Political billboard compares Obama to Hitler

I recently did a paper for one of my classes, and one of the things we considered was the down side of eradicating child labor.

Somewhere...I think Malaysia...decided to eradicate child labor. However, they didn't take into account how desperately poor the people were, and how many children have no families so to speak to provide for them. So when they made child labor illegal (and not in a nice way, I'm sure) there was a huge upswing in child prostitution, crime and death.

Sweetie, in case you didn't notice I am arguing against the right in this thread ... you have a real bad habit of thinking I am arguing from the right instead of against it. I'm guessing it's because you are so damned rabid with hate that you can't see straight. Next time you have something to say to me post it on the boards and not my visitor page.

Now, I've been up since 7 o'clock last night and have to be up at that time again ... so fuck off you freakin' hack.

So sending you the proof that the people on the right were lying about what the court documents said is doing what to you?

You need a nap
Are you suggesting that child labor laws were unnecessary or that they did NOT address a significant problem in America?
I'm saying that there are two sides to every story and that children often worked alongside their parents in the family trade.

Are you suggesting that there's only one side of any story of merit and worth paying attention to?

not at all. There are often many sides.... not all of them necessarily equal in importance.
"Equal in importance" as defined by whom?
I recently did a paper for one of my classes, and one of the things we considered was the down side of eradicating child labor.

Somewhere...I think Malaysia...decided to eradicate child labor. However, they didn't take into account how desperately poor the people were, and how many children have no families so to speak to provide for them. So when they made child labor illegal (and not in a nice way, I'm sure) there was a huge upswing in child prostitution, crime and death.

The chief blind spot of people who weep and wail about child labor and so-called "sweat shops" is that the people engaged in those labors were once doing something else which made that work look like better option.
I recently did a paper for one of my classes, and one of the things we considered was the down side of eradicating child labor.

Somewhere...I think Malaysia...decided to eradicate child labor. However, they didn't take into account how desperately poor the people were, and how many children have no families so to speak to provide for them. So when they made child labor illegal (and not in a nice way, I'm sure) there was a huge upswing in child prostitution, crime and death.

The chief blind spot of people who weep and wail about child labor and so-called "sweat shops" is that the people engaged in those labors were once doing something else which made that work look like better option.

...are you seriously suggesting we were all better off using child labor like we did in the 19th century?
They really dont care about other peoples children

What do you do for a living, liar? I've spent my entire life taking care of other people's children in some capacity or another.

And usually the children that jackasses like you wouldn't risk getting lice from.
Collect call from reality, do you accept the charges?


Orphaned children as young as four were sold by orphanages to master sweeps to clean the chimneys. It was also legal to capture vagrant, homeless children and force them into slavery.

It was normal for the children to become scared and reluctant to climb. Common practice was to light a small fire using straw or paper in the fire place to force the chimney sweep to the top. This is where the phrase "to light a fire under you" comes from.

The ideal chimney sweep would be young and poorly fed. Every day they risked becoming stuck in a narrow chimney, being choked, or falling to their death. Breathing problems, cancer and deformed limbs were long term risks. Physical and mental injury would have been common.

A bill to stop the use of children under 10 as chimney sweeps was defeated by the House of Lords in 1804. The Hon H. Bennett tried but failed to pass to pass bills to stop abuses of chimney sweeps between 1817 and 1819. In spite of many campaigns and notable opponents (including William Wilberforce and the Earl of Lauderdale), little was done to end the exploitation of young children as chimney sweeps until 1840 when an act was passed forbidding anyone under 21 from climbing chimneys. This act had little effect as penalties were small. In 1864 Lord Shaftesbury introduced an act which imposed a £10 fine (a large amount at the time) on anyone breaking the rules. The penalty had widespread support in its enforcement from the police, the courts and the public. This act finally signaled the end of this particular form of cruelty.

Chimney Sweeps: History and Customs

These children lived in deplorable conditions. They carried a large sack with them, into which they dumped the soot they swept from the chimneys. They used this same sack as a blanket to sleep in at night, and only bathed infrequently. They were often sickly, and learned to beg handouts of food and clothing from their customers as all the money they earned went to their masters. The soot they collected was sold to farmers for fertilizer.

