Police State: White House Circulating Draft Of Executive Order On 'Cybersecurity'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Tell me again why so many love & worship the Dear Leader? Cause i just don't get it.

The White House is circulating a draft of an executive order aimed at protecting the country from cyberattacks, The Hill has learned.

The draft proposal, which has been sent to relevant federal agencies for feedback, is a clear sign that the administration is resolved to take action on cybersecurity even as Congress remains gridlocked on legislation that would address the threat.

The draft executive order would establish a voluntary program where companies operating critical infrastructure would elect to meet cybersecurity best practices and standards crafted, in part, by the government, according to two people familiar with the document.

The concept builds off of a section in the cybersecurity bill from Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) that was blocked last month by Senate Republicans, who called it a backdoor to new regulations.

The draft has undergone multiple revisions and is brief, spanning no more than five pages. It is still being worked on and is subject to change, the people familiar with the draft stressed.

The concept builds off of a section in the cybersecurity bill from Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) that was blocked last month by Senate Republicans, who called it a backdoor to new regulations.

The draft has undergone multiple revisions and is brief, spanning no more than five pages. It is still being worked on and is subject to change, the people familiar with the draft stressed.

It's also unclear whether the final product will get the president's approval to move forward.

A new draft of the executive order is expected to be shared with agencies next week.

White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan first floated the idea of an executive order in a speech a few days after the Senate bill failed. He said the White House would consider taking action on the executive level to ensure key infrastructure such as the power grid, water supply and transportation networks are secure.

The momentum for cybersecurity legislation in Congress weakened after Lieberman's bill failed to clear the Senate. Now industry groups and Congress are watching the White House for clues about what might be included in a executive order on cybersecurity.

A spokeswoman for the White House declined to comment on whether a draft for a executive order was being circulated, but said it is one of the options the administration is weighing.

"An executive order is one of a number of measures we’re considering as we look to implement the president’s direction to do absolutely everything we can to better protect our nation against today’s cyberthreats," said White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden. "We are not going to comment on ongoing internal deliberations”...

Read More:
White House circulating draft of executive order on cybersecurity - The Hill's Hillicon Valley
We'll go through the gate, if the gate is closed we'll go over the fence, if the fence is too high we'll pole vault in, if that doesn't work we'll parachute in.....
If we want a law, we'll go through Congress. If that doesn't work, we'll issue an Executive Order. If there's a law we don't like, we'll ignore it, or issue an Executive order issuing a new law to overtake it. (The reasoning of The Obama Administration.)
If we want a law, we'll go through Congress. If that doesn't work, we'll issue an Executive Order. If there's a law we don't like, we'll ignore it, or issue an Executive order issuing a new law to overtake it. (The reasoning of The Obama Administration.)
The only trouble with that little schema is it only benefits Democrats, and it excludes Republicans while everybody pays who works. Since that seems to be only Republicans lately, Democrats get a free lunch, free time off, free 60 day holiday/vacation packages, free strike time, free health care, free dental, free snacks, free everything.

It all stops when you go to work outside the government, where Republicans are. Then, you pay.

What a system. The Republicans are the new Atlas carrying the world.

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obama doesn't need a senate or a congress. He rules by edict. He's not a president, he's an emperor. So let it be written, so let it be done.
If we want a law, we'll go through Congress. If that doesn't work, we'll issue an Executive Order. If there's a law we don't like, we'll ignore it, or issue an Executive order issuing a new law to overtake it. (The reasoning of The Obama Administration.)

Yeah, these are very dark times for sure. But Big Brother knows the People in general, don't care. These are truly wonderful times for the NWO Global Elites. They're living it up bigtime :(
Obama gonna ferret out dem terrorists an' grab `em by the back o' the neck an' shake `em like a rag doll...
Draft order would give companies cyberthreat info
19 Oct.`12 WASHINGTON (AP) — A new White House executive order would direct U.S. spy agencies to share the latest intelligence about cyberthreats with companies operating electric grids, water plants, railroads and other vital industries to help protect them from electronic attacks, according to a copy obtained by The Associated Press.
The seven-page draft order, which is being finalized, takes shape as the Obama administration expresses growing concern that Iran could be the first country to use cyberterrorism against the United States. The military is ready to retaliate if the U.S. is hit by cyberweapons, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said. But the U.S. also is poorly prepared to prevent such an attack, which could damage or knock out critical services that are part of everyday life. The White House declined to say when the president will sign the order.

