Political Cartoon

I caught a lot of bullying and almost got in to some fights at school events in the 1970s as a teen because I and a few others stood up when the National Anthem was played. And that was from adults that were there. I stood up then and will stand up until I am in my grave. Some one needs to educate the kneelers to the truth and protect those kids who choose to stand.
I was a teen in the early 70's and everyone stood.
Grew up in the south but we had an invasion of people from a certain big city up north. The Vietnam war was still an issue and at the high school football game I and a few others were the only one standing. Some so called adults started in on me. And it was at that time we got a call telling us my uncles was wounded in battle. A deputy sheriff doing security came over and calmed things down. It gave me a bad impression of those type of folks that stuck with me for years.
Even though the war was wrong looking back on it, and it was shown to be wrong upon how the wicked politicians conducted it, and how they handled it, but your patriotism in the rememberance of your families sacrifice and honor is noted. Thanks for your patriotism in the face of disgrace on our political systems failure to do the right thing while out in the world.

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