Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

The Ayatollah going back to Iran had nothing to do with me what are you barking about? maybe if the US and Britain had not overthrown the democratic Government in Iran and installed their Shah puppet there wouldn't be a problem now.

maybe if the US and Britain had not overthrown the democratic Government in Iran

That sounds awful!
When their democratically elected leader was elected, how many votes did he get?
How many votes did the guy who ran against him get?

So you would support Israel nuking Iran murdering millions, because Iran retaliated for Israel’s terrorist acts.

Get your fat head out of your fat ass.

Destroying Iran’s nuclear sites isn’t the same “nuking” Iran. Any country that shoots 200 ballistic missiles at an another country targeting its main population centers with the intention to kill as many people, cannot dictate what the response should be.
Destroying Iran’s nuclear sites isn’t the same “nuking” Iran. Any country that shoots 200 ballistic missiles at an another country targeting its main population centers with the intention to kill as many people, cannot dictate what the response should be.
Yeah but my question was a different one, which you chose to ignore.

So, since Israel has been bombing numerous nations including Iran, you must also believe they have every right to respond. Lol. You don’t because you’re a dumb fuck.

Iran did not target civilians like your nation of Israel does. So again, you lie like a good little Nazi.
Destroying Iran’s nuclear sites isn’t the same “nuking” Iran. Any country that shoots 200 ballistic missiles at an another country targeting its main population centers with the intention to kill as many people, cannot dictate what the response should be.
Israel wants war, seeks war, always wants war, it is the lifeblood of the deranged fanatical state. Nazinyahu wants war, everything he does is to increase the prospect of war, Israelis cannot self govern and do not know how to live peacefully with others.

Nazinyahu could stop all this tomorrow - just decide to stop - but he cannot, he is deranged just like all the other entitled racial supremacists in the God forsaken hellhole.
Yeah but my question was a different one, which you chose to ignore.

So, since Israel has been bombing numerous nations including Iran, you must also believe they have every right to respond. Lol. You don’t because you’re a dumb fuck.

Iran did not target civilians like your nation of Israel does. So again, you lie like a good little Nazi.
Keep blabbering gibberish. You believe that Hezbollah and Iran’s mullah animals have a right to lobb hundreds of missiles at Israeli cities without consequence.

Iran targets and kills its own citizens, you ignorant moron.
Keep blabbering gibberish. You believe that Hezbollah and Iran’s mullah animals have a right to lobb hundreds of missiles at Israeli cities without consequence.

Iran targets and kills its own citizens, you ignorant moron.
Do you not know Israel has murdered thousands and bombed many nations?
Israel wants war, seeks war, always wants war, it is the lifeblood of the deranged fanatical state. Nazinyahu wants war, everything he does is to increase the prospect of war, Israelis cannot self govern and do not know how to live peacefully with others.

Nazinyahu could stop all this tomorrow - just decide to stop - but he cannot, he is deranged just like all the other entitled racial supremacists in the God forsaken hellhole.
another ignorant comment. Irans leaders have declared their intention to destroy Israel for the last 40 years and followed through on their actions. Hezbollah had a chance to stop lobbing missiles at Israel, they dint and Israel is now busy sending them to hell. Iran is heading the same way, but it will be different. As soon as Israel responds the people will rise up and start killing the Mulahs themselves.
Must have been millions, right?

So, post the number of votes he got. Coward.
Since when does that metric matter to a MAGA and insurrection supporter? you now saying that vote count does matter? :auiqs.jpg: your killin me, you don't even know how many votes Trump got in your own country !
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Yeah killing those subhuman Palis doesn’t concern you one bit. It’s really no big deal.
I have never ever said anything remotely like this. Put your imagined Jewish demon away in the closet for five minutes so you can read my actual words.
Contrast with "I'm not antisemitic".

See where I'm going?
See where the difference is? I've never ever said anything even remotely close to "it is permissible to exterminate an entire people". I've never ever said anything even remotely close to comparing groups of people to demons, Nazis, vermin, animals, or any of the other language you routinely use.
See where the difference is? I've never ever said anything even remotely close to "it is permissible to exterminate an entire people". I've never ever said anything even remotely close to comparing groups of people to demons, Nazis, vermin, animals, or any of the other language you routinely use.

Are you insinuating I have expressed the view "it is permissible to exterminate an entire people"? would you be so kind as to show us which post that was? if not then it's a lie isn't it?

You objected to being accused of "supporting genocide" for the very same reasons people object to being accused "your an antisemite".

Why should you be permitted to throw out "antisemite" and "Jew hater" yet an opponent cannot say "genocide supporter"?

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