The draft order would put the Department of Homeland Security in charge of organizing an information-sharing network that rapidly distributes sanitized summaries of top-secret intelligence reports about known cyberthreats that identify a specific target. With these warnings, known as tear lines, the owners and operators of essential U.S. businesses would be better able to block potential attackers from gaining access to their computer systems.

An organized, broad-based approach for sharing cyberthreat information gathered by the government is widely viewed as essential for any plan to protect U.S. computer networks from foreign nations, terrorist groups and hackers. Existing efforts to exchange information are narrowly focused on specific industries, such as the finance sector, and have had varying degrees of success. Yet the order has generated stiff opposition from Republicans on Capitol Hill who view it as a unilateral move that bypasses the legislative authority held by Congress.

Administration officials said the order became necessary after Congress failed this summer to pass cybersecurity legislation, leaving critical infrastructure companies vulnerable to a serious and growing threat. Conflicting bills passed separately by the House and Senate included information-sharing provisions. But efforts to get a final measure through both chambers collapsed over the GOP's concerns that the Senate bill would expand the federal government's regulatory power and increase costs for businesses.

More Draft order would give companies cyberthreat info - Yahoo! News
The draft executive order would establish a voluntary program where companies operating critical infrastructure would elect to meet cybersecurity best practices and standards crafted, in part, by the government, according to two people familiar with the document.

So let me get this straight.

Congress is dicking around with some new laws about cybersecurity. In the meantime, Obama is drafting some suggestions for some companies to VOLUNTARILY follow.

Something akin to, "Make sure you lock all your doors and windows when you leave your house."

And like clockwork, all the little shepherd boys start shouting wolf. POLICE STATE!!! DICTATOR!!!! Activate Hyperbole Boilerplate Eleventy!

Christ, when something that is a real threat to our freedoms comes along, the objections to it are going to sound just like all this bullshit noise.

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Tell me again why so many love & worship the Dear Leader? Cause i just don't get it.

The White House is circulating a draft of an executive order aimed at protecting the country from cyberattacks, The Hill has learned.

The draft proposal, which has been sent to relevant federal agencies for feedback, is a clear sign that the administration is resolved to take action on cybersecurity even as Congress remains gridlocked on legislation that would address the threat.

The draft executive order would establish a voluntary program where companies operating critical infrastructure would elect to meet cybersecurity best practices and standards crafted, in part, by the government, according to two people familiar with the document.

The concept builds off of a section in the cybersecurity bill from Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) that was blocked last month by Senate Republicans, who called it a backdoor to new regulations.

The draft has undergone multiple revisions and is brief, spanning no more than five pages. It is still being worked on and is subject to change, the people familiar with the draft stressed.

The concept builds off of a section in the cybersecurity bill from Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) that was blocked last month by Senate Republicans, who called it a backdoor to new regulations.

The draft has undergone multiple revisions and is brief, spanning no more than five pages. It is still being worked on and is subject to change, the people familiar with the draft stressed.

It's also unclear whether the final product will get the president's approval to move forward.

A new draft of the executive order is expected to be shared with agencies next week.

White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan first floated the idea of an executive order in a speech a few days after the Senate bill failed. He said the White House would consider taking action on the executive level to ensure key infrastructure such as the power grid, water supply and transportation networks are secure.

The momentum for cybersecurity legislation in Congress weakened after Lieberman's bill failed to clear the Senate. Now industry groups and Congress are watching the White House for clues about what might be included in a executive order on cybersecurity.

A spokeswoman for the White House declined to comment on whether a draft for a executive order was being circulated, but said it is one of the options the administration is weighing.

"An executive order is one of a number of measures we’re considering as we look to implement the president’s direction to do absolutely everything we can to better protect our nation against today’s cyberthreats," said White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden. "We are not going to comment on ongoing internal deliberations”...

Read More:
White House circulating draft of executive order on cybersecurity - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

How many Executive Orders is it now?

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