Political Cartoon

Using Putin's name in vain or making false accusations against him, and against the Russian people (i.e. prior to the 2016 election and beyond), has led unfortunately to possibly Ukraine's total destruction almost. Think about it, and how it all fits together when you do put the puzzle together.... Yes, take in the complete picture and history of what overtime had been weaved together like a spider's web in this country, and how it captured anything and everything that moved ..... Sad situation..

It possibly has led now to billion's of dollars being misappropriated, mis allocated and spent inappropriately. It has led to fetal genocide, cultural wars, and eventually entire cultures destroyed. So then comes wars and rumors of war's, weapons caches depleted, the destabilization of the whole entire world, and all for what, for what I ask anyone ?????????

I think it was all for multiple twisted agenda's in play , otherwise that mainly encompasses a small minority of people across this world that are referred to in many circles (be it here or there), as these "progressive Marxist leftist".......

It is a group that got scared that the mean man Trump and his conservatives were going to reverse or erase all their gains in life (this was a falsehood or the constant misinformation being spewed when they conjured this BC up), and so they figured that the mean ole TRUMP was going to stop their aggressive forward activities for which in many cases denied the very rights and freedoms of those they hate, and worse it involves and denies children's Rights to grow up happy as well.....They've empowered their own special set of rules and freedoms for which has allowed them to abuse other people's freedom's, and they do so with impunity it seems...... Not sure how this all ends, but it's not looking very good. I mean just look at how it's all since transpired already. You need more proof ??? Wow !!
Using Putin's name in vain or making false accusations against him, and against the Russian people (i.e. prior to the 2016 election and beyond), has led unfortunately to possibly Ukraine's total destruction almost. Think about it, and how it all fits together when you do put the puzzle together.... Yes, take in the complete picture and history of what overtime had been weaved together like a spider's web in this country, and how it captured anything and everything that moved ..... Sad situation..

It possibly has led now to billion's of dollars being misappropriated, mis allocated and spent inappropriately. It has led to fetal genocide, cultural wars, and eventually entire cultures destroyed. So then comes wars and rumors of war's, weapons caches depleted, the destabilization of the whole entire world, and all for what, for what I ask anyone ?????????

I think it was all for multiple twisted agenda's in play , otherwise that mainly encompasses a small minority of people across this world that are referred to in many circles (be it here or there), as these "progressive Marxist leftist".......

It is a group that got scared that the mean man Trump and his conservatives were going to reverse or erase all their gains in life (this was a falsehood or the constant misinformation being spewed when they conjured this BC up), and so they figured that the mean ole TRUMP was going to stop their aggressive forward activities for which in many cases denied the very rights and freedoms of those they hate, and worse it involves and denies children's Rights to grow up happy as well.....They've empowered their own special set of rules and freedoms for which has allowed them to abuse other people's freedom's, and they do so with impunity it seems...... Not sure how this all ends, but it's not looking very good. I mean just look at how it's all since transpired already. You need more proof ??? Wow !!
Pure poster diarrhea.

Rambling mess filled with dumb.

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