Sounds like they lived the life to me!
I'm saying that there are two sides to every story and that children often worked alongside their parents in the family trade.

Are you suggesting that there's only one side of any story of merit and worth paying attention to?

not at all. There are often many sides.... not all of them necessarily equal in importance.
"Equal in importance" as defined by whom?
I am sure the proponents and protagonists of each side would define it differently, don't you think? I would think that for ever Bobby Weaver who didn't get to learn weaving alongside his parents, there are hundreds and hundreds of other children not being exploited... but that's just MY take on it. Clearly, you seem to favor putting children to work. I don't.
They really dont care about other peoples children

What do you do for a living, liar? I've spent my entire life taking care of other people's children in some capacity or another.

And usually the children that jackasses like you wouldn't risk getting lice from.

says the internet poster.

Allie you lie daily so why would anyone believe you.
not at all. There are often many sides.... not all of them necessarily equal in importance.
"Equal in importance" as defined by whom?
I am sure the proponents and protagonists of each side would define it differently, don't you think? I would think that for ever Bobby Weaver who didn't get to learn weaving alongside his parents, there are hundreds and hundreds of other children not being exploited... but that's just MY take on it. Clearly, you seem to favor putting children to work. I don't.
Hundreds and hundreds?...Making stuff up now?

I'm in favor of individual choice amongst peaceful people, no matter whether you approve of that choice or not.
Hundreds and hundreds?...Making stuff up now?

I'm in favor of individual choice amongst peaceful people, no matter whether you approve of that choice or not.

Just in case you missed it, see post #250
Collect call from reality, do you accept the charges?


Orphaned children as young as four were sold by orphanages to master sweeps to clean the chimneys. It was also legal to capture vagrant, homeless children and force them into slavery.
It was normal for the children to become scared and reluctant to climb. Common practice was to light a small fire using straw or paper in the fire place to force the chimney sweep to the top. This is where the phrase "to light a fire under you" comes from.

A bill to stop the use of children under 10 as chimney sweeps was defeated by the House of Lords in 1804. The Hon H. Bennett tried but failed to pass to pass bills to stop abuses of chimney sweeps between 1817 and 1819. In spite of many campaigns and notable opponents (including William Wilberforce and the Earl of Lauderdale), little was done to end the exploitation of young children as chimney sweeps until 1840 when an act was passed forbidding anyone under 21 from climbing chimneys. This act had little effect as penalties were small. In 1864 Lord Shaftesbury introduced an act which imposed a £10 fine (a large amount at the time) on anyone breaking the rules. The penalty had widespread support in its enforcement from the police, the courts and the public. This act finally signaled the end of this particular form of cruelty.
Chimney Sweeps: History and Customs

These children lived in deplorable conditions. They carried a large sack with them, into which they dumped the soot they swept from the chimneys. They used this same sack as a blanket to sleep in at night, and only bathed infrequently. They were often sickly, and learned to beg handouts of food and clothing from their customers as all the money they earned went to their masters. The soot they collected was sold to farmers for fertilizer.
Sounds like they lived the life to me!
heh...merely individual choice among peaceful people! Those kids could have easily immigrated elsewhere if they had a problem with honest work.
Hundreds and hundreds?...Making stuff up now?

I'm in favor of individual choice amongst peaceful people, no matter whether you approve of that choice or not.

Just in case you missed it, see post #250
What seems to be blowing clean over your head is that you're still looking back to the 19th century, to grasp at some sort of evidence of leftist progressive "success".

If that's the first thing that comes up (which it seems to be with alarming regularity), then that list must be awfully short.
What seems to be blowing clean over your head is that you're still looking back to the 19th century, to grasp at some sort of evidence of leftist progressive "success".

If that's the first thing that comes up (which it seems to be with alarming regularity), then that list must be awfully short.

Wrong. I'm simply proving you wrong while you try to act like these kids had it so good. I don't think severe health problems and being enslaved as young as the age of four is living the good life. I don't really care about your semantics wordplay as to try and give "successes" to a certain ideology or not.

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