the tow company's office to get their cars back. Per protocol, employees of the company asked for proof of ownership of the vehicles. The officers were unable to display any information proving they owned the cars. They left and said they would return later.

Soon after, a group of cops both in uniforms and street clothes returned to the office. Then, according to the lawsuit, Sgt. Andrew Roberts showed his badge to the tow company employees and insisted that was all he needed to retrieve the cars. When the employees didn’t comply, they were arrested.

The lawsuit filed by the arrested employees accuses the officers of violating their constitutional rights by detaining them. They say the officers didn’t have probable cause to arrest them, and that their rights to due process and protections against unreasonable search and seizures were both violated in the arrest. The lawsuit also claims Sgt. Roberts threatened to arrest the lawyer of the employees for asking questions.
It's all part of the "transformation" of our country you all were duped into voting for...Now we get to live it I guess...it's a damn shame too

Why do you think they're working on downsizing our military so feverishly ?

[ame=http://youtu.be/Tt2yGzHfy7s]Obama Civilian Security - YouTube[/ame]
It's all part of the "transformation" of our country you all were duped into voting for...Now we get to live it I guess...it's a damn shame too

Why do you think they're working on downsizing our military so feverishly ?

Obama Civilian Security - YouTube

They're spending more & more on Militarizing our Police Force. They may be downsizing the Military, but they're doing the exact opposite domestically. Looks like they're preparing for future Wars here at home. It's very disturbing.
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It's all part of the "transformation" of our country you all were duped into voting for...Now we get to live it I guess...it's a damn shame too

Why do you think they're working on downsizing our military so feverishly ?

Obama Civilian Security - YouTube

They're spending more & more on Militarizing our Police Force. They may be downsizing the Military, but they're doing the exact opposite domestically. Looks like they're preparing for future Wars here at home. It's very disturbing.

Yes it is...and it's future wars against we the people here at home

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