Political Cartoon

I've noticed that Rashida wants to be in charge of information about Trump's family. Additionally, because the American Flag is not her first choice, I think she will use any and all informtion she gets in her Congressional power seat against the American Public for the next 9/11. With her knowledge of Hillary's methods of govenrment exploitation, the next time we are targeted by the arab world of hatred for Jews, they will go after people Rashida tells them are bad, and will dispense with free speech, right to bear arms, all religions except for Allah-worship, her political rivals in the Republican party and their home address and telephone numbers for one-by-one takeouts, information on practicing Jews in America at her fingertips right now, and the rest.

She's a dangerous, hate-filled and lethal adversary of the United States of America.

Brought to you by the atheist Democrat Party that thinks nothing can go wrong by giving enemies your own enemies' addresses.

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