Police under Fire.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
It is looking like the suspect gets the first shot to kill a Cop. Then the LEO can return fire. It use to be if the suspect are armed, he either dropped the gun or you could fire. Now you almost need to take a round before returning fire. I would never be a cop in this type of world. Sorry for you guys on the line. Hope you live long enough to retire.
It is looking like the suspect gets the first shot to kill a Cop. Then the LEO can return fire. It use to be if the suspect are armed, he either dropped the gun or you could fire. Now you almost need to take a round before returning fire. I would never be a cop in this type of world. Sorry for you guys on the line. Hope you live long enough to retire.

Dear Dan
At this point, if I were a teacher or a police officer working in a district with unions,
I have both teacher and police unions call a meeting with district residents,
go over the rules and procedures of both the school policies and the law enforcement
training and legal procedures, and have ALL residents sign agreements to follow
those laws and procedures by voluntary compliance, comply with authorities,
and/or seek professional and medical assistance if unable to comply due to
behavioral mental or criminal disorders. Those are your choices. You either
COMPLY with civil, constitutional and criminal laws, or you don't live there
if you expect these teachers and police to put themselves at risk to work serving the public.
And if the community does not agree to uphold basic rules of civil laws, safety and security,
then I would NOT recommend the teachers and police WORK IN THAT DISTRICT.

Go work for communities that will share responsibility for basic law enforcement
and safety in schools, businesses and neighborhood communities.

If ALL districts had their police and teachers' unions collaborate on public education
and outreach, including mediation and medical/mental health assistance to intervene
to prevent abuse or violence from escalating, then communities could pick and choose
which teachers or police to hire; and vice versa, police and teachers could select which
communities to work for that have the best interest of themselves and the public in mind!

It is looking like the suspect gets the first shot to kill a Cop. Then the LEO can return fire. It use to be if the suspect are armed, he either dropped the gun or you could fire. Now you almost need to take a round before returning fire. I would never be a cop in this type of world. Sorry for you guys on the line. Hope you live long enough to retire.

Dan, right now, half of the people shot by police are unarmed, or shot in the back in Georgia. Even if the rest of the nation is better, and only a third are unarmed, or shot in the back, then your post is still insane. OVER THE LINE: Police shootings in Georgia

First you post no link. So we do not know what incident you are ranting about. Then you describe a situation which does not exist. I can easily believe you were a cop. The truth is unfamiliar in your mouth.
It is looking like the suspect gets the first shot to kill a Cop. Then the LEO can return fire. It use to be if the suspect are armed, he either dropped the gun or you could fire. Now you almost need to take a round before returning fire. I would never be a cop in this type of world. Sorry for you guys on the line. Hope you live long enough to retire.

Dear Dan
At this point, if I were a teacher or a police officer working in a district with unions,
I have both teacher and police unions call a meeting with district residents,
go over the rules and procedures of both the school policies and the law enforcement
training and legal procedures, and have ALL residents sign agreements to follow
those laws and procedures by voluntary compliance, comply with authorities,
and/or seek professional and medical assistance if unable to comply due to
behavioral mental or criminal disorders. Those are your choices. You either
COMPLY with civil, constitutional and criminal laws, or you don't live there
if you expect these teachers and police to put themselves at risk to work serving the public.
And if the community does not agree to uphold basic rules of civil laws, safety and security,
then I would NOT recommend the teachers and police WORK IN THAT DISTRICT.

Go work for communities that will share responsibility for basic law enforcement
and safety in schools, businesses and neighborhood communities.

If ALL districts had their police and teachers' unions collaborate on public education
and outreach, including mediation and medical/mental health assistance to intervene
to prevent abuse or violence from escalating, then communities could pick and choose
which teachers or police to hire; and vice versa, police and teachers could select which
communities to work for that have the best interest of themselves and the public in mind!


I have always wondered. Why is it that the law and order types, always hate the Constitution? Elizabeth Warren has joined this noble club recently deciding that if a company is found to have violated the law in a Civil Proceeding, the CEO’s should go to jail, based not on the common criminal standard of beyond a reasonable doubt, but just on the civil standard of I believe them more.

I say that you all hate the Constitution, because the 14th Amendment states that all Citizens are entitled to equal protection under the law. But if you have your way, than police, and teachers, will be paid not to work in those neighborhoods. I can sort of see the rational of paying farmers not to grow crops and thus not flood the market with a commodity and driving the price too low to support anyone. But I can’t see the logic in denying citizens the same protections of any others.

But let’s take your idea. The first thing that the citizens in those communities would do, is form Vigilante Groups to keep the peace. This would cause much terror in your white bread law and order type hearts. I say it would because the last thing you want is black, which is what we are talking about here, let’s be honest, inner city groups, armed and protecting their own neighborhoods. Why, they might harass the whites who are passing by, or through. We can’t allow that. Oh if you wonder where they would get the guns, I would be happy to donate a couple to a few folks and wish them well.

Those same people would then object to any taxes being collected in their community, since the city/state/country is doing diddly squat for them. They might decide to stop paying sales tax, or property tax, and then you all would have a conniption. You would send in the National Guard, if you remembered that Army isn’t a police force, to restore order. If you forgot, well why not forget, you would scream enemies domestic and demand the Army send the tanks in to restore order on this breakaway province.

But you’ve proven another point I’ve made several times. The Law and Order types only have two settings. Abusive, brutal, corrupt police, or anarchy. Some choice. Victims of the system, or no system. Why is it that holding the police accountable to the people they serve is such an outrageous idea? Why is it that finding and holding corrupt cops is somehow akin to anarchy in your mind? Please explain because I honestly have no idea how your mind reaches those two choices. Not if you do in fact love and respect the Constitution, you know, besides the Second Amendment.

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