Police State: Who's To Blame For Battlefield America?...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Is it Militarized Police or the Militarized Culture?

John W. Whitehead

It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly is responsible for the growing spate of police shootings, brutality and overreach that have come to dominate the news lately, whether it’s due to militarized police, the growing presence of military veterans in law enforcement, the fact that we are a society predisposed to warfare, indoctrinated through video games, reality TV shows, violent action movies and a series of endless wars that have, for younger generations, become life as they know it—or all of the above.

Whatever the reason, not a week goes by without more reports of hair-raising incidents by militarized police imbued with a take-no-prisoners attitude and a battlefield approach to the communities in which they serve.

The latest comes out of New Mexico, where cops pulled David Eckert over for allegedly failing to yield to a stop sign at a Wal-Mart parking lot. Suspecting that Eckert was carrying drugs because his “posture [was] erect” and “he kept his legs together,” the officers forced Eckert to undergo an anal cavity search, three enemas, and a colonoscopy. No drugs were found.

In Iowa, police shot a teenager who had stolen his father’s work truck in a fit of anger and led cops on a wild car chase that ended on a college campus. When 19-year-old Tyler Comstock refused orders to turn off the car despite having stopped, revving the engine instead, police officer Adam McPherson fired six shots into the truck, two of which hit Comstock. Members of the community are demanding to know why less lethal force was not used, especially after a police dispatcher suggested the officers call off the chase.

And then there was the incident involving 13-year-old Andy Lopez, who was shot dead after two sheriff’s deputies saw him carrying a toy BB gun in public. Lopez was about 20 feet away from the deputies, his back turned to them, when the officers took cover behind their car and ordered him to drop the “weapon.” When Lopez turned around, toy gun in his hand, one of the officers—Erick Gelhaus, a 24-year veteran of the force—shot him seven times. A field training officer for new recruits and a firing range instructor, Gelhaus seems to subscribe to the philosophy that an officer should ensure their own safety at all costs. As Gelhaus wrote in a 2008 article for S.W.A.T. magazine:...

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The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Who?s to Blame for Battlefield America? Is It Militarized Police or the Militarized Culture?
Wow, read that third paragraph again. What the Hell has happened to our Country?
What is the difference of cops today to say those in the 1960's and '70's? Not much. Except for a clean record and the ability to pass drug and lie detectors.
What is the difference of cops today to say those in the 1960's and '70's? Not much. Except for a clean record and the ability to pass drug and lie detectors.

Read that third paragraph again. Laws have changed. It's a free-for-all for them at this point. It's very disturbing.
Savages are to blame. We are descending into barbarism and savagery. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The more savage the people, the more savage the police will be.
What is the difference of cops today to say those in the 1960's and '70's? Not much. Except for a clean record and the ability to pass drug and lie detectors.

The major difference is that the standards have been lowered to accommodate (mostly) women. The police in the 60s and 70s were big burly guys. Now the slighter, lightweight men and women have to rely more on weapons than size and strength.

Meanwhile as the police get smaller, there is a significant proportion of the people who have gotten more savage, barbaric and daring. They can get away with whatever they want to do.
What is the difference of cops today to say those in the 1960's and '70's? Not much. Except for a clean record and the ability to pass drug and lie detectors.

The major difference is that the standards have been lowered to accommodate (mostly) women. The police in the 60s and 70s were big burly guys. Now the slighter, lightweight men and women have to rely more on weapons than size and strength.

Meanwhile as the police get smaller, there is a significant proportion of the people who have gotten more savage, barbaric and daring. They can get away with whatever they want to do.

Only after 250 years of savage, barbaric and daring by whites
What is the difference of cops today to say those in the 1960's and '70's? Not much. Except for a clean record and the ability to pass drug and lie detectors.

Read that third paragraph again. Laws have changed. It's a free-for-all for them at this point. It's very disturbing.

They had no problem with being utter bastards back then also.

I hear ya, but the difference is that Laws have changed. You have less rights now, thus they have more power.
Savages are to blame. We are descending into barbarism and savagery. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The more savage the people, the more savage the police will be.

Seriously, read the third paragraph again. The only savages were the Police and the Hospital staff that tortured the poor guy. And for what? He may have had some drugs?
What is the difference of cops today to say those in the 1960's and '70's? Not much. Except for a clean record and the ability to pass drug and lie detectors.

The major difference is that the standards have been lowered to accommodate (mostly) women. The police in the 60s and 70s were big burly guys. Now the slighter, lightweight men and women have to rely more on weapons than size and strength.

Meanwhile as the police get smaller, there is a significant proportion of the people who have gotten more savage, barbaric and daring. They can get away with whatever they want to do.

Only after 250 years of savage, barbaric and daring by whites

You are one of those who finds a present day RIGHT to attack and kill others as payback for historical wrongs.

Then lets settle it. Once and for all. Have the free for all. Let people use any means at their disposal to deal with savages. If this guy had a gun, there would be four dead savages and a lesson the rest of them might learn.

Skateboarders Attack Lower East Side Store Owner « CBS New York
What is the difference of cops today to say those in the 1960's and '70's? Not much. Except for a clean record and the ability to pass drug and lie detectors.

I don't blame most cops, I blame it on our complacency in letting our government turn them into a militarized force.

At this point i'm more inclined to blame both. But i know what you're saying.
Since the late 60's it's been those who support the war on Americans who use non-government approved substances, like Marijuana. The government propagandist feed them a steady diet of nonsense that they still believe to this day. The only people who support these freedom denying polices are the ones who bought the propaganda or they are directly profiting from it.
Is it Militarized Police or the Militarized Culture?

John W. Whitehead

It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly is responsible for the growing spate of police shootings, brutality and overreach that have come to dominate the news lately,

Police State: Who's To Blame For Battlefield America?

you mean where did it originate or who got the ball rolling in the us?

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