Political Cartoon

Ignorant slut jibberish.... it's passing for policy now according to the party that likes to fuck kids.... :laughing0301:

Which is it Kamel-Toe? Your focus is on "this moment" or is it "ten years from now." Make up your worthless mind.
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What media ought to be doing is the same as the people are now doing - separating along ideological line's, and not giving the enemy any quarter or platform to speak from. Why these media platforms think that they have to give quarter to those that hate their guts is simply amazing. Fox News beats all I've ever seen in this regard.

If they do this because they think it's going to win them over or convert them, then they have lost their mind's. If anything they are the one's being perceived to be weak, and therefore the platform is being used to trash them and their viewers.

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