Political Cartoon

That cat's burning in hell, and conservatives aren't responsible for ones idiotic rabbit/rabid sexual habits, and they aren't going to get drug into the devil's corner by advocating the killing of the unborn by sinners who attempt to drag them into their screwed up world in which they create, and then want to make worse by killing the innocent within.

Quit lying by saying conservatives don't care about the poor or down trodden in life, because after trillions have been given to poverty over the years (out of conservatives pockets too), one would think that the practice of irresponsibility on the impoverished part would end after so much time, but nope the money just created more of the problem, not less. Then if anyone makes a challenge to the bullcrap, they are quickly painted as greedy evil rich folks (i.e. conservatives), as thought of in a leftist/liberal mind.

I know, how about some show of control in ones life. And that don't mean to take an innocent beings life after the fact.

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