Political Cartoon

You don't see the correlation?
Biden compromised by his taking China Money makes them both the same Result of His Corruption:
China via Iran via Hamas and Hezbollah needs Biden to tie up US resources including finances stretching us thin while also making the citizens not want to stomach helping Taiwan.
The Border needs no explaination, China gets much out of that financially while also weakening us in many ways we haven't considered yet including slowly killing off our military age population with Fentanyl poisoning, a war with no retaliation.
You don't see the correlation?
Biden compromised by his taking China Money makes them both the same Result of His Corruption:
China via Iran via Hamas and Hezbollah needs Biden to tie up US resources including finances stretching us thin while also making the citizens not want to stomach helping Taiwan.
The Border needs no explaination, China gets much out of that financially while also weakening us in many ways we haven't considered yet including slowly killing off our military age population with Fentanyl poisoning, a war with no retaliation.
I see it all too clearly! Every political decision made and exercised by the current administration is strategically designed to weaken America. One chip at a time and we're one step closer to Global governance. The New World Order that the Clintons and the Bushes announced is looming on the horizon. Every headline story is a distraction and almost always filled with lies or half-truths.

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