What does Trump have to offer to us gays?

What does Trump have to offer to us gays? Is he going to maintain our rights to marry? Love each other and maybe select a few of us for his cabinet?

Perversion is not in itself something that demands reward .

Be happy with tolerance here, because the folks running heaven will be quick to send you down to the body shop for repair .
Holy crap, you're a guy?


You know, women can be gay as well, right? Have you ever heard of a lesbian?

Judging by the name, I would be thinking that "Jessica-stormlover" is a lesbian...
What does Trump have to offer to us gays? Is he going to maintain our rights to marry? Love each other and maybe select a few of us for his cabinet?
Trump has made it clear he has no interest in overturning same-sex marriage. Trump has always been rather liberal on gay issues, FYI.

As for appointing some gays to his cabinet, I doubt he would do that, although he did have some gays working at lower levels in his administration.

Gays don't want to face the fact that they are living an unnatural, unhealthy lifestyle. Swinging is also an unnatural, unhealthy lifestyle. So is pedophilia. So is bestiality. It is a temptation of the flesh that a certain minority of populations have always found appealing.
This is what has become of the "moderators" at USMB
Hey, he sells everything else, to grift off the masses, based on name recognition, before the election makes him unmarketable. I didn't mention the Trump coins, (limited edition, beautifully stamped), or the crypto (get it while it's hot from him an Elon), or the Trump Media Stock (although that grift has apparently run out along with it's dubious CEO. If you haven't gotten out, you'd best before end of month). He destroys his own markets, one market segment at a time after consuming like a locust and moving on, already having to leave the valueless higher education grift, the benevolent charity grift (little for charity, but big personal grift money for trump). I didn't mention, his marketing team is working a huge contract with the State of Oklahoma to supply his Lee Greenwood bibles (coincidentally one of the few that meets contract requirements of a Bible, (rebranded as Trump bibles) needing to close before November 5th and election loss. The man could have a two hour block on QVC offers to the gullible, private, public and international market, including China where he pays most of his taxes, and markets influence, not to forget Russia, where he attempts to sell Ukraine, or the Saudi Prince, where he sold protection for oil fields using American troops and hardware.

So, when asked what he has to offer gays, it naturally came to mind and I didn't create the meme, I simply plucked it off the internet (already out there) and gave it to you for free, and not as any "work for free" moderator, but just as Gold Supporting Member, just as I am representing myself, and my observations here. Did I mention, the Trump dildo is completely non-hypoallergenic? It might ruin you, but won't make you break out in a rash.
you sound like a very satisfied customer ..
I gave up carnival huckster, years ago as the margin is always with the house, until it packs up the tent and leaves town, to visit another day, new game, same pitch.

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