Political Cartoon

It wasn;t always this way. The system changed in the early 50's when both spouses had to find jobs to meet the mortgage payment. This I blame on the bankers.

Correct that women did not normally have to work before the 50's, but that was also bad because except during WWII, they almost could not work and were at great economic disadvantage if single.
And if you go back far enough to primitive hunter/gatherer tribal customs, women did not have to get married or work.
The tribe supported them.

By the way, I do not blame the bankers, but the IRS for making rental tax write offs so lucrative, that landlords double the sale price of real estate. If not for these bad tax loopholes, then everyone could afford to own because there would be less competition from landlords. For those who need to rent instead of own, we should have government housing.
but can a state change their constitution and execute or jail without trial??

the answer is no they cant because the fed constitution applies to everyone except where defined and since the 2nd is clear about "THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE" that means only the people can infringe on their own right and not the feds or the state as per the 10th A

the rest of your comment is just gibberish that doesnt apply to anything,,

Only AFTER the 14th amendment has the Bill of Rights been applied OVER the states.
So you can't argue the 2nd amendment directly as an individual rights, without mentioning the 14th as what makes that so.
Only AFTER the 14th amendment has the Bill of Rights been applied OVER the states.
So you can't argue the 2nd amendment directly as an individual rights, without mentioning the 14th as what makes that so.
nothing in the 14th changes or repeals the 2nd,,, and the 2nd is an individual right because it clearly says THE PEOPLE,,, not the state or the feds,,

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