You need to think about your qualifications compared with those of illegal immigrants

There's good immigration, the ones that bring sufficient funds to support themselves, they have a job already lined up, can speak the language of the country they're emigrating to, and fulfilling a job role that that country wants filled. They're the minority.

The rest causes everyone to suffer declining infrastructure, queues, waiting times, cultural problems etc.. A study in the UK found population percentage growth due to immigration was ever so slightly more than GDP percentage increase, meaning immigration didn't pay for itself.

Once the population is employed, fill the spare job roles with immigrants on visas. When their visa comes to an end, or they loose their job, bye bye, off you go home.

Countries should be investing in the education of their people and not on others.
Class-Biased Indentured Servitude Is Not the American Way

If any country ever pays college students for their grades, it will rule the world economy.

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