Political Cartoon

schumers fuckpig.jpg
😆..... Democrat's broke the border on purpose and for political reason's, then expect Republicans to fix it (after creating an unfit Bill for it), and if the Republican's don't like being set up by the Democrat's like that, then it's the Republicans fault. Perfect set up, although no one is actually falling for it. 😄

You just can't make it up.
False equivalencies and you all know it. CEO's are paid far above the pay grades of the snot nosed pimple faced kid who is entering the workforce for his or her first go at it. The money differences are mere consequences of the application of raw talent that is found within the employee's attributes in which is being monitored and regulated in the systems that are being based upon merits and not number's.....It's not about sheer fortune's being won by those who have climbed themselves to the tops of the food chains, but it's about regulating the systems correctly.

Now if the dish washer who works his or her way to a CEO position is denied the path in ever doing so, then Houston we have a serious problem. Now stop the whining and crying, and go to work applying one's raw talents that one day might take one to the CEO position if so desire.

CEOs aren't alien's that came from another planet, they are regular guy's and gal's that stayed focused on their dream's, and they chased after it instead of deviating from it like so many other's do in life.

Freedom is choices made correctly, and not instead some kind of supposed entitlement being based upon the number's shown.

Jealousy is a sin.

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