Police threaten to boycott 49ers

I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.
That is what they are telling the 49ers. You make decisions, you have consequences, good and bad.

Who would want a bunch of anti first amendment pantie wastes working security anyway..

They aren't anti first amendment, they are exercising their rights just a Kap has exercised his. I don't agree with either side but they have a right to freely express their opinions.

Two way street, you make a ststement, then others can make a statement about your statement. Works very well.
I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.

Kap didn't advocate killing police officers, but for some reason he thinks the police are oppressive. He has a right to his opinion, just as you have a right to express yours.
They aren't anti first amendment, they are exercising their rights just a Kap has exercised his. I don't agree with either side but they have a right to freely express their opinions.

Two way street, you make a ststement, then others can make a statement about your statement. Works very well.

I don't agree with what Kap did, but he should be allowed to say it and not be punished by those working within the organisation. I just love it how the neocon righties are with the police on this. These righties are the same ones bitching and moaning constantly about how the constitution is always being violated or run down by the left, yet here is a classic example of a group of people trying to stifle free speech and they're okay with it. Don't get me wrong, if spectators decide not to go to a game, that is one thing and their right. But when those attached to an organisation have the right to do what the police are doing, then I find the right's take on the constitution as nothing but fluff.
They aren't anti first amendment, they are exercising their rights just a Kap has exercised his. I don't agree with either side but they have a right to freely express their opinions.

Two way street, you make a ststement, then others can make a statement about your statement. Works very well.

I don't agree with what Kap did, but he should be allowed to say it and not be punished by those working within the organisation. I just love it how the neocon righties are with the police on this. These righties are the same ones bitching and moaning constantly about how the constitution is always being violated or run down by the left, yet here is a classic example of a group of people trying to stifle free speech and they're okay with it. Don't get me wrong, if spectators decide not to go to a game, that is one thing and their right. But when those attached to an organisation have the right to do what the police are doing, then I find the right's take on the constitution as nothing but fluff.

He was allowed to say what he said, he did it in protest, why can't anyone protest his protest? No one is stifling free speech, in fact if you don't allow the police to protest, then you are stifling free speech. They aren't part of the 49er organization, they are volunteering. I am this way with every free speech issue. No one has been denied free speech. I back Kap on what he decided to do, he was within his right as an American to display his objection. The police don't have to volunteer. I support their right to demonstrate.
The NFL better get a grip on this shit before it spirals out of control.

Santa Clara Officers May Boycott Working 49ers Games

Let the 49ers pay for their own private security. Why should the taxpayers be on the hook to pay for security at a private sporting event?
If I heard the report correctly, these officers are hired off duty. BTW, in California it's hard to get armed security officers because they run all those permits through the Department of Consumer Affairs and the requirements to obtain and maintain a firearms permit is not worth the cost and trouble for many security officers. A large contingent of armed security almost requires hiring off duty cops.
The police all over the country really should hold a nationwide strike for the rest of Obama's term. It's ridiculous to subject them to the kind of sleaze, lies, and assaults Democrats and Obama are waging against them, and time for the Burb Brats and Hood Rat fan clubs to get a lesson in what police are really for, as they are obviously completely clueless or but stupid. This goes for the equally lunatic 'Libertarians' as well.
They aren't anti first amendment, they are exercising their rights just a Kap has exercised his. I don't agree with either side but they have a right to freely express their opinions.

Two way street, you make a ststement, then others can make a statement about your statement. Works very well.

I don't agree with what Kap did, but he should be allowed to say it and not be punished by those working within the organisation. I just love it how the neocon righties are with the police on this. These righties are the same ones bitching and moaning constantly about how the constitution is always being violated or run down by the left, yet here is a classic example of a group of people trying to stifle free speech and they're okay with it. Don't get me wrong, if spectators decide not to go to a game, that is one thing and their right. But when those attached to an organisation have the right to do what the police are doing, then I find the right's take on the constitution as nothing but fluff.

He was allowed to say what he said, he did it in protest, why can't anyone protest his protest? No one is stifling free speech, in fact if you don't allow the police to protest, then you are stifling free speech. They aren't part of the 49er organization, they are volunteering. I am this way with every free speech issue. No one has been denied free speech. I back Kap on what he decided to do, he was within his right as an American to display his objection. The police don't have to volunteer. I support their right to demonstrate.

I feel a little sorry for you; you think common sense and reality will actually matter to the sociopaths and gimps you're trying to hold a real discussion with.
I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.

Kap didn't advocate killing police officers, but for some reason he thinks the police are oppressive. He has a right to his opinion, just as you have a right to express yours.

He doesn't have the right to express his hate for America on the field.
I don't agree with what Kap did, but he should be allowed to say it and not be punished by those working within the organisation.

No he shouldn't. He's working for a company that can make it's own rules. The owner of the team has every right to fire his ass and SHOULD fire his ass.
I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.

Kap didn't advocate killing police officers, but for some reason he thinks the police are oppressive. He has a right to his opinion, just as you have a right to express yours.

He doesn't have the right to express his hate for America on the field.
Exactly. I almost feel like we're getting bullied into saying he has the right to do what he's doing. Maybe he does, but the assumption is that having that right also protects him from any consequences. Nobody has the right to say any shitty thing they like and nothing can happen in response.
So the cops are just as petty about this as you are. How sad.
Not volunteering to guard those who disrespect you is petty?

