Police: We’re why ‘The Hateful Eight’ is bombing at box office

The more I read the more I thinkI WILL go see the movie in a theater. Tarantino shouldn't be penalized for telling the truth. Besides, cops are generally not real friends of anyone that is not a cop or a relative of theirs. If all the relatives of people who have been unjustly killed, maimed or brutalized by cops would initiate a counter strategy by supporting this movie that would be great.

What truth? He portrayed Michael Brown as an innocent guy murdered by a cop. Not a person who had JUST COMMITTED a violent felony, was stopped by a cop, attacked said cop, and was killed attacking said cop.
OH ,my bad. I thought he was talking about Freddie Gray, Keith Childress, Bettie Jones,
Miguel Espina, Cornelius Brown and many others. Lets pretend he was talking about them, OK? I think they warrant some coverage and consideration under the Tarantino declaration.

Note that in 2015 unarmed Blacks were 5 times more likely to be shot than unarmed Whites in cop confrontations. Turning to statistical data, blacks are only 13% of the US population are 37% of casualties in police shootings,
I saw the movie because I have liked Quentin Tarantino movies in the past.

Hateful Eight just wasn't that good. There was over the top violence, sure, but I don't think any of it made me laugh.

I mean the whole point of a Quentin Tarantino movie is that the violence is done in a way that makes you laugh.

Also, Quentin was a little too heavy handed in his treatment of Southerners. It is obvious that Quentin hates Southerners, but hate isn't funny.
The more I read the more I thinkI WILL go see the movie in a theater. Tarantino shouldn't be penalized for telling the truth. Besides, cops are generally not real friends of anyone that is not a cop or a relative of theirs. If all the relatives of people who have been unjustly killed, maimed or brutalized by cops would initiate a counter strategy by supporting this movie that would be great.

What truth? He portrayed Michael Brown as an innocent guy murdered by a cop. Not a person who had JUST COMMITTED a violent felony, was stopped by a cop, attacked said cop, and was killed attacking said cop.
OH ,my bad. I thought he was talking about Freddie Gray, Keith Childress, Bettie Jones,
Miguel Espina, Cornelius Brown and many others. Lets pretend he was talking about them, OK? I think they warrant some coverage and consideration under the Tarantino declaration.

Note that in 2015 unarmed Blacks were 5 times more likely to be shot than unarmed Whites in cop confrontations. Turning to statistical data, blacks are only 13% of the US population are 37% of casualties in police shootings,

I love when people want to play this game. Welcome to the world of math, this is your instructional lesson.

Per the FBI stats for 2014, Robberies, Burglaries, Larcenies.

White - 40.18%
Black - 45.84%

Now that seems close right? Now I couldn't find a good source on 2014 police shootings, but I did find a partial from the Washington Post on 2015. The breakdown on police shootings was 385 fatalities at that time. Of which

180 - White - 46.75%
105 - Black - 27.27%

It seems like whites are killed much more in proportion to their overall percentage of crime that blacks now doesn't it? Now, we proceed to the Demographics portion of our instruction. Per the 2014 US Census data

White - 77.4%
Black - 13.2%

Now you have 13.2% of the population, committing 45.84% of the crimes listed above. See a wee bit of a problem with your numbers there?
The problem with statistics like this is that the establishment doesn't care how many blacks kill blacks because there is no political capital that can be earned through tackling this problem. The slogan "Black Lives Matter" only relates to white police officers shooting blacks. When someone dared suggest that "All Lives Matter" he was booed off stage.

O'Malley apologizes for saying 'all lives matter' - CNNPolitics.com

What this proves is that liberalism has gone from being a sickness of the mind, has now become a terminal cancer of the brain.
The more I read the more I thinkI WILL go see the movie in a theater. Tarantino shouldn't be penalized for telling the truth. Besides, cops are generally not real friends of anyone that is not a cop or a relative of theirs. If all the relatives of people who have been unjustly killed, maimed or brutalized by cops would initiate a counter strategy by supporting this movie that would be great.

What truth? He portrayed Michael Brown as an innocent guy murdered by a cop. Not a person who had JUST COMMITTED a violent felony, was stopped by a cop, attacked said cop, and was killed attacking said cop.
OH ,my bad. I thought he was talking about Freddie Gray, Keith Childress, Bettie Jones,
Miguel Espina, Cornelius Brown and many others. Lets pretend he was talking about them, OK? I think they warrant some coverage and consideration under the Tarantino declaration.

