Political Cartoon

I am a Conservative and generally against elective abortion for ethical/scientific reasons. In this kind of case, I would support elective abortion before about 22 weeks.

It's not really elective, being impregnated by a scumbag against your will.

What a trauma for the woman to go through. :-( To make her give birth is another trauma.

At about 8 weeks, there is a beating heart; Somewhere after 20 weeks, maybe 22 or so, the average human fetus has nerve endings and can feel excruciating pain.

Late-term abortion is inhumane, unless the mother's life is endangerment. My governor, who is a pediatrician, would abort full-term babies. That's evil and illegal. If a child is born live, you care for it with the most utmost means. You don't make it comfortable until it dies.

He's evil, in his own words...


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