How is it that me, A CONVICTED FELON, has more respect for the police & common sense respect than half of the lefties on this board?
Let's get you partially stuck off stupid, (all the way is impossible).
This how it works, the Sergeant comes into roll call and says the games are on these dates, if you have the time off or want to use personal time you can volunteer for the duty.
It's easy money and many senior officers get it. You get paid while working the event, you are not volunteering free of charge.

I can use a PBL day on the day of the game, work the game and get paid from both entities simultaneously, easy double pay.

Now, these Officers are under absolutely no obligation to work the game as security, that is their choice and their money.

They want this team to discipline a player for no legal reason whatsoever, simply that he has personal opinions that they don't like, guess what, tough shit.
If it hurts your feelings that much then don't volunteer.

If they will publicly call for the violation of this man's Rights, what do you think they are doing to the Rights of everyday citizens...

Employers discipline employees for no legal reason all the time. Hell, if you don't follow company procedure, then you could face discipline. Some companies will discipline you for behavior outside of work.
The police union isn't his employer, your point is moot.

Doesn't matter, if I have people complain about one of the employees, I usually sit down and talk and if the employee has done something wrong, I can, have and will discipline them, so the point is not moot.
Yeah it is moot on both issues you raised that don't apply...
The police union is not his employer and he did nothing wrong.
I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.

Kap didn't advocate killing police officers, but for some reason he thinks the police are oppressive. He has a right to his opinion, just as you have a right to express yours.

He doesn't have the right to express his hate for America on the field.

Freedom of expression is a right. If the NFL says he can sit for the National Athem, the he scan. We put up with hate groups for over 200 years because our Constitution and country are strong enough to allow it.
I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.

Kap didn't advocate killing police officers, but for some reason he thinks the police are oppressive. He has a right to his opinion, just as you have a right to express yours.

He doesn't have the right to express his hate for America on the field.

Freedom of expression is a right. If the NFL says he can sit for the National Athem, the he scan. We put up with hate groups for over 200 years because our Constitution and country are strong enough to allow it.
The Constitution doesn't apply to this situation whatsoever. They can can his Muslim America hating ass and there's nothing he can do about it.
I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.

Kap didn't advocate killing police officers, but for some reason he thinks the police are oppressive. He has a right to his opinion, just as you have a right to express yours.

He doesn't have the right to express his hate for America on the field.

Freedom of expression is a right. If the NFL says he can sit for the National Athem, the he scan. We put up with hate groups for over 200 years because our Constitution and country are strong enough to allow it.

But he doesn't have the right if he's on the field representing the team. Sure, he can say and do whatever he likes - we all can. I can run down 5th Ave in NYC naked but I don't have the RIGHT to. I'll be arrested. Free speech has limits. You can't represent Coca Cola and go public praising Pepsi. There will be consequences. Once they fire you, you can go public all you like. Then it's your right. Just because the team allows him to hate America publicly doesn't mean he has the right to do that because the team can make a rule that forbids sitting during the anthem. It's not a free speech issue.
I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.

Kap didn't advocate killing police officers, but for some reason he thinks the police are oppressive. He has a right to his opinion, just as you have a right to express yours.

He doesn't have the right to express his hate for America on the field.
Exactly. I almost feel like we're getting bullied into saying he has the right to do what he's doing. Maybe he does, but the assumption is that having that right also protects him from any consequences. Nobody has the right to say any shitty thing they like and nothing can happen in response.

The free speech defense is being used to trick us into thinking Liberal on this. It's nonsense.
I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.

Kap didn't advocate killing police officers, but for some reason he thinks the police are oppressive. He has a right to his opinion, just as you have a right to express yours.

He doesn't have the right to express his hate for America on the field.

Freedom of expression is a right. If the NFL says he can sit for the National Athem, the he scan. We put up with hate groups for over 200 years because our Constitution and country are strong enough to allow it.
The Constitution doesn't apply to this situation whatsoever. They can can his Muslim America hating ass and there's nothing he can do about it.

He has the freedom to say what he wants and has exercised his right. The police are going to express their opinions by not volunteering to patrol the game.
I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.

Kap didn't advocate killing police officers, but for some reason he thinks the police are oppressive. He has a right to his opinion, just as you have a right to express yours.

He doesn't have the right to express his hate for America on the field.

Freedom of expression is a right. If the NFL says he can sit for the National Athem, the he scan. We put up with hate groups for over 200 years because our Constitution and country are strong enough to allow it.
The Constitution doesn't apply to this situation whatsoever. They can can his Muslim America hating ass and there's nothing he can do about it.

He has the freedom to say what he wants and has exercised his right. The police are going to express their opinions by not volunteering to patrol the game.

He has the right only because the team ALLOWS it. He doesn't have the 1st Amendment right as along as he's on the field and be free of consequences.
I hope the 49ers change their policy and forbids players from sitting during the Anthem. I also hope the fans boycott the games.
I see the Maoist gimps are all up in arms again, wetting their diapers and defending some low life vermin who advocates killing police officers.

Kap didn't advocate killing police officers, but for some reason he thinks the police are oppressive. He has a right to his opinion, just as you have a right to express yours.

He doesn't have the right to express his hate for America on the field.

Freedom of expression is a right. If the NFL says he can sit for the National Athem, the he scan. We put up with hate groups for over 200 years because our Constitution and country are strong enough to allow it.
The Constitution doesn't apply to this situation whatsoever. They can can his Muslim America hating ass and there's nothing he can do about it.

He has the freedom to say what he wants and has exercised his right. The police are going to express their opinions by not volunteering to patrol the game.
He doesn't have freedom from consequences. If he violated the franchise rules or NFL rules, he can be punished.

The Constitution only says he can't be arrested. Everything else is fair game.

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