Note that in 2015 unarmed Blacks were 5 times more likely to be shot than unarmed Whites in cop confrontations. Turning to statistical data, blacks are only 13% of the US population are 37% of casualties in police shootings,

I love when people want to play this game. Welcome to the world of math, this is your instructional lesson.

Per the FBI stats for 2014, Robberies, Burglaries, Larcenies.

White - 40.18%
Black - 45.84%

Now that seems close right? Now I couldn't find a good source on 2014 police shootings, but I did find a partial from the Washington Post on 2015. The breakdown on police shootings was 385 fatalities at that time. Of which

180 - White - 46.75%
105 - Black - 27.27%

It seems like whites are killed much more in proportion to their overall percentage of crime that blacks now doesn't it? Now, we proceed to the Demographics portion of our instruction. Per the 2014 US Census data

White - 77.4%
Black - 13.2%

Now you have 13.2% of the population, committing 45.84% of the crimes listed above. See a wee bit of a problem with your numbers there?

Your "instructions" are nothing more than regurgitations that saturate the INTERNET in every discussion about race. No lesson to be learned there. SO,
I won't get into a game of statistical racial comparisons in this thread. Instead I will stay focused on police murders of unarmed people PERIOD, whether Black white or whatever. Given those parameters, Tarantino's public statement evokes a new perspective. He may have been talking about the Michael Brown case but in effect he gave a voice to those victims who were murdered without just cause; without benefit of due process; or without even a chance to defend themselves .

I'd like to give cops the credit for killing this movie, but that's not how it is.

My wife and I saw it and it just wasn't that good.

Like other Quentin Terantino movies it was violent, disgusting, and over the top with bad language and disgusting displays of blood.

But there wasn't really anything clever to offset the senseless violence.

Pretty much, it was one character getting killed off one by one until everyone was dead. That's the entire plot.

Kurt Russell and Samuel Jackson did what they could, and both came off as total bad-asses. But it wasn't enough to save the movie from its own mediocrity.

I haven't seen the movie so based on your review I will just wait until it comes out on DVD. As an aside, I hope the cops don't think they really have the power to make or break a hollywood production.

They got me not to go. I doubt I'm alone. 1 person tells 2, who tell 4.

It adds up.
I make it a habit of not seeing that assholes movies ( I am talking about Tarantino). They are disgusting filth with no talent. Period. I want to see 13 hours.
The more I read the more I thinkI WILL go see the movie in a theater. Tarantino shouldn't be penalized for telling the truth. Besides, cops are generally not real friends of anyone that is not a cop or a relative of theirs. If all the relatives of people who have been unjustly killed, maimed or brutalized by cops would initiate a counter strategy by supporting this movie that would be great.

What truth? He portrayed Michael Brown as an innocent guy murdered by a cop. Not a person who had JUST COMMITTED a violent felony, was stopped by a cop, attacked said cop, and was killed attacking said cop.
OH ,my bad. I thought he was talking about Freddie Gray, Keith Childress, Bettie Jones,
Miguel Espina, Cornelius Brown and many others. Lets pretend he was talking about them, OK? I think they warrant some coverage and consideration under the Tarantino declaration.

Note that in 2015 unarmed Blacks were 5 times more likely to be shot than unarmed Whites in cop confrontations. Turning to statistical data, blacks are only 13% of the US population are 37% of casualties in police shootings,

I love when people want to play this game. Welcome to the world of math, this is your instructional lesson.

Per the FBI stats for 2014, Robberies, Burglaries, Larcenies.

White - 40.18%
Black - 45.84%

Now that seems close right? Now I couldn't find a good source on 2014 police shootings, but I did find a partial from the Washington Post on 2015. The breakdown on police shootings was 385 fatalities at that time. Of which

180 - White - 46.75%
105 - Black - 27.27%

It seems like whites are killed much more in proportion to their overall percentage of crime that blacks now doesn't it? Now, we proceed to the Demographics portion of our instruction. Per the 2014 US Census data

White - 77.4%
Black - 13.2%

Now you have 13.2% of the population, committing 45.84% of the crimes listed above. See a wee bit of a problem with your numbers there?

