Political Cartoon

jack smith suicide watch.jpg
The lying mother fuckers brought "Top Secret" and "Classified" place holders to the charade in order to gin up fake outrage and fear. It was all staged.... complete schtick.

Section 1512(c) says 20 years for tampering with official documents. Lock these filthy mother fuckers up.

If Hunter Bidens case's were only to be decided as based upon one person's weakness in character, then you devil's could shout to the surface "hurray, hurray Hunter Biden has survived it all".

If only you people could get control of it all, but once those cat's got out of your bag's, they are hell to put back in there.. 😆
The lying mother fuckers brought "Top Secret" and "Classified" place holders to the charade in order to gin up fake outrage and fear. It was all staged.... complete schtick.

Section 1512(c) says 20 years for tampering with official documents. Lock these filthy mother fuckers up.

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What's interesting to watch is how super smooth and cunning these people are, especially when being questioned or deposed on the hill for their alleged evilness that they constantly engage in.

Can you imagine the chaos Satan and his fallen angels were causing in which led to the war in Heaven ? We are witnessing first hand the same character's in play as the war that started in Heaven continues on to it's final end.
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