Political billboard compares Obama to Hitler

That Socialist Insecurity and Medicare/Medicaid happened outside the amendment process merely makes my point, not yours.

Child labor laws?!?!?!?

Are the actual verifiable successes of the left so few and far between that y'all have to keep going back to that old chestnut?...I mean really?

Not really as I have been saying that the Amendment process went the way of the dodo long ago and is pretty much irrelevant now.

The reason child labor laws as brought up was because were were talking about child labor.
Wow.....Just wow. :doubt:
uh huh... You can say that again Dude.

Uhhh, Hypocrisy 15... the circumventing of the amendment process has been done byyyyyyyy????? Oh that's right progressofascists. And because it's been done in the past illegally it's now tradition to continue committing the same crime? Nice rationalization there.
We don't like to spend money on education because we spend ridiculous amounts on it now, and people like TM are the result.

Not a good investment. We did a better job of educating when teachers had to stay with the parents of their students and students used little slateboards for their work.
That is because we have a system that is not results based. They are insulated from results of their work and paid the same regardless of outcome. Not only that, the majority of the money never makes it to the actual faculty and schools but to administrators above the principal, lawers and unions. You want to fix education it's very simple. Get the feds out of it. Let the states handle it, and enable competition between privately funded schools and homeschooling to flourish. State schools should be the last resort anyway... not the norm. But ultimately you need to bust the teacher's union.
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PS..my sons started greasing combines when they were 10. They would climb inside the machines to grease them, they were the only ones small and limber enough to do it.
My GOD!!! You cruel cruel person with... greasy kids...

I mean you're a monster on par with my grandfather who forced me and all my cousins to stack haybales in the loft or feed the cows or the chickens! You heartless monster! I mean what next? You let them drive those combines and tractors too???? tsk! Fiend!
Oh, so it's subjective now?

You really think thievery, prostitution and scavenging are acceptable options to productive work and learning a marketable trade?
All this talk has gotten me to break out my copy of Chesney's "Beggars, Pickpockets and Ratcatchers: Life in the Victorian Underworld". Quite an education in that little book about the life of the poor in Victorian England. It gives you solace to know that many of the laws we DO have today for consumer protection as well as just day to day living came from there with good reason, for without them... the horror is nigh unimaginable.

That being said, we are now near the opposite end of the spectrum where the law has become the monster trying to control every aspect of the individual's life without reason for existence beyond it's own desire to exist. I suspect we are at a stage where a roll back is needed to remind us how dirty and dangerous the world is, to both appreciate the civilities we DO have as well as rid ourselves of the legal tyranny we don't need. "For the good of others" is always the first cry of the tyrant.
Funny they are not complaining about him being compared to a socialist or comunist. That is what the democrat party stands for now!!!!
Funny they are not complaining about him being compared to a socialist or comunist. That is what the democrat party stands for now!!!!
The third Dittotard on this thread to parrot Stuttering Limptard and pretend to have thought it up themselves. :rofl:
Iowa Sign Linking Obama, Hitler Draws Complaints - ABC News

Now let's see. Who would be warped enough to do this? Oh yeah, the Tea Party. I expect the baggers to strap on their side arms any day now. You know, intimidation is the name of the game!

This is one CLASS GROUP!


Yeah cause Liberals never showed Bushes face morphing into Hitler.

OH WAIT they did.


Remember when you guys where calling Bush every Name in the book, and we kept saying respect the office if you can't respect the man. Well you didn't listen. You continued to call him every name in the book. Compare him to Hitler, Call him a liar, a murderer and stupid.

So You have No right to complain now. You reap what you sew. Political Discourse will never be the way it used to be in this country.

the Bush Haters saw to that with a complete lack of respect for the office.
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Funny they are not complaining about him being compared to a socialist or comunist. That is what the democrat party stands for now!!!!
The third Dittotard on this thread to parrot Stuttering Limptard and pretend to have thought it up themselves. :rofl:

Didn't you hear, 55% of Americans think Socialist is the best word to describe Obama.

Game over :)
Iowa Sign Linking Obama, Hitler Draws Complaints - ABC News

Now let's see. Who would be warped enough to do this? Oh yeah, the Tea Party. I expect the baggers to strap on their side arms any day now. You know, intimidation is the name of the game!

This is one CLASS GROUP!


Yeah cause Liberals never showed Bushes face morphing into Hitler.

OH WAIT they did.


Remember when you guys where calling Bush every Name in the book, and we kept saying respect the office if you can't respect the man. Well you didn't listen. You continued to call him every name in the book. Compare him to Hitler, Call him a liar, a murderer and stupid.