Your "instructions" are nothing more than regurgitations that saturate the INTERNET in every discussion about race. No lesson to be learned there. SO,
I won't get into a game of statistical racial comparisons in this thread. Instead I will stay focused on police murders of unarmed people PERIOD, whether Black white or whatever. Given those parameters, Tarantino's public statement evokes a new perspective. He may have been talking about the Michael Brown case but in effect he gave a voice to those victims who were murdered without just cause; without benefit of due process; or without even a chance to defend themselves .

He did nothing of the sort. We have a legal process, of which btw in Baltimore we just found out 1 person held out to keep the first officer from being declared innocent of the charges brought against him.

Yes there will the occasional time where a police officer fails his duty, and commits a crime. That's where the justice department should be allowed to work. Not succumb to race baiters like you and him who declare them guilty without trial, knowing little or nothing of the facts of the case.

Sadly justice is no longer driven by truth. It's driven by political calculation, with the office of Attorney General corrupted beyond redemption.

And btw...there are lessons to be learned...you just haven't learned them yet it seems. Oh well, I have time and patience. I'm sure I'll have more opportunities to illustrate the truths math teaches.
The more I read the more I thinkI WILL go see the movie in a theater. Tarantino shouldn't be penalized for telling the truth. Besides, cops are generally not real friends of anyone that is not a cop or a relative of theirs. If all the relatives of people who have been unjustly killed, maimed or brutalized by cops would initiate a counter strategy by supporting this movie that would be great.

What truth? He portrayed Michael Brown as an innocent guy murdered by a cop. Not a person who had JUST COMMITTED a violent felony, was stopped by a cop, attacked said cop, and was killed attacking said cop.
OH ,my bad. I thought he was talking about Freddie Gray, Keith Childress, Bettie Jones,
Miguel Espina, Cornelius Brown and many others. Lets pretend he was talking about them, OK? I think they warrant some coverage and consideration under the Tarantino declaration.

Note that in 2015 unarmed Blacks were 5 times more likely to be shot than unarmed Whites in cop confrontations. Turning to statistical data, blacks are only 13% of the US population are 37% of casualties in police shootings,

I love when people want to play this game. Welcome to the world of math, this is your instructional lesson.

Per the FBI stats for 2014, Robberies, Burglaries, Larcenies.

White - 40.18%
Black - 45.84%

Now that seems close right? Now I couldn't find a good source on 2014 police shootings, but I did find a partial from the Washington Post on 2015. The breakdown on police shootings was 385 fatalities at that time. Of which

180 - White - 46.75%
105 - Black - 27.27%

It seems like whites are killed much more in proportion to their overall percentage of crime that blacks now doesn't it? Now, we proceed to the Demographics portion of our instruction. Per the 2014 US Census data

White - 77.4%
Black - 13.2%

Now you have 13.2% of the population, committing 45.84% of the crimes listed above. See a wee bit of a problem with your numbers there?

Your "instructions" are nothing more than regurgitations that saturate the INTERNET in every discussion about race. No lesson to be learned there. SO,
I won't get into a game of statistical racial comparisons in this thread. Instead I will stay focused on police murders of unarmed people PERIOD, whether Black white or whatever. Given those parameters, Tarantino's public statement evokes a new perspective. He may have been talking about the Michael Brown case but in effect he gave a voice to those victims who were murdered without just cause; without benefit of due process; or without even a chance to defend themselves .

He did nothing of the sort. We have a legal process, of which btw in Baltimore we just found out 1 person held out to keep the first officer from being declared innocent of the charges brought against him.

Yes there will the occasional time where a police officer fails his duty, and commits a crime. That's where the justice department should be allowed to work. Not succumb to race baiters like you and him who declare them guilty without trial, knowing little or nothing of the facts of the case.

Sadly justice is no longer driven by truth. It's driven by political calculation, with the office of Attorney General corrupted beyond redemption.

And btw...there are lessons to be learned...you just haven't learned them yet it seems. Oh well, I have time and patience. I'm sure I'll have more opportunities to illustrate the truths math teaches.

1. He did nothing of the sort? I am not sure of what "sort"you are talking about.
Don't try to use one isolated case to refute my point and thereby deny all the shootings of unarmed people by officers who were never prosecuted. Tarantino's words resonated with many people whose lives have been changed forever by a cop's bullet or unwarranted brutality.

2. For me, this discussion is no longer solely about race, so I would appreciate you dropping all the "race baiting" rhetoric. I am of the opinion that ALL lives matter and that the police are killing too many unarmed people with out any kind of accountability. For me, that is where Tarantino's statement is relevant.

