Political Cartoon


Once upon a time that line up was a mixture of races from America, otherwise American worker's who are of course American, but when the American businessmen began looking for cheap labor (remember Africa), to replace the American's with, then at that point is when you started seeing a line up of migrants of only one race doing the so called jobs the Americans wouldn't or won't do. The lies and treason on this topic is so poisonous that it's unreal about the things that go on.

If Ferdinand refuses to do his cheap job with no benefits, then watch how fast Ferdinand disappears back across that border to be replaced with Fernando under threat by the foreman that he'll get the same thing if he doesn't shut his mouth and do his cheap job.

This is not what America is about, and it shouldn't be.

Nothing wrong with having migrants help out, but they should have the same worker rights and treatment as American worker's do. If that happens, then watch at how fast these businessmen start hiring and working Americans again.

Then Florida can reject FEMA money
That's exactly what they should do if that money is attached to evilness. I would send money too any charity that supports the efforts of getting the citizen's back upon their feet. The money in this country is unbelievable amongst the citizen's, and it's enough to rebuild the area's affected 3 times over.
That's exactly what they should do if that money is attached to evilness. I would send money too any charity that supports the efforts of getting the citizen's back upon their feet. The money in this country is unbelievable amongst the citizen's, and it's enough to rebuild the area's affected 3 times over.

Then were is desantis and those charities?

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