So You have No right to complain now. You reap what you sew. Political Discourse will never be the way it used to be in this country.

the Bush Haters saw to that with a complete lack of respect for the office.

Did you really mean to call them "winners"?

Don't you just hate when that happens? :lol:

Edit: Just curious, but are you sure that conservatives didn't start it, with Clinton?

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Funny they are not complaining about him being compared to a socialist or comunist. That is what the democrat party stands for now!!!!
The third Dittotard on this thread to parrot Stuttering Limptard and pretend to have thought it up themselves. :rofl:
Wow...Several people can't look at a picture and make the same chip shot observation without being sock puppets of some dude on the radio.

Sheeeesh. :rolleyes:
Ya I mean all Lenin did is lead the Bolshevik revolution. Without Lenin they would have collapsed in infighting. All Lenin did is APPOINT Stalin to his position in the Government that allowed him to solidify his position and take sole control by the early 1930's. Lenin is so innocent.

I never said he was innocent, I only said why he doesn't get the same reaction as ole Adolf, ya fucktard.

You mean cause the average Liberal is to STUPID to know history and understand that Lenin is the REASON Stalin gained the position and power to murder millions?

Wow, you're totally ignorant of history:

Lenin was nothing but a talking head - a political theorist.

Stalin was the head of a major criminal network that controlled Georgia and extended into the Ukraine and Russia, long before he had any affiliation with Lenin.

The Bolshvik movement was primarily funded by Stalin's criminal network - after one bank robbery alone Stalin gave over 30 million dollars (U.S. equiv.) to Lenin - long before the Bolshvik Revolution ever started.

Stalin may have been a devote follower of Lenin and Lenin may have been the philosophical leader, but it was Stalin that created and lead the logistics and organization of the revolution.

The real power was always Stalin.
I never said he was innocent, I only said why he doesn't get the same reaction as ole Adolf, ya fucktard.

You mean cause the average Liberal is to STUPID to know history and understand that Lenin is the REASON Stalin gained the position and power to murder millions?

Wow, you're totally ignorant of history:

Lenin was nothing but a talking head - a political theorist.

Stalin was the head of a major criminal network that controlled Georgia and extended into the Ukraine and Russia, long before he had any affiliation with Lenin.

The Bolshvik movement was primarily funded by Stalin's criminal network - after one bank robbery alone Stalin gave over 30 million dollars (U.S. equiv.) to Lenin - long before the Bolshvik Revolution ever started.

Stalin may have been a devote follower of Lenin and Lenin may have been the philosophical leader, but it was Stalin that created and lead the logistics and organization of the revolution.

The real power was always Stalin.

Stalin is the power behind Obama???

Son of a bitch!!!!!!

I KNEW it...
yeah, and yanno i get the distinct impression more and more folks are say oppressive-sensitive, freedom challenged , or perhaps constituitionally fornicative these days

wazzup with that?
The analogy of the billboard speaks the truth about Obama and the democrat.



Hitler was the greatest mass murderer that the world has seen. To compare any president to the butcherer, is an insult.

Hitler was a socialist who believed in state intervention in private businesses. Obama is a socialist who believes the same.
So tell me what is false about the billboard again?

Exactly Obama's Statist polices are much more Like Hitlers than Bushes ever were. Though I still would not compare any president to Hitler because it demeans all those who suffered under Hitler.
Not really as I have been saying that the Amendment process went the way of the dodo long ago and is pretty much irrelevant now.

The reason child labor laws as brought up was because were were talking about child labor.
Wow.....Just wow. :doubt:
uh huh... You can say that again Dude.

Uhhh, Hypocrisy 15... the circumventing of the amendment process has been done byyyyyyyy????? Oh that's right progressofascists. And because it's been done in the past illegally it's now tradition to continue committing the same crime? Nice rationalization there.

Ah .... yes. Silly me for living in reality. You should come hang out sometime and check it out.
Your what hurts?
I believe he's saying:

Wow.....Just wow. :doubt:
uh huh... You can say that again Dude.

Uhhh, Hypocrisy 15... the circumventing of the amendment process has been done byyyyyyyy????? Oh that's right progressofascists. And because it's been done in the past illegally it's now tradition to continue committing the same crime? Nice rationalization there.

Ah .... yes. Silly me for living in reality. You should come hang out sometime and check it out.
I don't think I could see your version of reality without a heavy morphine drip cut with regular doses of LSD.

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