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Here are the other times in history when heads of state attacked their judiciaries and claimed the free and fair courts were tyrants within their countries:1. Nazi Germany (1933-1945): Adolf Hitler's regime systematically dismantled the independent judiciary in Germany.2. Soviet Union under Stalin (1924-1953): Joseph Stalin's government conducted purges that extended to the judiciary, ensuring that courts were filled with loyalists who would rubber-stamp the regime's decisions.3. Italy under Mussolini (1922-1943): Benito Mussolini's fascist regime sought to control the judiciary by creating special tribunals and manipulating existing courts to silence opposition and enforce fascist policies.4. Turkey under Recep Tayyip Erdogan (2010s-present): President Erdogan's government has been criticized for undermining judicial independence. Purges of judges and prosecutors, especially following the 2016 coup attempt, have led to the imprisonment and dismissal of many judicial officials perceived as disloyal.5. Hungary under Viktor Orbán (2010s-present): Prime Minister Orbán's administration has implemented judicial reforms that critics argue undermine the independence of the judiciary. Changes to the Constitutional Court and the creation of new courts overseen by government allies have raised concerns about the erosion of judicial checks and balances.6. Chile under Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990):pinochet's military dictatorship undermined the judiciary by dismissing judges, manipulating the judicial process, and using military courts to try civilians, effectively removing judicial oversight.7. Venezuela under Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro (1999-present):Both Chávez and Maduro have been accused of packing the Supreme Court with loyalists, undermining judicial independence, and using the judiciary to suppress political opposition.I'm not comparing Trump to these men, but our court system and processes have not changed in centuries. It's usually the Convicted Felons or bad actors who attack the established judiciaries, who are the bad players from a historic standpoint.

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