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BREAKING: Jimmy Kimmel destroys Trump with an EPIC response after Trump’s Truth Social sent Kimmel a legal “cease and desist” letter threatening to sue Kimmel and his show for stating on air that Truth Social is bleeding money and dropping in market value.

The feud started when Kimmel declared on his show that Truth Social had lost $73 million in value since it’s launch.

Now, Kimmel declared, “This morning, I woke up to a letter from the Trump Media and Technology Group demanding that I apologize for and retract a statement I made on the air about his struggling social media platform, Truth Social. We talk a lot about Donald Trump here at the show in the same way paleontologists talk about apes, right? We're studying him but it's easy to forget sometimes that he actually sees this stuff. He's obsessed with himself and with what people say about him and because of that we have somehow found ourselves once again in the wisp-thin crosshairs of our crazy ex-president and his compatriots. I have to say, demanding a retraction for reporting the value of his company incorrectly is pretty darn hilarious — considering the fact he is on trial right now for reporting the value of his company incorrectly Maybe he should sue himself. But in all fairness, TMTG demanded an apology, so from the bottom of my heart, I want to say to Donald Trump and everyone at TMTG, I'm deeply sorry you're so bad at running companies!”

Well played, Jimmy Kimmel!

May be an image of 2 people and the Oval Office

Trump propaganda tried to deflect blame to Clinton and you swallowed that BS hook line and sinker.

Epstein was under the Care Custody & Control of Trump & his USAG Barr when he was killed.

Prior to that Barr was U.S. Attorney in Miami when Epstein received his travesty of a plea deal. Also Barr’s father was the headmaster of an elite New York City school that hired college dropout Epstein to teach math and physics.

Given Trump’s past relationship with Epstein and concerns that Barr had acted as the President’s lawyer rather than the people’s with regard to the Russia investigation, should have dictated that he recuse from the case.
91 charges and you think at least one felony is gonna come out of this? repubs are stupid if they nominate a criminal. But...they are...

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