Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Seems like it was more than just a handful of people that knew of Moore being a child molester. This state is the pits. It’s a red state. Goes without saying.

Here's what we know about the Beverly Nelson story:
  1. The Olde Hickory House required employees to be at least 16. Beverly Nelson claims she was 15 when she started.

  2. The restaurant’s dumpsters were on the side of the building and not in back as Nelson claimed.

  3. A former employee says the restaurant NEVER closed at 11 PM as Nelson claimed and at midnight on most nights.

  4. Customers at the counter were served by the bartender or cook and not by any waitress.

  5. The witnesses claim they have shared this information with several news outlets but they have refused to report the truth!
In other words, she's a complete fucking fake. Nothing in her story checks out. Plus, the signature in her yearbook is an obvious forgery.
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Oh good. She should be able to produce the written order that they were to enforce a restraining order.
You don't need to have a restraining order to BOLO.
Democrat Fake News insanity. :cuckoo:

Yeah, the police must be lying.
The "Police" in question are. You know the retired cop. What legal grounds do they have to keep him from being there if he has legitimate business there? I'll tell you, NONE!

The police cannot stop him from going to the mall unless the mall management requests it, so that claim is obvious horseshit.

One thing this whole scandal is making clear is that there is no shortage of Democrats willing to lie to defeat a Republican.
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Oh good. She should be able to produce the written order that they were to enforce a restraining order.
You don't need to have a restraining order to BOLO.

What the hell is "BOLO?"
What are the odds of Gadsden, Alabama having any Democrats on its police force? Slim to none I would think.
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Oh good. She should be able to produce the written order that they were to enforce a restraining order.
You don't need to have a restraining order to BOLO.

What the hell is "BOLO?"
Man, are you stupid.

Be On The Lookout.
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Oh good. She should be able to produce the written order that they were to enforce a restraining order.
You don't need to have a restraining order to BOLO.

What the hell is "BOLO?"
Man, are you stupid.

Be On The Lookout.

It's hardly "stupid" to not know what BOLO stands for.
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Oh good. She should be able to produce the written order that they were to enforce a restraining order.
You don't need to have a restraining order to BOLO.
So, to be on the lookout requires an order from a superior.

She should have no problem providing it.
The mall manager at the time has already said it never happened. They even have a list of people who are banned from the mall, and Moore's name wasn't on it.
Well that's a lie, so that discredits your phony mall manager. What the Gadsden Mall spokesperson actually said was, “We still have an active ban list, But it doesn’t go back that far.” So Moore's name isn't on it because it doesn't go back to the 1970s and 1980s.

But notice how carefully crafted that lie is, they DO have a banned list and Moore's name isn't on it, but not because he wasn't banned as the professional liars would lead you to believe, but because their records don't go back to the years Moore was banned. Only the most professional liars are able to deceive you with a half-truth.

The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way.

Samuel Butler
Last edited:
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Oh good. She should be able to produce the written order that they were to enforce a restraining order.
You don't need to have a restraining order to BOLO.
So, to be on the lookout requires an order from a superior.

She should have no problem providing it.

Her superior is probably dead. That's why she felt is was safe to lie.
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Oh good. She should be able to produce the written order that they were to enforce a restraining order.
You don't need to have a restraining order to BOLO.

What the hell is "BOLO?"
Man, are you stupid.

Be On The Lookout.

It's hardly "stupid" to not know what BOLO stands for.

BOLO means "be on the lookout"...
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Oh good. She should be able to produce the written order that they were to enforce a restraining order.
You don't need to have a restraining order to BOLO.
So, to be on the lookout requires an order from a superior.

She should have no problem providing it.

Her superior is probably dead. That's why she felt is was safe to lie.
Maybe, but there is always a paper trail for official police activity. This person should be able to produce the order that patrols in this precinct were required to keep an Assistant District Attorney away from young girls....

NaziCons should have a field day with this picture. Go for it...
Is there one report? Is there one person who didn't know Moore was running for Chief Justice of the state supreme court?
How would that confirm it? The mall manager at the time has already said it never happened. They even have a list of people who are banned from the mall, and Moore's name wasn't on it.
You keep repeating that same lie about the mall manager. Have you no decency? Provide a valid source or SHUT THE FUCK UP.

It IS a hoax....why wont your morons give up? Moore is going to win!
Another trump sheep liar who can’t provide evidence of his claim.

Reporter:,He says he has no memory of a ban. And then when he starts to speak the sound cuts off. Perfect.
You’re going to trust an 80 plus year old guy with a faulty memory as a source.
Stop embarrassing yourself but better yet explain to the forum why you continue to support a child molester. Have you no decency?

Watch it on youtube the sound is not cut off. You asked for proof that he said it, when that proof was provided, then you attack the source. You should have said nothing but thank you. Here, I'll repost it.


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