Political billboard compares Obama to Hitler


You really need to stop getting your version of history from Dickens novels.

A non-answer and ad hom. That's what ideologues who are blind to the negative consequences of their ideology do when faced with them.
Complaining about ad homs while conducting ad homs yourself. Wow. More Hypocrisy 15.

Oh, really? Where was the Ad Hom I directed at the Dude during our conversation?
In case you haven't noticed, Fitz, I treat everyone here a bit differently.

People like RGS get personally attacked by me because he's a total asshat who wouldn't know honest debate if it slapped him in the ass and called him Mary.

The Dude is one you can normally have a civil debate with.
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A non-answer and ad hom. That's what ideologues who are blind to the negative consequences of their ideology do when faced with them.
Complaining about ad homs while conducting ad homs yourself. Wow. More Hypocrisy 15.

Oh, really? Where was the Ad Hom I directed at the Dude during our conversation?

You make an Ad hom attack on me (although I take it as a compliment) calling me a beckhead, but then when you are attacked through an ad hom you whine like a little bitch.

Just pointing our your double standard here too, Hypocrisy 15.
A non-answer and ad hom. That's what ideologues who are blind to the negative consequences of their ideology do when faced with them.

Were the founding fathers not idealogues?

The founding fathers disagreed on all sorts of things and they left behind a Constitution designed to be changed. Undoubtedly they were ideologues in a certain sense but they certainly weren't the rigid my "my way or the highway" blind types, IMO.
And they left in place a mechanism for said change: The amendment process.

If progressive Fabian types were going around using persuasion to sway enough people to their way of thinking to drive a movement for such amendments, I'd say more power to 'em.

But they're not like that...They're about flooding the zone with endless heaps of incomprehensible pieces of legislation and saying "tough luck, sue us if you don't like it".
Complaining about ad homs while conducting ad homs yourself. Wow. More Hypocrisy 15.

Oh, really? Where was the Ad Hom I directed at the Dude during our conversation?

You make an Ad hom attack on me (although I take it as a compliment) calling me a beckhead, but then when you are attacked through an ad hom you whine like a little bitch.

Just pointing our your double standard here too, Hypocrisy 15.

Not really. Like I said, I treat everyone differently. I think you are a total hack therefor I don't take what you have to say very seriously. There's no rule that says I have to show the same amount of respect to you as I would somebody else.
Oh, really? Where was the Ad Hom I directed at the Dude during our conversation?

You make an Ad hom attack on me (although I take it as a compliment) calling me a beckhead, but then when you are attacked through an ad hom you whine like a little bitch.

Just pointing our your double standard here too, Hypocrisy 15.

Not really. Like I said, I treat everyone differently. I think you are a total hack therefor I don't take what you have to say very seriously. There's no rule that says I have to show the same amount of respect to you as I would somebody else.
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you properly through your snivvling.
Were the founding fathers not idealogues?

The founding fathers disagreed on all sorts of things and they left behind a Constitution designed to be changed. Undoubtedly they were ideologues in a certain sense but they certainly weren't the rigid my "my way or the highway" blind types, IMO.
And they left in place a mechanism for said change: The amendment process.

If progressive Fabian types were going around using persuasion to sway enough people to their way of thinking to drive a movement for such amendments, I'd say more power to 'em.

But they're not like that...They're about flooding the zone with endless heaps of incomprehensible pieces of legislation and saying "tough luck, sue us if you don't like it".

I hear what you are saying but that's what the system has evolved into. The old school Amendment process has become a dinosaur.

You make an Ad hom attack on me (although I take it as a compliment) calling me a beckhead, but then when you are attacked through an ad hom you whine like a little bitch.

Just pointing our your double standard here too, Hypocrisy 15.

Not really. Like I said, I treat everyone differently. I think you are a total hack therefor I don't take what you have to say very seriously. There's no rule that says I have to show the same amount of respect to you as I would somebody else.
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you properly through your snivvling.

Yeah, I figured the truth would sting a bit.
Why? They obviously are to STUPID to understand they are busy supporting the very people that oppressed them since 1865. Democrats love ignorance, it plays so well for them.

and yet....blacks in America USED to overwhelmingly vote for republicans. And then, starting about 1948, that all began to change. I would suggest it began to change when blacks inAmerica realized that the democratic party WAS changing and.that, along with the realization that the GOP DID have a southern strategy that sought to marginalize them made them rethink their allegiance to the GOP. Now... blacks in America vote overhwlmingly democratic. Seems like they are a lot smarter, and politically aware and astute, than you give them credit for!:razz:

Ya under democratic policies more blacks are poor, without work, in broken families, criminals and homeless. Sure has worked out well for them hasn't it?

correlation does not equal causation. most blacks in America are smart enough to know that, however bad their lot is now, that it would be worse if republicans were calling the shots.

You really need to stop getting your version of history from Dickens novels.

A non-answer and ad hom. That's what ideologues who are blind to the negative consequences of their ideology do when faced with them.
Complaining about ad homs while conducting ad homs yourself. Wow. More Hypocrisy 15.

I would like to say for the record I do not believe Art has ever read Dickens.
A non-answer and ad hom. That's what ideologues who are blind to the negative consequences of their ideology do when faced with them.
Complaining about ad homs while conducting ad homs yourself. Wow. More Hypocrisy 15.

I would like to say for the record I do not believe Art has ever read Dickens.

And the collective IQ of this thread just plummeted.

I've read plenty of Dickens, toots.
And without the other side of the ideological coin we would still have 6 year old chimney sweeps, homeless elderly abound, and things of that nature. Just like any ideology yours is one that has a boatload of negatives as well.

You really need to stop getting your version of history from Dickens novels.

A non-answer and ad hom. That's what ideologues who are blind to the negative consequences of their ideology do when faced with them.
Ad hom my foot...The notion of 6-year old chimney sweeps and elderly people living and dying in the streets in caricature straight out of a Dickens novel.

You really need to stop getting your version of history from Dickens novels.

A non-answer and ad hom. That's what ideologues who are blind to the negative consequences of their ideology do when faced with them.
Ad hom my foot...The notion of 6-year old chimney sweeps and elderly people living and dying in the streets in caricature straight out of a Dickens novel.

Child labor laws, Social Security, and Medicare happened in the real world.
Child Labor in U.S. History - The Child Labor Education Project

Child Labor in U.S. History

Breaker Boys

Hughestown Borough Pa. Coal Co.

Pittston, Pa.

Photo: Lewis Hine
Forms of child labor, including indentured servitude and child slavery, have existed throughout American history. As industrialization moved workers from farms and home workshops into urban areas and factory work, children were often preferred, because factory owners viewed them as more manageable, cheaper, and less likely to strike. Growing opposition to child labor in the North caused many factories to move to the South. By 1900, states varied considerably in whether they had child labor standards and in their content and degree of enforcement. By then, American children worked in large numbers in mines, glass factories, textiles, agriculture, canneries, home industries, and as newsboys, messengers, bootblacks, and peddlers.

You really need to stop getting your version of history from Dickens novels.

A non-answer and ad hom. That's what ideologues who are blind to the negative consequences of their ideology do when faced with them.
Ad hom my foot...The notion of 6-year old chimney sweeps and elderly people living and dying in the streets in caricature straight out of a Dickens novel.
Or life in the US before FDR. :eusa_eh:

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