Political Cartoon

I really appreciate the fact that this US Message Board site does not censor.

You like the fact that Leftists, and conservatives for that matter, but to a lesser extent, can:
1. Use the most vulgar language possible,
2. Smear and slander anyone,
3. Lie through their yellow teeth and swear it's true,
4. Call you and me and the president "racist" and "fascist" and "Nazi" constantly?

You like that? As if it were mature and rational behavior? VERY few message boards tolerate
such obscene and hateful conduct.
I really appreciate the fact that this US Message Board site does not censor.

You like the fact that Leftists, and conservatives for that matter, but to a lesser extent, can:
1. Use the most vulgar language possible,
2. Smear and slander anyone,
3. Lie through their yellow teeth and swear it's true,
4. Call you and me and the president "racist" and "fascist" and "Nazi" constantly?

You like that? As if it were mature and rational behavior? VERY few message boards tolerate
such obscene and hateful conduct.
Hi, ChemEngineer. I didn't say all that.

I said that I like the fact that they do not censor. I am a huge supporter of the rights granted to us by the Constitution.

That's doesn't mean that I like what everyone says, I simply like that they have the right to do so.

The First Amendment is not so much about protecting speech that is universally agreed upon, it is about protecting controversial speech and speech that is not the official government (or message board operator) position.

I don't find vulgarities funny, nor do I enjoy smears, slanders, or lies.

I don't even cuss on-line. I am Conservative. Having been censored at countless websites including facebook myself, for simply posting messages that were not consistent with the official narrative, I really appreciate forums that allow for a free exchange.

I am sure you are aware that Twitter censors countless Trump posts while censoring none from Biden.

Protecting offensive speech is an extremely important necessary evil. Sadly, this means protecting all the things you mention (although true slander - I think you mean libel though - can be adjudicated in civil court).

Whatever you do, don't interpret my post to imply that I like the posts you mention. I like the freedom that allows such disgraceful content, and the freedom I have to ignore it as I choose.


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