Political Cartoon

It looks like the Dominion Systems software that erroneously awarded 6000 votes to #Biden instead of #Trump in Antrim County, might also be having a "glitch" in Kent County.

The software with the "glitch" is used in 65 of 83 counties in MI, and all swing states (2nd link)

Surrounding counties and other blue counties don't show this kind of discrepancy between 2016 and 2020.

Take for example, Muskegon County. In 2016, it was 37304 Clinton to 36127 Trump. In 2020, it was 45508 Biden to 44544 Trump.

This result is not credible to me.

#meme #voting #elections #Michigan #democrats #jimhvausa #StopTheSteal #Hammer #Scorecard



Evil is indeed the correct word.

Thou shalt not covet is a Commandment. Covetousness is the major dividing and driving force used by Democrats. Covet the "rich." Take from them and we'll give it to you.

Thou shalt not bear false witness is a Commandment. Lying about Republicans is what Democrats have been doing for decades. "You're racists!" A lie. "You're fascists." A lie. "Unborn babies aren't alive. They're garbage." A lie. "You're not compassionate." A lie.

Thou shalt not kill is a Commandment. Promoting the savage butchery of unborn babies has been a key Democrat activity since the lie of Roe V. Wade. Norma McCorvey perjured her testimony, claiming to have been raped. She was not and worked tirelessly until her death to undo what she so evilly wrought with her perjury.

Democrats are fundamentally and inalterably evil.

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