3. I agree that when a cop shoots someone an independent investigative body( other than Internal Affairs) and the courts should be allowed to work. If human life matters at all, every killing should scrutinized by agents representing the victim as well as the LEO.

Unless a body cam or cell hone video captures the shooting, only the officer's word is sufficient to avoid any criminality. That is unacceptable. I have personally reviewed many of these killings of unarmed people and too many seem like routine executions where there is no video and just the cop’s word that the suspect had a toy gun or reached into his pocket. No investigation, no accountability at all…just another one of THEM ( civilians) vs US ( cops).
The problem with statistics like this is that the establishment doesn't care how many blacks kill blacks because there is no political capital that can be earned through tackling this problem. The slogan "Black Lives Matter" only relates to white police officers shooting blacks. When someone dared suggest that "All Lives Matter" he was booed off stage.

O'Malley apologizes for saying 'all lives matter' - CNNPolitics.com

What this proves is that liberalism has gone from being a sickness of the mind, has now become a terminal cancer of the brain.

Well, I am one American who speaks his own mind and I say ALL live matter without any apology. Cops who shoot unarmed people of any race should be subjected to due process and a thorough investigation by objective independent agents.

I'd like to give cops the credit for killing this movie, but that's not how it is.

My wife and I saw it and it just wasn't that good.

Like other Quentin Terantino movies it was violent, disgusting, and over the top with bad language and disgusting displays of blood.

But there wasn't really anything clever to offset the senseless violence.

Pretty much, it was one character getting killed off one by one until everyone was dead. That's the entire plot.

Kurt Russell and Samuel Jackson did what they could, and both came off as total bad-asses. But it wasn't enough to save the movie from its own mediocrity.

I know I didn't see it because of his stupid comments...I'll watch it on cable....the people who make movies need to realize that insulting the people you want to pay to see your movie is just stupid. No other business sees that as a good idea....
What truth? He portrayed Michael Brown as an innocent guy murdered by a cop. Not a person who had JUST COMMITTED a violent felony, was stopped by a cop, attacked said cop, and was killed attacking said cop.
OH ,my bad. I thought he was talking about Freddie Gray, Keith Childress, Bettie Jones,
Miguel Espina, Cornelius Brown and many others. Lets pretend he was talking about them, OK? I think they warrant some coverage and consideration under the Tarantino declaration.

Note that in 2015 unarmed Blacks were 5 times more likely to be shot than unarmed Whites in cop confrontations. Turning to statistical data, blacks are only 13% of the US population are 37% of casualties in police shootings,

I love when people want to play this game. Welcome to the world of math, this is your instructional lesson.

Per the FBI stats for 2014, Robberies, Burglaries, Larcenies.

White - 40.18%
Black - 45.84%

Now that seems close right? Now I couldn't find a good source on 2014 police shootings, but I did find a partial from the Washington Post on 2015. The breakdown on police shootings was 385 fatalities at that time. Of which

180 - White - 46.75%
105 - Black - 27.27%

It seems like whites are killed much more in proportion to their overall percentage of crime that blacks now doesn't it? Now, we proceed to the Demographics portion of our instruction. Per the 2014 US Census data

White - 77.4%
Black - 13.2%

Now you have 13.2% of the population, committing 45.84% of the crimes listed above. See a wee bit of a problem with your numbers there?

Your "instructions" are nothing more than regurgitations that saturate the INTERNET in every discussion about race. No lesson to be learned there. SO,
I won't get into a game of statistical racial comparisons in this thread. Instead I will stay focused on police murders of unarmed people PERIOD, whether Black white or whatever. Given those parameters, Tarantino's public statement evokes a new perspective. He may have been talking about the Michael Brown case but in effect he gave a voice to those victims who were murdered without just cause; without benefit of due process; or without even a chance to defend themselves .

He did nothing of the sort. We have a legal process, of which btw in Baltimore we just found out 1 person held out to keep the first officer from being declared innocent of the charges brought against him.

Yes there will the occasional time where a police officer fails his duty, and commits a crime. That's where the justice department should be allowed to work. Not succumb to race baiters like you and him who declare them guilty without trial, knowing little or nothing of the facts of the case.

Sadly justice is no longer driven by truth. It's driven by political calculation, with the office of Attorney General corrupted beyond redemption.

