Political Cartoon

Yeah I wouldn't make any treason jokes being that Pelosi and Biden openly put the U.S. in harms way with the border crisis and in assisting cartels bring China Fetynal into the country and child trafficking. It's called national security risk and endangerment to public health and safety and thus treason when doing so by abusing their power to enrich themselves and their power (by way of promoting Biden votes (handing them Biden t-shirts-promoting voting for Biden and changing votings laws to assist such voter fraud).

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This is the wrong forum, you want the rubber room for that one.
When you vote on stimulus it should be majority stimulus not a bail out for NY and Cali miss management and theft of state funds. Why do you think Pelosi and Schumer held hands and jumped for joy, they just got away with robbing you the taxpayers to cover them and their friends.
You should be outraged at those who vote for being abused and thieved like that.
They love people like you, lacking oxygen makes you dumb enough to not know the stimulus bill is not really about stimulus. Their leftover funds could take care of alot of actual stimulus but they needed bail outs and quid pro quos covered by paying back their supporters that required a new bigger package that they could take credit on.
(because using mostly leftover money=will be credited to the former administration).

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