And btw...there are lessons to be learned...you just haven't learned them yet it seems. Oh well, I have time and patience. I'm sure I'll have more opportunities to illustrate the truths math teaches.

1. He did nothing of the sort? I am not sure of what "sort"you are talking about.
Don't try to use one isolated case to refute my point and thereby deny all the shootings of unarmed people by officers who were never prosecuted. Tarantino's words resonated with many people whose lives have been changed forever by a cop's bullet or unwarranted brutality.

2. For me, this discussion is no longer solely about race, so I would appreciate you dropping all the "race baiting" rhetoric. I am of the opinion that ALL lives matter and that the police are killing too many unarmed people with out any kind of accountability. For me, that is where Tarantino's statement is relevant.

3. I agree that when a cop shoots someone an independent investigative body( other than Internal Affairs) and the courts should be allowed to work. If human life matters at all, every killing should scrutinized by agents representing the victim as well as the LEO.

Unless a body cam or cell hone video captures the shooting, only the officer's word is sufficient to avoid any criminality. That is unacceptable. I have personally reviewed many of these killings of unarmed people and too many seem like routine executions where there is no video and just the cop’s word that the suspect had a toy gun or reached into his pocket. No investigation, no accountability at all…just another one of THEM ( civilians) vs US ( cops).

You realize that cops are not shooting more people...right......and that in most cases the idiot getting shot does something stupid to get shot...right? black lies matter and the anti cop movement are really, really stupid.......that the very people who need police to protect them are ending up with more killing, not less because the cops are no longer proactively trying to keep the thugs from being predators.....

the majority of blacks who are murdered are murdered by black thugs...and by getting police to stay in their cars and just fill out reports allows for the actual murder of more blacks....but then that would take actual thought....and too many in the black community believe the democrat lies that have for decades made black communities the tragedies that they are......
You realize that cops are not shooting more people...right......and that in most cases the idiot getting shot does something stupid to get shot...right?

The inference in your first sentence is ambiguous...care to clear that up? The second sentence suggests you take the word of the cops as gospel when they say the suspect did something to warrant his/her execution. Right? I think that is WRONG. Every single shooting should be scrutinized publicly by independent investigators. The public needs dedicated legal ombudsmen as a layer of protection against killer cops. The Justice Department has never seemed to get the job done so a special task force is needed.

the very people who need police to protect them are ending up with more killing, not less because the cops are no longer proactively trying to keep the thugs from being predators.....
You don't know what you are talking about. Cops aren't there to protect ANYONE in black neighborhoods, they are an occupying force put there to CONTAIN black urban neighborhoods. The ineffectiveness of police in those urban has been so blatant for over 50 years I am amazed that YOU haven't noticed until now. But this isn't about Blacks only. Cops are killing unarmed White people too.Lets focus on the combined racial statistics,not just blacks.

the majority of blacks who are murdered are murdered by black thugs...and by getting police to stay in their cars and just fill out reports allows for the actual murder of more blacks...
Are you that delusional? The police arrive just in time to draw a chalk mark around the body, regardless of the neighborhood, black or white. They rarely ever directly have an impact on murders except for those THEY commit. If they were all that effective the murder rate would be much lower all across the nation.

So why has this police reticence about policing black areas been an ongoing thing for decades well before the Black Lives Matters movement took root?

too many in the black community believe the democrat lies that have for decades made black communities the tragedies that they are......

Oh, yeah, play the race card and insult black people's intelligence by insinuating their political choices are based on brainwashing rather than a collective assessment of what is best for them as a people. What have republicans and conservatives done for ANY working class demographic lately. The brainwashing I see is those blue collar "conservatives" who, because they identify with that GOP RW while male coalition, are voting against their own best interests.
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The problem with statistics like this is that the establishment doesn't care how many blacks kill blacks because there is no political capital that can be earned through tackling this problem. The slogan "Black Lives Matter" only relates to white police officers shooting blacks. When someone dared suggest that "All Lives Matter" he was booed off stage.

O'Malley apologizes for saying 'all lives matter' - CNNPolitics.com

What this proves is that liberalism has gone from being a sickness of the mind, has now become a terminal cancer of the brain.
This might amaze you but looking at the column of White on white murders indicates the establishment doesn't care how many whites kill Whites either.
And they MUST be conservatives since only THUGS and CONSERVATIVES are against gun control! Being a Conservative, I ought to know :lol:

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